Xbox Vs Ps Ii

xbox or ps 2

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aka Gloomy Mushroom
Aug 3, 2004
Lithgow Australia
go xbox!!
go xbox!!

what is it 4 u?


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I think they all suck. The Xbox is unreliable and glitches alot. The PS2 is the most inferior in terms of graphics and advanced games. The Gamecube has many poor titles, and the ones that are good are too cartoonish to be taken seriously. I'm waiting for the next Nintendo system...
'Cube. Many poor titles? That can be true but i'm sure PS2 and XBox have alot more poor titles than the 'Cube.

GameCube might not have as many games as the other two... but they have a decent amount of titles that have quality.

I own a PS2 and a Cube. I was never interested in Microsoft's console.
So i say GC.
XBOX is the best due to the graphics and networking options. But I love the PS2 because of the MGS series and I love the GC for the RE titles...
PS2 is great for GTA(BUT Xbox gots gta 3 and VC so that doesnt count to much)and FF games thats about were ists going to end

Game Cube Is Good Cuz of The new Resident evilgame and cuz its cheap and has alot of the games that Xbox and PS2 have(except the violent ones)

Xbox: Pefect to hack. Network system is awsum. A litle bulky but hell who said fun would be light. The only consle game that makes me feel like I am playing a PC game. Grafics and Game Play are preety much owned by xbox. Halo undoubtedly rule most CONSLE GAMES. Obviously better becuase its not a waste of time. Xbox games are not neccesarily for KIDS. When you pick up Vice City(when it was only for PS2) It was like forget The missions lets find unlimted cheats and kill people so we can get SIX stars. Yes this was a hell of alot of fun. But now I have mecinaries for that. I want a game that I can really get into. Game Ps2 just isnt the old Ps1 I used to love. Dont get me wrong I love my PS2. But over all a PC gamer should more than likely enjoy an XBOX system than GC or P2. Feature wise I still give it to XBOX hands down. With online play what the hell else do people need? Sure P2 carries it but From what Ive heard Peep's prefer Xbox's better. Now this is were the whole feature thing bites my balls. :| On christmas WHen Ps2 came was like 200 US dollars(alot) SO if you plan on buying that you are going to more than likely get a game with it. So lets add another 50 us dollars to that. So that is like 250...Pricey and tax isnt even included in this bitch. THEN we head on to the fact that 99.9% of thoes games need a damn Memory Card. So -now they are cheaper- but back then they ran for about 50 dollars. So you end up paying 300 hundred US bucks. Meh game / games on christmas. No memory card needed. :| Logic people Logic. Only thing that really sux about Xbox is that u need to buy a dvd thingy.-u can play burnt music. it just has to be on a CDRW disc.-and the fact that Half Life isnt out for the Xbox Consle. :,| So xbox better than both.
have to pick Gamecube. has all the originals like Mario.. and of course ZELDA! I plan on getting Resident Evil 4. and how could you not like a game like Tales of Symphonia? and Metroid Prime owns all. Gamecube's my fave... just wish they had Gran Tourismo.....
misery said:
lol its funny how ppl can barely name any quality games for xbox other than halo
Odd World Strangers Wrath
GTA 3 and 4
Ninja Gaiden
Alien Hominid
Only A few of the Real Good Games Xbox Made....Funny how ps2 and ps1 only have a few two..huh? Really? Lol so many games from Sony and yet Ask some one about Legend of the Dragoon. And see what they say.

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Brkng_Th_Hbt said:
have to pick Gamecube. has all the originals like Mario.. and of course ZELDA! I plan on getting Resident Evil 4. and how could you not like a game like Tales of Symphonia? and Metroid Prime owns all. Gamecube's my fave... just wish they had Gran Tourismo.....

Game cube Buddy! I like you. Not much peeps give GC the credit it really deserves. But that is only becuase Nintendo has this No Violence type policy. So people who want violence tend to stay away from GC. Gc also has medoker graphics. And no DVD. Also I think theres no online play(I dont think there is) so GC gets nocked out compared to Others. BUT GC HAS ALL RESIDENT EVIL GAMES I WANT! and it has nice platform games. I like the GC. just hopefully the guys at GC will add a little bit more for the next round of consel. But yeah Windwaker(also the nu zelda game) mario , mario party , donkey conga , the GameBoy Hook up thingy. GC=PARTY AND GOOD TIMES
azemkamikaze03 said:
Odd World Strangers Wrath
GTA 3 and 4
Ninja Gaiden
Alien Hominid
Only A few of the Real Good Games Xbox Made....Funny how ps2 and ps1 only have a few two..huh? Really? Lol so many games from Sony and yet Ask some one about Legend of the Dragoon. And see what they say.

oddworld - teh suxx
wwe raw - nothing special, wrestling games on all systems
halo - on pc roflz
halo2 - shitty singleplayer and gfx glitches
ninja gaiden - is actually pretty good, so ill give u that one
fable - about as short as a fable, a good 4 or 5 hrs would beat it
sudeki - meh
alien hominid - on gamecube and ps2
gta3 and 4 - both on pc and ps2

and i hate ps2 equally. so stfu plz.

edit: in case u didnt notice, i said above that gc was better than all these. i can name plenty of quality gc titles
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azemkamikaze03 said:
After that I started to laugh. Becuase you really dont know what you are saying.
obviously, you dont know what the fuk ur saying.
i dont see how a 6 hr single player campaign where u fight the same 4 enemies OVER AND OVER AND OVER and that has such a dumbass ending like that can be good.