New member
After reading of Nazz's visit to Mr. Phreak, I was inspired to question you good people as to what you would do if another GF member wondered drunkenly into you community and demanded of you recreation and a place to pass out? This is of course assuming that you didn't immediately stab them in the windpipe with a shoe-horn.
As far as general good times go there is for me only a few reasonable options (Unless you're a mindless 2nd University twit who likes bad music and expensive door fees).
Firstly, we'd haul *** down the boozer and get a proper Qrt of Tequila to start the evening. On the way back we could pick up some lemons we could use. I'd sit the ****** down in the basement and have the folks jammin the ol'guitar and eventually hand you simple drum to bang on; music is good times. But mainly it
As far as general good times go there is for me only a few reasonable options (Unless you're a mindless 2nd University twit who likes bad music and expensive door fees).
Firstly, we'd haul *** down the boozer and get a proper Qrt of Tequila to start the evening. On the way back we could pick up some lemons we could use. I'd sit the ****** down in the basement and have the folks jammin the ol'guitar and eventually hand you simple drum to bang on; music is good times. But mainly it