Feckless Wench
New member
Oh Gawd, we have all out WAR in our house right now.
I have 2 kids, the eldest is 20 and the youngest is 14. The eldest has a long standing girlfriend, who he happens to enjoy photographing in various 'poses'.
Obviously, my two kids fight...a fair bit. They fight about who touched what of whose, who's been into whose room WITHOUT ASKING and STOLEN a DVD and blah blah blah...yawn yawn.
Yesterday, I walked in the door to WW3! My eldest had been foolish enough to leave his phone lying around...with video footage of his girlfriend on it. The youngest had seized his chance, grabbed it and bluetoothed the videos across to his own phone.....which he then left lying on his bed. Obviously my eldest saw it lying there, picked it up for a snoop through....and found more than he wanted to! LMAO!
Neither kid can see that they are both guilty of equal levels of stupidity and they are ****** that I am refusing to intervene but insisting they sort it out themselves:
Anyone want 2 kids?
I have 2 kids, the eldest is 20 and the youngest is 14. The eldest has a long standing girlfriend, who he happens to enjoy photographing in various 'poses'.
Obviously, my two kids fight...a fair bit. They fight about who touched what of whose, who's been into whose room WITHOUT ASKING and STOLEN a DVD and blah blah blah...yawn yawn.
Yesterday, I walked in the door to WW3! My eldest had been foolish enough to leave his phone lying around...with video footage of his girlfriend on it. The youngest had seized his chance, grabbed it and bluetoothed the videos across to his own phone.....which he then left lying on his bed. Obviously my eldest saw it lying there, picked it up for a snoop through....and found more than he wanted to! LMAO!
Neither kid can see that they are both guilty of equal levels of stupidity and they are ****** that I am refusing to intervene but insisting they sort it out themselves:
- [ ]The older kid was stupid to let his phone out of his sight knowing that he had that stuff on it...especially as he already has an established bluetooth link with the younger one's phone. If you're going to film someone in 'those' positions, you have a responsibility to keep it safe!
[ ]The younger one was an idiot to leave his phone with 'stolen goods' lying around (jeez, if you're gonna be sneaky at least do it WELL!)
[ ]The older one is as bad as the younger one for picking up a phone that was not his property and snooping through it.
[ ]The younger one should never have touched the older one's phone....but then that works both ways!
Anyone want 2 kids?