One of the biggest things I hear people including myself complain about with our Government that even in a time like now where almost all non-government workers are having to live with less money in our homes to support ourselves, the Government is "raising" and yes, they sometimes hide thise tax increases with words like fees, assessments, stc but the reality is the Government on all levels are taking more from us, in a time when we can afford it the least.
The average householed has to make tough, and even very painful monetary decicions on what things they have to give up on to survive, but the men and women we have running our Country are so arrogant they don't believe they should have to do what the rest of us are having to do. Imagine if each of us had the power to ignore the reality of less money and take more money from our employer by force? Everyone in America tells our employer to give us more money no matter if the company has the funds or long would these companuies be able to stay in business if they were paying out more money than they are taking in?
Well that is America, even with the much higher financial burdon Obama has placed on us our Government is still spending more money than it is taking in, it is like a family who has reached the end and is in the process of living on their credit cards, it can only end in tragedy.
So do we "need" to cut spending? Yes, it will happen no matter what we want because the credit cards are going to run out eventually, painful decision must be made, if we make them now we can avoid some of the pain, if we have to make the decisions when we hit the wall.....then the cuts will be drastic and much more painful.
In my opinion the most costly expense that can easily be fixed is the over the top welfare and ssi abuse. Close the borders, kick out the illegals, and cut welfare down to only those who "can't" work. The loss of the illegals will create more than enough jobs to employ most of those comming off welfare and with the jobs filled, no real draw for the illegals to come here in the first place so we fix that problem too. The largest voter block for liberals who are spending most of our money on welfare will now have jobs and will mostly tuen conservative because they started paying taxes again, once your paying taxes, your worried how those tax dollars get spent......................the Government will get a big boost of tax income, will save money not supporting the non-workers "and" supporting the illegals that also get welfare in the millions, and there will also be savings in taxes from local communities who no longer have to give the free rides for things like schools and healthcare.
That is another of the Obama commentary on healthcare, yes, a lot of people do get medical care from emergency and not pay, illegals, and the healthcare bill will not fix that problem, sending illegals home will. Creating massive fines for hiring illegals to business owners will, putting people into those jobs illegals tend to work will.