XP Offline Files issue - some subfolders not synching


Kev Feathers

I have a single user who is experiencing offline files issues after synchronising.
We provide two network shares, let's call them F:\ and G:\. The user can synchronise normally with F:\ and so when off the network F:\ appears in My Computer as it should do and all files are still accessible. However, the user also wants to synchronise two sub folders in G:\. The process appears to complete as it should do, there is the successful status after manually synchronising and via the automatic log off process.
Yet, when this user logs on off the network, only F:\ is available. So it appears that the two subfolders in G:\ are not synchronising afterall because it is not visible in My Computer. Even when performing a hot undock and disconnecting the network cable without logging off has this issue, where F:\ is still available but G:\ is not visible.
Anybody else had this issue or anybody know what could be causing the issue? The "Make Available Offline" options are selected, and all other users are fine.

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