Word association


New member
So lets play another game...

Ill say a word, and the next person says whatever comes to mind and then the next person akes the previous word and puts the word / phrase that that word / phrase brings to mind... for example

person 1 Cheese

person 2 Cheese = Gouda

person 3 Gouda = Red headed step child of the cheese

person 4 Red Headed step child of the cheese = Cinderella

etc. get it ? Good, ill start...




New member
i dont get it = Confused

See just write the word that the previous word or phrase brings to mind.



New member
heheh yay !!!

woOOOo0o0o0oOOoOOOOoo0oOOo00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a break *does happy dance*

Dont be jealous.

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