WW3 has just begun, in a quiet suburb near London UK.....*sigh*

Feckless Wench

New member
Oh Gawd, we have all out WAR in our house right now.

I have 2 kids, the eldest is 20 and the youngest is 14. The eldest has a long standing girlfriend, who he happens to enjoy photographing in various 'poses'.

Obviously, my two kids fight...a fair bit. They fight about who touched what of whose, who's been into whose room WITHOUT ASKING and STOLEN a DVD and blah blah blah...yawn yawn.

Yesterday, I walked in the door to WW3! My eldest had been foolish enough to leave his phone lying around...with video footage of his girlfriend on it. The youngest had seized his chance, grabbed it and bluetoothed the videos across to his own phone.....which he then left lying on his bed. Obviously my eldest saw it lying there, picked it up for a snoop through....and found more than he wanted to! LMAO!

Neither kid can see that they are both guilty of equal levels of stupidity and they are ****** that I am refusing to intervene but insisting they sort it out themselves:

  • [ ]The older kid was stupid to let his phone out of his sight knowing that he had that stuff on it...especially as he already has an established bluetooth link with the younger one's phone. If you're going to film someone in 'those' positions, you have a responsibility to keep it safe!
    [ ]The younger one was an idiot to leave his phone with 'stolen goods' lying around (jeez, if you're gonna be sneaky at least do it WELL!)
    [ ]The older one is as bad as the younger one for picking up a phone that was not his property and snooping through it.
    [ ]The younger one should never have touched the older one's phone....but then that works both ways!

Anyone want 2 kids?



New member
Alls I can say is NOT having kids is the best decision I ever made.. :)

Actually, 2nd best.. NOT buying a house was the best :)



Glad I didn't have kids too. Far too much trouble..


Sounds like you handle it just perfectly! Stayyyyyy outta it! They're both very much old enough to reap the consequences of their actions. (especially the older one) (his GF..ooooooo don't want to be around THAT fight) Then again, she should know better too. Sheeesh!

Years ago, I lived with a fella with 2 fighting kids for awhile. Sometimes, when their harping & carping got to be just too much, we'd just mimick them until we drove them nuts. We'd start treating each other exactly as they were treating each other. It was sooooo much fun. and..it worked.

As for those who are "glad they haven't had kids". ... I'll take allll the bad that comes with the good. The good of kids? Nothing compares. Ever. And of course, trying to explain or convey just how incredible it is to have a child.. is like trying to explain colors to the blind. shrug.



Active Members
Let them deal with it on their own, as a parent, I would be more concerned about my son dating a girl that would let him take those kids of picts of her. The younger brother will be sure to let it "slip" he saw the picts to try anf start trouble for the older brother I am sure, her reaction could be telling.

Being a parent is definately frustrating and can take a person to their limits on a regular basis, but I cannot put into words the emotions I felt the day my first child was borne. Raising children is filled with wonderful paybacks, watching them take their first steps, seeing new discoveries through their eyes, and watching them turn into unique people is a joy that cannot be truly described.

No matter how difficult a day I can have, spending just a few minutes with my kids always cheers me up.



New member
Let them deal with it on their own, as a parent, I would be more concerned about my son dating a girl that would let him take those kids of picts of her.

it's ok for him to take those pics, but not ok for her to pose for them?


Feckless Wench

New member
Oh I'm just waiting for the eruption when the girlfriend finds out. Jeez, if any guy had pics of me like that and didn't guard them with his life....he'd be dead meat!

As for what sort of girl he should be dating, heck, he's 20, he has a job, it's his decision to make. She's actually a nice enough kid to be around, I don't mind her at all. I guess kids will be kids and experiment with stuff like that.

I don't think the younger one will let on that he's seen them...she can be a tad dramatic at the best of times....LOL!



Active Members
it's ok for him to take those pics, but not ok for her to pose for them?
There is a huge difference between being behind the camera or being in front of the camera.

Oh I'm just waiting for the eruption when the girlfriend finds out. Jeez, if any guy had pics of me like that and didn't guard them with his life....he'd be dead meat!
But as many girls figure out, if the pictures exist, then there is a good chance they can get out.

A funny story, my buddy borrowed my Camera to go on a trip because his son had dropped their camera in the pool the day before they were leaving. When he returned it to me, he forgot to erase the memory card, well....let's just say I have some pull with him now because if she ever finds out, he is dead, lol.

As for what sort of girl he should be dating, heck, he's 20, he has a job, it's his decision to make. She's actually a nice enough kid to be around, I don't mind her at all. I guess kids will be kids and experiment with stuff like that.
Oh I know that, but reguardless of how old they get or how well they are doing, they are still our kids and we will worry about all sorts of things. I am 42 and my mom still gives me the lectures and stuff.

I don't think the younger one will let on that he's seen them...she can be a tad dramatic at the best of times....LOL!
I would bet a months pay the younger one figures out a way to tell the girlfriend he has seen the picts, that is just clasic, but he may wait till a later date, when the information will have greater effect.

I was a younger brother and we need to settle scores sometimes but we are smaller so we develop greater guile and sneeky ways to get even.

I have all kinds of pics and videos of my girl and me... that's private, and fun. I wouldn't let anybody else see them, it's none of their business. That's a rather funny situation.

Feckless Wench

New member
I guess it'll be the wedding day (heaven forbid it should ever arrive)...the best man's speech....complete with some amusing video of when the bride and groom were younger...LMAO!!


I guess you could encourage a cease-fire by suggesting that you (as an unbiased arbitrator) make the Girlfriend aware of the situation and let her decide what should be done.

That should scare the it out of both your lads enough to call a truce and get to a lasting settlement perhaps. :D



Of course, one person's Bobmshell is another's fire cracker but.....

Let's think,..... Son, 20 Years old; long standing girlfriend (must be around the same age); photos taken of said Girlfriend in 'poses' (assume a degree of nudity since 'leak' to Boyfriend's brother caused trouble); London UK (therefore assume cold); how do you get warm with Boyfriend when naked / partially naked?; = unanticipated outcome.

Or , perhaps, I'm just a DoM :D



Active Members
Well, there is that possibility, that is why we were asking for more info about the form of the bombshell. :)

It must be interesting to say the least being as she has not added more yet, you know what they say, truth is stranger than fiction.



The pictures and video should be posted so we can judge if there's warrant for a war. We would put it up to a vote. ;)
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