All I said was pedos think that way. That does not mean everyone who thinks that way is a pedo.
No, you as usual always try to demonize those who do not take the radical and 'knee-jerk' possitions you do. Your entitled to your opinions but you never believe other people are entitled to theirs so you try to "punnish" them.
You do not think this is whack off material for scumbags who deserve, if not torture, long prison sentences? This is mild kiddie ****. Kiddie **** is wrong, case closed.
No, in fact I do not think this would even be close to kiddie ****, my time working with the Guardian ad Litem has show me the difference and how easy it is for child molesters to get what they want, they do not need this kind of thing to feed their fantacies Hugo. Of course your over reaction to this might mean you already know exactly how easy it is to get that stuff don't you hugo?
It is all abour responsibility. We live in a world where videos are available to everyone at the click of a mouse. Be responsible, don't allow your children to be the victims of pedophiles.
Responsibility hugo? Your the guy who was preaching that the professor who screamed at cops should not be punnished right? That the adult should not be held responsible for his own actions because cops are an agent of the Government and deserve to be abused? You were also defending people from showing more responsibility tword their reproduction so obviously sometimes your okay with turning off responsibility.
Spinning our wheels on things that are not at that high of a level is taking time away from real harms that your intent? Get people worried about a show like this and they don't have the time to go after the real filth that is out there? Misdirection hugo?
Real concerned parents and community minded people trying to protect children have gotten involved with things like "Jessica's Law" as we did here in Florida hugo, we pettition our law makers, we visit our capitals, we even work with other liked minded people in other States to get similar laws passed in other places I even worked with some people in your State of Texas on their law Hugo, I believe your state suppreme court shot down part of the law much of that have you done hugo? We you involved in pushing for "Jessica's Law"?
Like Tori said, usually those being the most outlandish in their violent opposition on something is usally hiding something about themselves.
It is tamer material than this that may have gotten Jon Benet killed.
And tell me Hugo, what violent movie, sexual dance video, or video game inspired Hitler?
I agree that sick people will look for material to feed their sickness, but they were already sick to start with to even look for the material. The material does not transform a good person into a sick person hugo, while a sick person is not cured by not letting kids dance in stupid costumes. As I said before, sure this was not thought out very well, but it is not kiddie ****, your over reacting and I wonder why..........
Our "conservatives" here think government should force grown women to be properly informed but believe parents protecting their daughters from pedophiles is going too far.
While your advocating censorship hugo?
Why are you going off the deep end on this dance if not to make the case to block it and things like it hugo? How do you protect children from pedophiles by complaining about this dance hugo? Your not making any sense at all hugo. I can see complaining a little, but your long past showing concern and your running down the road to nuclear explosion over something that most pedophiles would not even notice hugo.
A "real conservative" knows feigned concern when we see it, and your showing it right now hugo.