wow.... kinda pathetic....


New member
Well, heres the story. I liked this girl for over a year... yes... I know... you don't have to tell me. I was with somebody else for 5 months and another 3 months it was summer and I wasn't great friends with her. Over the last week we got amazingly close (closer than I've ever gotten to anybody in a week) and usually whenever we're on aim we talk for awhile, well she isn't talking to me at all now and recently I found out she got a boyfriend that she didn't tell me about. I'm happy for her ofcourse, I'm not a selfish person, but in this particular situation... I just don't know how to take it. I had a feeling she liked me for awhile, but I wanted to get closer before I made a move or anything like that. I also don't know if I just missed my chance or completely misinterpreted what was going on.


Active Members
Doesn't look that good...I mean if she has a boyfriend...

yeah...maybe you missinterpreted the whole situation....I don't know



New member
maybe she saw u as a frend and u saw it as a chance to get her.

i can see why youd be disapointed,i hate it wen i hafta find out from other ppl.

maybe you did miss your bus,so to speak,you wont know unless you find out from her

woodnt be the first time a guy and a girl have had 2 completely different wavelengths.

sucks when someone does seem interested in you and you them,and they traipses off with someone else.



New member
Sounds to me that she likes you.

How you may ask? Well if she's not being the same when ur were 'surprisingly close' then she may be avoiding you to lose or simply not gain feelings for you.

With her current BF she may be just with him yea for sure, but her being different is summat else... Maybe just her, maybe what I sed above.

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