...Ya get the feeling that we're being taken to the cleaners?


Harry Hope

And now for the latest news out of The Pentagon.

The US Army has suspended a huge ($300 million) contract with a
munitions dealer who was supplying the Afghanistan government with
decades-old ammunition from the old communist bloc and gun cartridges
manufactured in China, the New York Times reported on Thursday in a
lengthy investigative report.

Wow, that sounds pretty dubious.

But I guess this guy must be some kind of shady international criminal
mastermind if he managed to con the Pentagon like that.

The company, AEY Inc., was run by a 22-year-old man out of an
anonymous office in Miami Beach, Florida, and had a vice president who
was a masseur, the newspaper reported.


AEY's president, Efraim E Diveroli, was only 18 years old when he
first got the contract in 2004, the Times reported.

He has received up to a billion dollars in contracts since then.


Well, it's only money.

At least the Pentagon didn't, I dunno, accidentally ship nuclear
warhead fuses halfway around the world and only just get them back...

The U.S. military has regained control of four non-nuclear nose cone
assemblies for a Minuteman missile mistakenly sent to Taiwan in 2006,
Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne said during a news conference
here today.


The nose cone assemblies and associated electrical parts are proximity
fuses for the missiles.

While not technically "triggers," a nuclear warhead atop a Minuteman
would not detonate without the signal from these devices.

Preliminary information indicates that a shipment took place in
response to a foreign military sales order from Taiwan for helicopter
batteries, Wynne said.

The Defense Logistics Agency depot at Hill Air Force Base, Utah,
mistakenly shipped the fuses -- a classified system -- rather than the

Helicopter batteries, nuclear missile nose cone assemblies... easy
mistake to make I guess.

By EarlG
Democratic Underground
