LOL - I meant how do you feel about Tucson?
oh, well I love Tucson. But it wouldn't fit into the category of a "small town" like those others on that list.
The weather here is absolutely beautiful, no earthquakes, no tornadoes, no hurricanes, no tsunamis, sure it gets a little warm int he summer, but I love that!
During the winter, snow and skiing is just over an hour away, and when you are done, you can head back down the mountain to temps in the 50's.
Now that the roof is fixed on my house, I do wish it would rain more (this was a pretty dry year here.)
I do miss green grass and green trees all over, and think cactus are **** ugly, but that is a small price to pay for not freezing my gonads off all winter.
The people here are friendly, the traffic never gets to terrible bad (unless there is a wreck or something,) and it is relatively safe. Tucson is pretty clean, and while we have had a upswing in graffiti bastards lately, the city contractors are pretty good about getting most if it taken care of pretty quickly.
In other words- I love it here. I just hope I can find me a woman here before too long.