Worlds Greatest Villain


っへ まん モ「f れあそん
Dec 19, 2004
Out of all the movies, games, animes, shows, anything you have watched, Who do you think are the top 3 villains.

1. Sephiroth- By looking at my sig you should have guessed,haha. He Evil knows no limits (Final Fantasy 7)

2. Albedo- He is very close to Sephiroth, he was by far one of the coolest villain, I have seen. (Xenosaga)


3. Agent Smith - I mean, come on, who doesn't like Smith... lol(The Matrix)

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Dick Dastidly!

The name strikes fear into our hearts and our souls!

And the car is just puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure evil and makes all of the above seem like a cute bunny that has just eaten his faviroute carrot!
best bad person, i love the bad people in films, love to hate them
yeah that dude from the matrix is cool...lord voldemort from harry potter, yey!
ermmm...there are more but ive gone blank, when i think of more...oh and that guy from dragon ball z, i dunno his name like vegeta or something strange like that, my friend fancied him in yr 7 ^^ [real life]
2.sephiroth [final fantasy 7]
3.naraku [inuasha]
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