Yahweh says. "I am the male, you are just a bunch of women, myCreation!"

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Ares the God of War!


Yahweh says. "I am the male, you are just a bunch of women, my

God Yahweh called from before the finish of the former Heavens and
Earth, within this Heavens and Earth calling our Fathers who drank of
the early rain, and since John the Baptist, calling us as we drink of
the latter rain, just before calling the harvest, at the finish, as
becomes a calling of the new Heavens and Earth, from Yahweh our God.

Yahweh's true prophecy is written so that Lucifer and his deceived
Manlike followers, and his deceived Mankind followers, cannot use
their reasoning ability to understand, and or do the prophecy from
Yahweh, only those that Yahweh speaks to within their hearts within
his predetermined due time and season, birth his true Prophecy from

Lucifer speaks lies against the Truth from Yahweh, saying that there
are invisible times where our Creator changes all the rules, but the
Truth is, the rules never change, but the times and seasons of when
Yahweh will do his Prophecy, is always hidden from Lucifer, so that
Lucifer and his followers are always trying to fulfill Yahweh's True
Prophecy, before or after the time and season predetermined by
Yahweh, trying to birth what Yahweh Prophecy, to deceive others, but
one thing that Yahweh always says is, do not worship the Queen of
Heaven, or her Daughters.

Yahweh says. "I am the male, out from myself, I birth what I birth, I
am within my Creation, and my Creation, exists within me!"

If you cannot understand that Eve was birth from within Adam, just
like out of our Creator, he Created his Creation from within himself,
where we all dwell, then you are of the Cosmos, and eat you own flesh,
and drink your own blood, or the flesh and blood of others, for like
Eve, Yahweh's Wife ate of the Corrupted Fruit of the Tree acquainted
with Good and Evil, too.

God Yahweh called from before the finish of the former Heavens and
Earth, as this same calling became within this Heavens and Earth,
within the first Adam, calling of our Fathers, who drank of the early
rain, as this same calling became since John the Baptist, the same
calling within the second Adam calling of us, as we drink of the
latter rain, as this became the same calling of the harvest, at the
finish, as becomes this same calling within the new Heavens and
Earth, from Yahweh our God.

For as the former Heavens and Earth finish, associated the word, and
the word associated with Godship, and God that associated the word
within Godship, the same through him birth all things, and without
him birth nothing which birth, the Cosmos for him birth, and he came
within the Cosmos, and within himself life associated, and he spoke
from within the darkness, and that life associated with Manlike, as
the light which lightens all who birth within the Cosmos, unto his
own he came, and his own manifest him not, but all that were not self
willed and manifest him from within, believing to receive from him his
name, he gave them the power and authority to birth as sons of the
Highest of all, and birth a man named John, and he acquaint the
Highest of all, and came forth to witness about that light which
lightens all Manlike birthing within the Cosmos, for uniquely begotten
by the Highest of all, Jesus birth forth from the womb as flesh and
blood, and being killed and then resurrected from among the dead, he
ascended up to sit upon the seat at the right hand of Highest point of
the Heights, and Jesus became poured out of as the flesh and blood
that we eat and drink from within ourselves, in this the New Covenant
from the Highest of all named Yahweh.
θεον ουδεις εωρακεν πωποτε ο μονογενης θεος υιος ο ων εις τον κολπον
του πατρος εκεινος εξηγησατο

God nobody sees anytime, what uniquely begot God, son what alike unto
the bosom thereof Father exactly mimic.

If I take three blue lines and intersect them at a point present
before my eyes, and I extend them to infinity, that is the three
dimensional size of our invisible male Creator Yahweh. Then if I take
three pink lines and intersect them over that same point, present
before my eyes, and I extend them to infinity, that is the three
dimensional size of the visible female Creation out of our male
Creator Yahweh.

For this reason a Manlike shall leave his Father and his Mother, and
cleave unto his Wife, and they two shall become united Flesh, and
united Soul, what God has put together, let no Manlike put asunder.

Yahweh has no beginning, and there is no end of Yahweh, Yahweh's
Creation began within himself alone, and he adorns her as it pleases
himself. About the time of Noah, Enoch the seventh from Adam, Prophecy
of the end by the Spirit of Prophecy, saying that, "the Lord begotten
by the Highest of all, comes with ten thousand of his Saints to bring
aggression against the ungodly." But to Deceive Mankind, Lucifer
sent ten thousand Angels falling from Heaven to Planet Earth, as the
Daughters of Manlike, being dark clouds with no rain, that said that
they were bringing about the aggression prophesied of by the Highest
of all, and those Evil falling Manlike Angels defiled the new Mankind
on Earth, as Noah built the arch wherein eight souls besides the
animals that were saved. And after the flood, the Highest of all named
Yahweh, revealed his everlasting Covenant to all Manlike in clouds
with rain, that represent true Prophets from Yahweh. And Yahweh set a
Rainbow within the clouds, representing his everlasting Marriage
Covenant with Manlike. This Rainbow reveals the name of the Creation,
with Yahweh as our Heavenly Father, and his Creation our Mother. We
obey our Heavenly Father, and our Mother, as we worship and serve our
Heavenly Father alone, our Creator Yahweh, not his Creation, our
Mother, for within them we all live, as children of the Highest of
all, Yahweh, and Yahweh says do not worship the Queen of Heaven, or
her Daughters.

Yahweh speaks his visible Word into his female Creation, as both the
visible female Creation out of Yahweh, and his visible spoken Word
within her alike his Seed, and this his will, is at that intersection
point before my eyes, and Yahweh determined by his own will what is
past, and what is present, and what is future within his Creation. Our
Heavenly Father breathed forth his Word alike his Seed into the
Cosmos, and the Cosmos divided, as a third stumbled at his Word, and
became a Woman that brought forth the Serpent Leviathan's Seed, and
parts of that became the Evil Pharaoh in her, as two thirds became a
Woman that encompass the Male Child begotten by the Highest of all. O
hear O barren that bares not, your children shall out number the
children of the Married Wife, as these separated, and a third became
the Mount of Esau, and of Jacob a remnant became the Bride of the
anointed Male Child of Judah, and a third, became a Bride of the son
of Manlike, heir of the house of Israel, and Israel became Wife of the
Highest all, as Joseph adopted the Good Pharaoh, as Yahweh made him a
Father unto the Good Pharaoh, and no Manlike could count the number of
grains of sand of the seashores of Earth, nor could they count the
number of the Stars of Heaven, who mimicked one the other, so that
those truly of Abraham, obey the voice of Yahweh when he speaks, and
becomes fruitful and multiplies forevermore.

After being uniquely begotten as flesh and blood, Jesus said, "All who
birth before me, and all who birth after me, are thieves and
robbers." How can someone birth before Jesus, if he were the
invisible Creator who has no beginning and no end? The Truth is, Jesus
never was our Creator. Before the time predetermined by invisible
Yahweh, Lucifer begot many as flesh and blood, and Lucifer lied saying
that each one of these was uniquely begotten by invisible Yahweh, so
Yahweh within the Spirit of Prophecy upon John said, "Now is the axe
laid to the root of the trees, and every tree that brought forth not
good fruit, becomes chopped down and cast into the fire." And Jesus
said, "Every plant that my Heavenly Father has not planted, shall be
rooted up." He said this because all that were begotten as flesh and
blood, by Spirits and or Souls and or Flesh, that Yahweh had not
birthed by his own will before Jesus, and after Jesus, are the Devil's
planting in Yahweh's field, and they will be rooted up by Yahweh!

Yahweh who has no beginning and no end, says to Jesus, "I am the Alpha
and Omega, the beginning and ending!" He speaks of all that existed,
and exists, and will exist within his Creation, and all that is True
and Good comes from Yahweh existed, and exists, and will exist within
his Creation, within the beginning of his Seed, Jesus, and
forevermore, and all that is a Lie and Evil comes from Lucifer who
existed, and rebelled against the Truth and Lied, and corrupted
Yahweh's Good with Evil, and Lucifer exists, but will end within
Yahweh's Creation, along with all those who believe the Lies and do
the Evil from Lucifer, who are making and are eating corrupted Fruit
of that Tree acquainted with Good from Yahweh, and Evil from Lucifer.

Yahweh says. "I am the male, out from myself, I birth what I birth, I
am within my Creation, and my Creation, exists within me!"

My Jew Girls

The darkest hour comes swiftly upon both the called of Yahweh, and
swiftly upon the Evil among them, because the haughty daughters of
Zion took rule over the chosen people, and they set up Warriors, and
made lying and robbing and killing and destroying in the name of
Yahweh, their way of Life, and as they rule within this wickedness,
and oppress the Just chosen people of Yahweh among them, and those
Just, and all the Just people of the Nations, do mourn because of
their wickedness.

During the second World War, the German Nazi and Italian Trinitarians
that followed Devil Spirits resurrected from the former Heavens and
Earth, that are pretending to be the dead from this Heavens and Earth,
imitating Saints of this Heavens and Earth that had died, they united
with the Japanese that falsely believe that their dead ancestors are
alive after death too, because they are haunted by Devil Spirits
imitating their dead ancestors. And the Trinitarian Communist Soviets
that were on our opposite side of Hitler, and the Trinitarians of the
West that were on the other side of Hitler, they too falsely believe
that the dead from this Heavens and Earth are alive, as those Devil
Spirits that imitate the dead from this Heavens and Earth, motivated
the deceived, to abandon, and to trap, and slaughter in between them,
many of the Just that believed the truth from Yahweh. And they all had
Doctors lock people up that would not believe their lies, and force
mind control drugs on them that were made from plants that the Serpent
Leviathan their God produces.

And these Trinitarians that followed Devil Spirits pretending to be
the dead of this Heavens and Earth, imitating Saints that had died,
use the same drugs produced from plants made by the Serpent Leviathan
as those, and have also united with those among the haughty daughters
of Zion that use them drugs too, and have been deceived to also
falsely believe that the dead of this Heavens and Earth are alive
before the Resurrection of the Just, and then the Resurrection of the
Unjust, that will happen as our Lord Jesus is sent back to Planet
Earth, by our God Yahweh. And now the Trinitarians that followed Devil
Spirits pretending to be the dead of this Heavens and Earth, imitating
Saints that had died, have united with those among Islam that use them
drugs too, and falsely believe that their Martyrs are alive after
death, as Devil Spirits imitate their dead Martyrs, and are lying to
them saying that they are the Martyrs leading them to Heaven.

In reality in the Scriptures, if you are not a living Martyr of the
Kingdom of God, you are a Sinner, because being a Martyr, means to
become a Reliable Living Eye Witness of the Kingdom of God that is
revealed by Spirit Yahweh inside of you. "μαρτυρία - marturia" in
Greek means, "a Reliable Living Eye Witness," like in Titus 1:3. And
"ἁμαρτίας and ἁμαρτία amartias and amartia" translated "sin' and
"sins," in 1 John 3:5 means, "to miss the mark of being a Reliable
Living Eye Witness, or to be an Unreliable Living Eye Witness," and
these religions have all swapped the meanings, and changed the
meanings and turned everything around backwards.

To take away our inability to become Reliable Eye Witnesses of the
invisible King Yahweh, and of his invisible Kingdom, that came upon us
because Adam and Eve ate Fruit of the Tree acquainted of Good and Evil
that killed Mankind's Spirit Eye, our Lord Jesus, who was conceived by
a virgin, within whom the word of invisible Spirit Yahweh begot his
uniquely begotten son as visible flesh, to become a visible emulator
of Yahweh's unseen character and ways. And by the acts that his
visible son and the Spirit Angels subject unto him, that can become
seen, do as they imitate for us to see, things representing the
invisible, our visible Lord Jesus takes away our inability to become
Reliable Eye Witnesses, and allows us to become Reliable Eye
Witnesses of the ways of the invisible King Yahweh, and of his
invisible Kingdom.

As a child, as I lay upon my bed within my Father's house, wondering
about the powers of Egypt, versus that powers given unto the chosen
people, whom I had heard that they were being unjustly oppressed, and
I sought a way to get the power to be able to deliver them from their
oppressors, as the house suddenly became filled with the darkness of
the night. And there appeared two great wonders, two great stars
within within the darkness of the night, emanating great powers within
the darkness of the night. The one on the left in the south, a great
six pointed star, and the one on the right in the north, a great eight
cornered cross. And seeing them, I sat upon my bed and wondered, what
do these mean? As I pointed up with my right hand unto the eight
cornered cross in the north, and immediately the two great wonders
fell to the Earth, and made the waters, bitter waters of Meribah. And
immediately the Spirit caught me up, and carried me away unto the
north, and set me within the bell tower of a certain Arimathaea,
named, "Mary, the Star of the Sea." And there appeared within my two
hands a rod of Iron. And when I saw the rod of Iron, the Rod of Iron
turned into a Rifle in my two hands, and I rejoiced, saying, "Now I
can deliver the chosen people of God!" And I laid down in wait, and
began to fire at the darkness of the night within the south. When
suddenly I desired to bless the people of that Arimathaea, but when I
looked down into the south street to find them, they were all
scattering away from me. And I sat up, and turned my back upon them,
and looked up northward as I cried in tears, "Oh, God, why am I sent
to fight the people of God?" And immediately the Spirit caught me up,
and I found myself sitting upon my bed, within my Father's house.

And when I joined the US Amy looking for a way to deliver the chosen
people of God, that I had heard were being unjustly oppressed, as I
spoke within Tongues of Men and of Angels by the Spirit, the Pope John
Paul the 1st Died. Then much later as I lay upon my bed, there came a
vision of Pope John Paul the second standing fat, dressed with a white
robe and a white cap, leaning upon his chair, standing before a great
Bookshelf. And he took a deep breath drawing in smoke, and he blew a
puff of smoke at Joseph, of the house of Ephraim, heir by birthright
of the house of Israel.

The Congregations are the Evil women, that rule over the chosen people
of God, and they that pray unto the dead, thinking that they are
following the dead beginning with Mary, have been deceived by the
Devils imitating the dead, for within this current Heavens and Earth,
all but Jesus that died are dead until the Resurrections, and any one
following what they think are Spirits of the dead, are deceived by
Devil Spirits that blow smoke, and those deceived are the Evil that
deceived and caused many of the children of Israel to stumble, and to
reject the promised anointed from the loins of Judah, as like at the
water of Meribah they fight against my Lord Jesus's Father Spirit
Yahweh, our Creator and God of Israel.

I am anointed and sent by Yahweh, and I come to deliver the Just
chosen People of Yahweh, that are caught within among the theological
battles of deceived Evil Rulers, who oppress them unjustly from all
sides. And because the Evil Congregations know that Yahweh calls them
the Evil women that Rule over Yahweh's chosen people and oppresses
them, they being Evil, want to hide their Evils, by falsely accusing
harmless women of being the Evil women, as the Evil from among the
Nations oppress harmless women of every Nation.

We will deliver them from the Evil Powers, by the Good Power of the
deliver Spirit Yahweh. For the Weapons of our Warfare, are not carnal
like theirs, our Weapons are Spirit from Spirit Yahweh, who but speaks
within our hearts, and whatsoever that he speaks, that is what

Hear my Ladies, the promised anointed from Judah did not fulfill this
prophecy spoken by Isaiah, where as Jerusalem and Judah become
destroyed, because of the wickedness of the daughters of Zion, and but
a Just remnant of the of the house of Israel escapes the destruction,
and within one day, seven women take a hold of one man saying,"We will
eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel, only let us become called
by your name, to remove our reproach!" For this is prophecy of the
promised anointed from Israel, the deliver of the house Israel, and
using no weapons of War, but his Spirit and righteousness, it is my
God Yahweh that will fight for us, and cause me to prevail and delver
the Just remnant of the house of Israel. The Spirit of Prophecy is
your garment from Yahweh, and your bread the sanctified flesh of
Yahweh's resurrected son, our Lord Jesus, High Priest of Yahweh
according to the order of Melchisadech.

Yahweh calls the Just Congregations his Maidens and Handmaidens, but
Ladies this pertains to both them, and to you.

אשׁת־חיל מי ימצא ורחק מפנינים מכרה׃

בטח בה לב בעלה ושׁלל לא יחסר׃

גמלתהו טוב ולא־רע כל ימי חייה׃

דרשׁה צמר ופשׁתים ותעשׂ בחפץ כפיה׃

היתה כאניות סוחר ממרחק תביא לחמה׃

ותקם בעוד לילה ותתן טרף לביתה וחק לנערתיה׃

זממה שׂדה ותקחהו מפרי כפיה נטע כרם׃

חגרה בעוז מתניה ותאמץ זרעותיה׃

טעמה כי־טוב סחרה לא־יכבה בליל נרה׃

ידיה שׁלחה בכישׁור וכפיה תמכו פלך׃

כפה פרשׂה לעני וידיה שׁלחה לאביון׃

לא־תירא לביתה משׁלג כי כל־ביתה לבשׁ שׁנים׃

מרבדים עשׂתה־לה שׁשׁ וארגמן לבושׁה׃

נודע בשׁערים בעלה בשׁבתו עם־זקני־ארץ׃

סדין עשׂתה ותמכר וחגור נתנה לכנעני׃

עז־והדר לבושׁה ותשׂחק ליום אחרון׃

פיה פתחה בחכמה ותורת־חסד על־לשׁונה׃

צופיה הליכות ביתה ולחם עצלות לא תאכל׃

קמו בניה ויאשׁרוה בעלה ויהללה׃

רבות בנות עשׂו חיל ואת עלית על־כלנה׃

שׁקר החן והבל היפי אשׁה יראת־יהוה היא תתהלל׃

תנו־לה מפרי ידיה ויהללוה בשׁערים מעשׂיה׃

She is one of seven that within that day, respects Spirit Yahweh and
receives his promised Spirit of Salvation,

She is one of seven that within that day, as falls Jerusalem and
Judah, they will walk and speak by Spirit Yahweh,

She is one of seven that within that day, they save many, as a remnant
of Israel escapes the destruction,

She is one of seven that within that day, respects not the outward
appearance of any that Yahweh calls,

She is one of seven that within that day, that reaches out a helping
hand to the poor and needy,

She is one of seven that within that day, that speak by Spirit,
languages of Men and or of Angels as perfect prayer,

Six handmaidens follow her example within that day,

והחזיקו שׁבע נשׁים באישׁ אחד ביום ההוא לאמר לחמנו נאכל
ושׂמלתנו נלבשׁ רק יקרא שׁמך עלינו אסף חרפתנו׃ ביום ההוא יהיה צמח יהוה
ופרי הארץ לגאון
ולתפארת לפליטת ישׂראל׃
והיה הנשׁאר בציון
והנותר בירושׁלם קדושׁ יאמר לו כל־הכתוב לחיים בירושׁלם׃

אם רחץ אדני את צאת בנות־ציון
ואת־דמי ירושׁלם ידיח מקרבה ברוח משׁפט
וברוח בער׃
וברא יהוה על כל־מכון הר־ציון
ועל־מקראה ענן יומם
ונגה אשׁ להבה לילה כי על־כל־כבוד חפה׃
וסכה תהיה לצל־יומם מחרב
ולמסתור מזרם

As I stood, the window of Heaven open, and within the vision stood a
wooden pillar just south of a wooden ladder, as I stood just north of
the ladder, looking it and the wooden pillar, and I looked up at the
two closed chambers with an open chamber between the south and north
closed chambers, all with a wooden roof over the loft of Elijah, and
from the north closed chamber there a came a naked black woman walking
into the open chamber, and she stood at the top of the ladder and
looked down to me and said, "Joseph, come up here and lay with me!"
And I was puzzled looking at and wondering what all these things

And I remembered the second vision that night I yet homeless, in
Seattle in King County, where I fell asleep within the van that I
bought from the Taproot Theater, and I slept until morning when I
awoke with no place left to rest my head upon my bed, and I found
myself in a vision, and there appeared a great field of well kept
grass, and the Spirit laid me upon the grass of Ephraim, and I looked
unto the south, and there was a well built red barn with white trim,
and behold the barn leaned southward ready to fall, and I cried out,
"I am a carpenter, I can raise it up again!" And the Spirit caught me
up and carried me northward and laid me upon the grass the grass of
Ephraim, next to a rock wall that enclosed the grass field, with a
great grove of trees within the midst, and amidst the grove of trees
there was a well built rock farmhouse, and when I saw it, I cried out,
"Maybe I should redeem it for my own!" When the Spirit picked me up
and carried me straight through the wall of the rock farmhouse, and
when inside the women with long hair that were bent over searching
their baggage, stopped searching and stood up next to their baggage,
and they all looked up at me expecting to receive something. Hear O
Israel, within my Body as Cup, the Father has always been there, and
he sent his Son within as my Cup, my silver Cup whereby I drink and
divine, Says Yahweh of Hosts. "Open your mouths wide and breath in,
and I will fill it, and there will be no strange God within you, I am
Yahweh that delivered Israel from the land of Egypt." And I found
myself upon my bed, resting in, and rejoicing within the Redeemer of
Israel, our God and Lord Yahweh of Hosts, whom Redeemed us all by the
blood of our Lord Jesus revealed by the Spirit of Prophecy.

And I remembered that in Marriage the bed is not defiled, hear all who
dwell within the loft of Elijah, and within the house of Israel, by
Spirit Yahweh, and by Spirit Lord Jesus, and the Spirit of Prophecy, I
impart unto you my name Joseph, heir by birthright of the house of
Israel, so that your children may be clean, and become heirs of the
commonwealth of all Israel.

In Service of Yahweh and Country


Heir by birthright of the house of Israel

The C.A.L.M. before the Storm! All rights reserved!