XP Security 2012 returns



My PC aquired the "XP 2012 Security Virus" near the end of Dec. Security Essentials did not detect this. I had no luck in removing it until I reformatted my C Drive and re-installed the system.
Every thing was fine until a few days ago when I noticed that the malware was again present, Unfortunately I did not look at it closely, I just shut down my computer and left it alone for a few days. ( note: when this malware is present, I have no access to my virus protection program. )
The next time I booted it up, access to my SecurityEssentials was back and I did a full scan. Nothing was found and the computer seems normal. Security Essentials shows nothing in it's history logs that indicates it has dealt with anything. My Question is: How can I know if this is no longer on my computer?

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