Y'know certain commercial trends bug the hell out of me.

  • Thread starter Lord V~A~R~F~A The Cosmosuavapol
  • Start date

Lord V~A~R~F~A The Cosmosuavapol

corrupting cool songs for commercial themes is one of the biggest. i
will admit some have turned me onto songs or groups i didn't know about
[royksopp from that geico commercial and that goofy 'woo-woo' song out
of those vonage commercials], but my biggest gripe is against things
like using The The's 'This is the Day' in an M&M's spot or Iggy Pop's
"Lust for Life' [with the best line: 'liquor and Drugs' conveniently
sanitized out] in a cruise line commercial. Would Matt Johnson actually
condone such crass commercialistic use of his songs for such a soppy,
ridiculous **** as that M&m thing or Iggy Pop for a family oriented
cruise line? it just don't fit, man. it rubs you wrong. a corruption of
their spirit. a demeaning of their purpose to crass exploitation. Its
bad enough we are walking billboards proudly emblazoned with their
corporate icons and symbols. a nike swoosh on your shoes, and some pansy
logo on your shirt and pants and an apple on your ipod and all the rest.
Vacuous materialism to try and fill the void in their lonely lives.
voyeuring on prancing anorexics and neurotic faggots that make the style
while the Jerry Springer masses drool and shuffle in their mazes and
somewhere the corporate overlords laugh and plot their next plan. it is
depressing to perceive too much. sometimes to be one of the idiot
lemming cattle of the human race is preferable and sometimes i envy them
their ignorant bliss.
Lord V~A~R~F~A The Cosmosuavapolitan wrote:

> corrupting cool songs for commercial themes is one of the biggest. i
> will admit some have turned me onto songs or groups i didn't know about
> [royksopp from that geico commercial and that goofy 'woo-woo' song out
> of those vonage commercials], but my biggest gripe is against things
> like using The The's 'This is the Day' in an M&M's spot or Iggy Pop's
> "Lust for Life' [with the best line: 'liquor and Drugs' conveniently
> sanitized out] in a cruise line commercial. Would Matt Johnson actually
> condone such crass commercialistic use of his songs for such a soppy,
> ridiculous **** as that M&m thing or Iggy Pop for a family oriented
> cruise line? it just don't fit, man. it rubs you wrong. a corruption of
> their spirit. a demeaning of their purpose to crass exploitation. Its
> bad enough we are walking billboards proudly emblazoned with their
> corporate icons and symbols. a nike swoosh on your shoes, and some pansy
> logo on your shirt and pants and an apple on your ipod and all the rest.
> Vacuous materialism to try and fill the void in their lonely lives.
> voyeuring on prancing anorexics and neurotic faggots that make the style
> while the Jerry Springer masses drool and shuffle in their mazes and
> somewhere the corporate overlords laugh and plot their next plan. it is
> depressing to perceive too much. sometimes to be one of the idiot
> lemming cattle of the human race is preferable and sometimes i envy them
> their ignorant bliss.
