Worst day/ moment of your life.


New member
saw there was a good moment one started so mind as well have a bad moment one also lol.


well for me personally i have a lot of bad days. but the worst day for me was seeing my mom die ( feb, 6th, 2002 ) something i will never get over.


so whats everyone else's bad days or moments?



New member
I'm really sorry about your mother.

I don't know what mine would be... maybe when my cat died (I'm a huge animal lover... my pets are like part of my family.) And a few other days I'd rather not go in to.



New member
wow im really sorry too.

um mine might be when my mom was diagnosed with some kind of cancer and was like givin a 30% chance of living. just hearing the docter say that killed me. I couldnt get over it in school so i just ran out.



New member
I'm sorry for you.

My worst moment was when I fell on my head and make 5 inch scarf on my head

(I thought I was gonna die cuz I saw lots of blood on floor)



New member
Aww this is kinda sad. I'm sorry for you all ***

I haven't had a really really bad day. Umm I guess it would be when my little sister tripped over a door ledge thingy and banged her head on the concrete. She had a massive bleeding hole in her head and had to be rushed to be hospital. It happened a long time ago, and it did leave a bald spot on her head but it's grown back now lol.



Active Members
The day I head my Poppy (grandfather) had cancer..Then the day they he died March 20,2003


New member
Also seeing my mum die.19th september 2004.Never forgot that day.only been a short time but ill never forget that day. :(




New member
Im sorry for all you guys that had experienced that. Probably the worst day of my life is either when my cat died (Im like uwantme2b) or either when my grandfather died I didnt even get to see him or say bye.


New member
October 31, 2004.....as some know, that's when my best friend got hit by a car downtown. Nothing bad really happened to her, she is fine. I was just like there when it happened and it's a really nerve-wrecking experience. Irrational thought, sobs, etc. It might have also been a very good day because it was an experience and it just made me stop and think about a lot of things.

Suicide King

New member
I'm sorry for everyone's losses. Luckily, I have never had to deal with that situation yet. I've been pretty lucky.

And one of the worst days in the past 3 years was when my cousin was diagnosed with a disease (I don't really remember the name) which eats away your bones. Right now this disease is eating away the bones on her legs, and she can no longer walk, she's in a wheelchair. Doctors say she only has about 2 years to live. Her and I were really close and what saddens me the most is how young she is (31) and the fact that she is going to leave a 3 year old kid behind, along with a loving husband. I remember the days when she was really outgoing and crazy, she was so fun. Now she's confined to a wheelchair. Nothing much we can do but wait and treasure her while she's still with us.



New member
Wow i'm lucky that i haven't lost anyone yet.

1.When my mom lost a lot of blood giveing birth to my

brother,they told us she almost didn't make it. :(

2.When my brother almost didn't make it,when he was

born with a overly large heart. :(

3.When my dad was told he had diabetes. :(

4.When i fainted in my classroom because my blood sugar

level droped(my friend had to pretty much carry me to

the nurse). :rolleyes:

And much more i don't think i can bring up.



New member

worst day, hard to narrow them down...i think my first ever birthday...my 15th when i didnt get anything from my dad

thats when i new he didnt love me

that was pretty hard....



New member
the time fifi had told me that mike was married. that was a sad day for me. and the day i found out shayne had a gf. that was a sad day too.


New member
ummmworst day, hard to narrow them down...i think my first ever birthday...my 15th when i didnt get anything from my dad

thats when i new he didnt love me

that was pretty hard....

I can relate. when iw as really young. i dont remember exactly what age but, i gave my dad a fathers days card he opened it and looked at me and said " i dont want this stupid ****" and he ripped it up and threw it away. i hated him. still do. but i have other reasons now.

Oh and at my graduation he didnt even tell me he was proud of me or that he loved me. all he complained about was how hot it was and that it was stupid to be there so long.

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