Xbox 720 may be six times more powerful than the Xbox 360


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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The Xbox 720, which BGR exclusively reported will likely be <a href="">unveiled during E3 this summer</a>, could be six times more powerful than the current generation Xbox 360. <em>IGN </em>broke the news earlier this week and said that the production of the Xbox 720′s graphics processing unit (GPU) is scheduled to begin by the end of this year. <em>IGN</em> said the GPU will be based on ATI’s Radeon HD 6670 GPU and should offer support for 3D technology, 1080p HD output, multiple displays and DirectX 11. Microsoft has also <a href="">filed a patent that suggests the console will also offer DVR support</a>, which has raised questions of whether or not the company will release two versions of the console, one with DVR support and one without it. Dave Cutler, also known as the “father of Windows NT” also <a href="">recently joined Microsoft’s Xbox team</a> and is tasked with taking the console “beyond a gaming platform.” <span id="more-124093"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report