Yay: another fight


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
My parents are really really starting to get to the point of their life when some one cheats on the spouse. Anyway my mum thinks my dad is having a really great time with my aunt and this always tuns out to be a problem. They fight, I scream shut up and then I end up eating my dad's "famous" i-just-pulled-this-out-of-a-box-and-shoved-it-in-the-stove meals. So me and my brother get called up for my so called "dinner". As I sit down I notice a chicken finger thing infront of me. Would be a normal thing if I wern't a vegetarian wouldn't it? So I stand up and my mum keeps shooting me glances. Family starts eating, I walk away, dad ask's were im going. I come back to "our" little eating area thing and I guess I was yelling. I remeber me having a little fit about being a vegetarian for him, how his "guilty pleasure" (*caugh*aunt*caugh*) has ruined my life, etc. My mum begins clapping and I leave . Fun? Not really cause it brings us to today's events. Im listening to my LP cd when my parent barge into my room and begin fighting. It was fun to watch cause I couldnt hear a thing. Anyway out of no where my dad pulls a bamboo stick and comes up to me. I got few beats, and now I reside on my spin-y computer chair with ice surronding me. Now the actuall problem: Im sitting here and instead of crying im acting like nothing happened. My parents are down the hall yelling and my door is preety much locked. Is this normal? After some gets hurt by a family member, dont they atleast shed one tear? Anyway I really dont think this is an important thing, but if you feel like answering then I'm here.
tell ur parents to calm down and talk things over rationally....why the screaming??? i wouldn't live long in ur house....i hate screaming to each others faces and the conflicts....ergh! !
I wont say anything revealing about my family life, but what you should do is go to your counselor and have him or her get your family a guidance counselor. And force your dad to apologize. He had no right to abuse you like that without anything said before he did it. If he gave a ligitimate reason, then theres nothing wrong with a whooping. And dont be confused because you didnt cry. Crying is for weak little girls and weak little boys anyway. If you cry, you let your guard down and are open to attack. Be proud you didnt cry.
This is just a suggestion.
When your parents start fighting, put One Step Closer on and turn the volume up full.
Do this everytime they start fighting and eventually the may listen to the lyics.
Well sometime ago, my father and I used to fight a lot, cause we hav so different opinions about evrything. That must happens to u too, cause u are 14,15 and at this age we fight a lot with our parents. And I got hurt sometimes, u know... but after, ALWAYS, he cames and apologizes. Force ur dad to do it too, really. It's better.
LOL, what Spike_1412 said can help u sometimes.
Currantly at boyfriends house: Yay hugs *bigins to crack a smile*. People care, and its making me feel better. Any way you guys made sum good suggestions and im might do what you said spike_1412.
wow.. i began to cry.. from expierence get help.. call the cops or someone that can stop your dad next time he begins to hit you... dont' put up with.. if you have to strike back.. living with the person i do ( not my parents some else)... iv learned it is sometimes necessary to stike back... you didn't cry because it happened so fast.. you were either shocked or just really mad at the moment.. dont' wait until its too late to fix the problem.. i did.. and i regret it... do something NOW
Not crying doesn't mean anything. You may just not be the type of person that just crys. I know that I cry easily and I would've cried. But there are a lot of people who just don't cry at things like that. If your parents fighting is really bad, and has gotten to the point where they abuse you then you should get some outside help. But if your dad had a reason to hit you or whatever, just make sure he had a reason. Talk to him, make him apologize. I know I get on my parents nerves and my dad has hit me before when we're in an argurement, but he later comes and apologizes. You should try and see what made him do that to you.
yea dont put up with ur dad hitting u.. its not right. get family counselling or something, because judging by ur story i dont think just talking to ur parents is gunna help
i feel so sorry for you. i know exactly how it feels my parents are getting divorced coz my dad abuses me and my mum. And some days he throws a few punches at me.
you should go to therapy or find an adult to talk to, someone you can trust. don't cry infront of him because that just will make him feel stronger than you. if your parents start fighting just go for a walk for 30 min or something so that you don't get caught in the crossfire. also trying and go out with some of your friends or sleep over at their houses if they start arguing really bad.
anywho, hope it works out for you, good luck
love from sygy
Currant Condition: Oh im overwhelemed. People are really giving help, and no ones ever wanted to help me, but people have tried. I haven't seen my parents in a few days, and I kinda wondering about my brother. My friends parents are being nice and their letting me stay in thier basement, which is fully furnished. Any way thanks for all the help. Therapy session today- that women tries so hard to help, but she dosen't understand.
ForgottenKid said:
Currant Condition: Oh im overwhelemed. People are really giving help, and no ones ever wanted to help me, but people have tried. I haven't seen my parents in a few days, and I kinda wondering about my brother. My friends parents are being nice and their letting me stay in thier basement, which is fully furnished. Any way thanks for all the help. Therapy session today- that women tries so hard to help, but she dosen't understand.
Do your parents know you went to your friends house for a couple days or whatever? I know who's house I would go to if I ever ran away though. Her mom wouldn't tell and plus her house is probably the closest of my best friends.
My 3 best friends live within like 2 or 3 miles. But one of my friends her mom.......is just different. For one thing she is Columbian so she is clueless sometimes. Also, she is just a generally open person, so she wouldn't mind me hiding out there. :D
The snobby little bastards I live near would send me to the cops. For fun. It sucks when you live in a neighborhood filled with rich snobby people. :( especially when you were forced to move cuz of your dads job :(