You make it better


New member
An acoustic song that includes an acoustic guitar and a chello. it was made as a collab that my band did with some guys from the school for a school charity music event.

You make it better

I’ve seen it all,

Battered and broken,

I’ve been through it all.

I would ask what has…

Become of me,

And all I’ll say is…

My life has fallen apart,

With no one to hold me together,

With no one guide the way,

Its like I’m blind…

Searching and hoping,

That I will see,

This life with you.

I’ve torn it open,

Just to see you,

But it really doesn’t work that well,

And on that I tell,

Tell you the story,

Of my life…

The one I lost.

I’ve regrets,

About my actions,

I think we all.. do…

But I can say,

That at least I made something,

Something turned out right.

And that something,

Keeps on growing,

And its making me proud.

What I’m talking about is pretty simple…

I’m talking about you.

You take the world,

And show me how,

It can be kind.

You can show me,

Every part,

No matter how small.

This is what I’ve to say…

To you today.

You’ve given me,

True sight…

And now I look at the life,

That *** gave me,

And I say,

“Thank you lord,

For me and all…

That I see…”

There is reason…

A method to the madness.

You take the world,

In your hands,

And make it better,

You do.

You make it better,

You give a smile,

That I may,

Call my own…

You make better,

You make better,

You make better you do



New member
this is really quite beautiful, though a bit sad. my only problem is I don't know what a chello is...
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