Wounded Troops Overwhelm Republican Administration's Ability to Care for Them.


Harry Hope

Linda Bilmes, who teaches at of the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard University, estimates that the long-term costs of disability
compensation and medical care to veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan
could be as high as $700 billion.

"The cost of providing such care and paying disability compensation is
a significant long-term entitlement cost that the US will be paying
for the next forty years," professor Bilmes wrote in a research paper
earlier this year.

Reports early this year of inferior treatment and bureaucratic
bungling at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center highlighted problems
that still have not been fully solved despite steps to reform the
massive and complicated system.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) last week cited
"fundamental system weaknesses" on the part of both the Defense
Department (DOD) and the VA in how they treat wounded vets
Hey how about the bill for this gets paid
by the Bush supporters.

On Sun, 21 Oct 2007 23:03:27 -0400, Harry Hope <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

>Linda Bilmes, who teaches at of the Kennedy School of Government at
>Harvard University, estimates that the long-term costs of disability
>compensation and medical care to veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan
>could be as high as $700 billion.
>"The cost of providing such care and paying disability compensation is
>a significant long-term entitlement cost that the US will be paying
>for the next forty years," professor Bilmes wrote in a research paper
>earlier this year.
>Reports early this year of inferior treatment and bureaucratic
>bungling at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center highlighted problems
>that still have not been fully solved despite steps to reform the
>massive and complicated system.
>The Government Accountability Office (GAO) last week cited
>"fundamental system weaknesses" on the part of both the Defense
>Department (DOD) and the VA in how they treat wounded vets
Mentally Ill GOP wrote:

> < US > wrote in message news:pa5ph3pl5qcja2vblg3ouuqpj9lrlgsdea@4ax.com...

>> Hey how about the bill for this gets paid
>> by the Bush supporters.

> That's the plan when Hillary takes the oath. All the moey Bush diverted o
> the wealthy will be confiscated and given back to the taxpayers.

That will be a neat trick. The money is ****ing gone :

< US > wrote in message news:pa5ph3pl5qcja2vblg3ouuqpj9lrlgsdea@4ax.com...
> Hey how about the bill for this gets paid
> by the Bush supporters.

That's the plan when Hillary takes the oath. All the moey Bush diverted o
the wealthy will be confiscated and given back to the taxpayers.
The Repugs who don't go to prison will be allowed to eat in a soup kitchen.
There, they'll be served CROW.
%%%% You are real young arent't you? The wounded troops overwelmed the
Administration's ability to care for them during WWII, Korea and the Vietnam
war also. All perfect examples of why the government should not run

GILLETTE'S PRINCIPLE: "If you want to make people angry, lie. If you want to
make them absolutely livid with rage, tell the truth."
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 16:04:16 -0500, "David Moffitt"
<dmoffitt@stompingweasels.org> wrote:

>%%%% You are real young arent't you? The wounded troops overwelmed the
>Administration's ability to care for them during WWII, Korea and the Vietnam
>war also. All perfect examples of why the government should not run

That is not true about Vietnam. I don't have personal knowledge about
the other wars, but I know for sure it wasn't true for Vietnam.
Galen Hekhuis ghekhuis@earthlink.net
We'll cross that bridge when it rears its ugly head
"Galen Hekhuis" <ghekhuis@earthlink.net> wrote in message
| On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 16:04:16 -0500, "David Moffitt"
| <dmoffitt@stompingweasels.org> wrote:
| >%%%% You are real young arent't you? The wounded troops overwelmed the
| >Administration's ability to care for them during WWII, Korea and the
| >war also. All perfect examples of why the government should not run
| >healthcare.
| That is not true about Vietnam. I don't have personal knowledge about
| the other wars, but I know for sure it wasn't true for Vietnam.

%%%% I have personal knowledge that it was that way during Vietnam. Both as
a wounded soldier and later working as medical staff in a VA hospital.

GILLETTE'S PRINCIPLE: "If you want to make people angry, lie. If you want to
make them absolutely livid with rage, tell the truth."

| --
| Galen Hekhuis ghekhuis@earthlink.net
| We'll cross that bridge when it rears its ugly head
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 16:50:07 -0500, "David Moffitt"
<dmoffitt@stompingweasels.org> wrote:

>"Galen Hekhuis" <ghekhuis@earthlink.net> wrote in message
>| On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 16:04:16 -0500, "David Moffitt"
>| <dmoffitt@stompingweasels.org> wrote:
>| >%%%% You are real young arent't you? The wounded troops overwelmed the
>| >Administration's ability to care for them during WWII, Korea and the
>| >war also. All perfect examples of why the government should not run
>| >healthcare.
>| That is not true about Vietnam. I don't have personal knowledge about
>| the other wars, but I know for sure it wasn't true for Vietnam.
>%%%% I have personal knowledge that it was that way during Vietnam. Both as
>a wounded soldier and later working as medical staff in a VA hospital.

I lived in Hawaii during the Vietnam War. I was stationed there after
I enlisted, also during Vietnam. I spoke on a frequent basis to
medical staff at Tripler (a rather large military hospital in Hawaii),
among other places, and a lot of just general military folks who were
patrons of the motorcycle repair shop I was working for at the time.
Sure, there were problems, but they were far from "overwhelmed."

I also spoke more than once with the man who was responsible for the
treatment of virtually every casualty airlifted back to the US during
the latter years of the Vietnam War. Again, they were not

To be sure, our VA health system is shameful. It was not
"overwhelmed," however, during the Vietnam years. Not anything like
Galen Hekhuis ghekhuis@earthlink.net
"Mistakes were made"
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 09:41:29 -0700, "Mentally Ill GOP" <AssBush@WH.net> wrote:

>< US > wrote in message news:pa5ph3pl5qcja2vblg3ouuqpj9lrlgsdea@4ax.com...
>> Hey how about the bill for this gets paid
>> by the Bush supporters.

>That's the plan when Hillary takes the oath. All the moey Bush diverted o
>the wealthy will be confiscated and given back to the taxpayers.
>The Repugs who don't go to prison will be allowed to eat in a soup kitchen.
>There, they'll be served CROW.

Hillary will just keep killing people in Iraq.
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 16:04:16 -0500, "David Moffitt" <dmoffitt@stompingweasels.org> wrote:

>...The wounded troops overwelmed the
>Administration's ability to care for them during WWII, Korea and the Vietnam
>war also ...

Were that true, you seem to be saying that you
aren't about to learn from history and don't care
if repetition of its errors causes Americans harm.

> All perfect examples of why the government should not run

Medicare's better than the 'insurance' racket.

>GILLETTE'S PRINCIPLE: "If you want to make people angry, lie. If you want to
>make them absolutely livid with rage, tell the truth."

That's why everyone just laughs at you, %%%%Misfit.
Harry Hope wrote:

> Linda Bilmes, who teaches at of the Kennedy School of Government at
> Harvard University, estimates that the long-term costs of disability
> compensation and medical care to veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan
> could be as high as $700 billion.

That's about the same as the estimated interest just for funding this
war on credit.

> "The cost of providing such care and paying disability compensation is
> a significant long-term entitlement cost that the US will be paying
> for the next forty years," professor Bilmes wrote in a research paper
> earlier this year.

We can hope. The military hasn't been anxious to pay for treating
the returning troops yet.

> Reports early this year of inferior treatment and bureaucratic
> bungling at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center highlighted problems
> that still have not been fully solved despite steps to reform the
> massive and complicated system.
> The Government Accountability Office (GAO) last week cited
> "fundamental system weaknesses" on the part of both the Defense
> Department (DOD) and the VA in how they treat wounded vets