Young girls dancing like whores?


New member
Don't know if anybody heard about the controversy over this dance recital. A bunch of kids little girls bumping and grinding on stage to Beyonce.

WTF? :blink:

No way in **** would I let my daughter even dress like that, and it would be a very very cold day in **** before I would let her dance like that at home, much less, in front of an audience.

What were the dance instructors and parents of these kids thinking?

What's next, Kindergärtners pole dancing to Nine Inch Nail's Closer?



New member
The parents and instructors should be shot.

That statement above was a bit rash. Let me amend it. First subjects them to these torture methods:

Physical torture methods


Beatings and physical violence

Blinding with light


Bone breaking



Chinese water torture








Electric shock torture

Tooth extraction



Foot roasting

Foot whipping



Genital mutilation/forced circumcision

Glasgow smile





Oxygen deprivation



Pressure points

Rat torture

Riding the Rail

Sexual assault




Sleep deprivation

Sound (extremely high volumes, dynamic range, low frequency, high pitched noise, intended to interfere with rest, cognition and concentration).


Strappado/squassation (also known as "reverse hanging" and "Palestinian hanging")

Stress positions

Ta'liq hanging from a metal bar.

Tarring and feathering

Tickle torture

Water cure




New member
The parents and instructors should be shot.

That statement above was a bit rash. Let me amend it. First subject them to these torture methods:

Physical torture methods


Beatings and physical violence

Blinding with light


Bone breaking



Chinese water torture








Electric shock torture

Tooth extraction



Foot roasting

Foot whipping



Genital mutilation/forced circumcision

Glasgow smile





Oxygen deprivation



Pressure points

Rat torture

Riding the Rail

Sexual assault




Sleep deprivation

Sound (extremely high volumes, dynamic range, low frequency, high pitched noise, intended to interfere with rest, cognition and concentration).


Strappado/squassation (also known as "reverse hanging" and "Palestinian hanging")

Stress positions

Ta'liq hanging from a metal bar.

Tarring and feathering

Tickle torture

Water cure



New member
The outfits were a little provocative but I think the girls were talented dancers. I saw nothing wrong and I don't even think whores could dance that good. Funny thing, I just went to my five year old granddaughters dance and tap dance recital last night. They did a fantastic job and it was very well orchestrated. She was in a performance doing the song "Your a grand old flag" and I was proud of her.


New member
The outfits were a little provocative but I think the girls were talented dancers. I saw nothing wrong and I don't even think whores could dance that good. Funny thing, I just went to my five year old granddaughters dance and tap dance recital last night. They did a fantastic job and it was very well orchestrated. She was in a performance doing the song "Your a grand old flag" and I was proud of her.
I tend to agree with you. The outfits themselves did not need to be two-piece, but the dancing was not booty dance. My daughter is in ballet and has to wear a tutu and do dancing that includes leg extensions and such. Of course having been to an actual school 'parent night' at a school that is 99% black in which they had real booty dancing to really provocative songs maybe what is making that video look tame to me.



New member
Yes, but they would normally cover it up by listing the million ways they want to torture and kill the parents and instructors...
Normally they work for the government and have the hots for VP candidates. Adults encouraging seven year olds to behave like strippers is just plain wrong.

Let me quote

No way in **** would I let my daughter even dress like that, and it would be a very very cold day in **** before I would let her dance like that at home, much less, in front of an audience.
What were the dance instructors and parents of these kids thinking?

What's next, Kindergärtners pole dancing to Nine Inch Nail's Closer?
That is pretty much what any normal parent would say.

I will bet the instructors are communists.



New member
Normally they work for the government and have the hots for VP candidates. Adults encouraging seven year olds to behave like strippers is just plain wrong.
I agree, but I don't think that rose to the level of strippers. It was certainly beyond where I would go in certain parts, like the dips, but for the most part it was ballet type dance, jazzed up. Not to say I wouldn't have changed a few things here and there, but it could be worse.



New member
I'll bet some of them young gals get abortions in the future.

With the laws the way they are that adolescents can get abortions without parental consent I would have to agree with you.



Active Members
Pedophiles think that way.
Did you just try to say snaf was a pedo because he did not condemn this the way you did?

I agree that the outfits were very bad and should have been different but the overall dance was not much different than what you would see in a ballet as Tori pointed out, I also agree with Tori where she pointed out the most likely pedo is one who hides behind loud and excessive outrage proclaiming various tortures and attacks they would like to perform on the parents showing that kind of "zero tolerance" face to the public while their private life is much, much different..........

Yes, it could have used some changes though, I remember the Maddona inspired shows kids did many years ago, they were much worse than this.



New member
Did you just try to say snaf was a pedo because he did not condemn this the way you did?

I agree that the outfits were very bad and should have been different but the overall dance was not much different than what you would see in a ballet as Tori pointed out, I also agree with Tori where she pointed out the most likely pedo is one who hides behind loud and excessive outrage proclaiming various tortures and attacks they would like to perform on the parents showing that kind of "zero tolerance" face to the public while their private life is much, much different..........

Yes, it could have used some changes though, I remember the Maddona inspired shows kids did many years ago, they were much worse than this.
All I said was pedos think that way. That does not mean everyone who thinks that way is a pedo. You do not think this is whack off material for scumbags who deserve, if not torture, long prison sentences? This is mild kiddie ****. Kiddie **** is wrong, case closed.

It is all about responsibility. We live in a world where videos are available to everyone at the click of a mouse. Be responsible, don't allow your children to be the victims of pedophiles. It is tamer material than this that may have gotten Jon Benet killed.

Our "conservatives" here think government should force grown women to be properly informed but believe parents protecting their daughters from pedophiles is going too far.



New member
This is one of my favorite movie scenes. I laughed so hard I nearly peed myself. She just did one or two suggestive moves and even those were clumsy. The parents were shocked but in the end they ended up supporting her right to be there with all those other little girls fixed up to be a pedo's dream. At least she looked normal. Now for the single ladies dance. I'd have taken my daughter right off that stage. Like hugo said that is pedo whack off material. In their sick mind they are trying to be alluring. It's much different when beyonce does it. At least she knows what she's putting out there.



New member
I agree with Snaf...I was impressed by the spins and thought they did a good job. I wasn't a huge fan of the lady marmelade outfits, but I thought it was pretty good. Also..if your daughter is in dance classes, then get used to the provocative outfits :p

Awww and ....I loved Little Miss Sunshine.



New member
I agree with Snaf...I was impressed by the spins and thought they did a good job. I wasn't a huge fan of the lady marmelade outfits, but I thought it was pretty good. Also..if your daughter is in dance classes, then get used to the provocative outfits :p
Lesbo pedos think that way.



Active Members
All I said was pedos think that way. That does not mean everyone who thinks that way is a pedo.
No, you as usual always try to demonize those who do not take the radical and 'knee-jerk' possitions you do. Your entitled to your opinions but you never believe other people are entitled to theirs so you try to "punnish" them.

You do not think this is whack off material for scumbags who deserve, if not torture, long prison sentences? This is mild kiddie ****. Kiddie **** is wrong, case closed.
No, in fact I do not think this would even be close to kiddie ****, my time working with the Guardian ad Litem has show me the difference and how easy it is for child molesters to get what they want, they do not need this kind of thing to feed their fantacies Hugo. Of course your over reaction to this might mean you already know exactly how easy it is to get that stuff don't you hugo?

It is all abour responsibility. We live in a world where videos are available to everyone at the click of a mouse. Be responsible, don't allow your children to be the victims of pedophiles.
Responsibility hugo? Your the guy who was preaching that the professor who screamed at cops should not be punnished right? That the adult should not be held responsible for his own actions because cops are an agent of the Government and deserve to be abused? You were also defending people from showing more responsibility tword their reproduction so obviously sometimes your okay with turning off responsibility.

Spinning our wheels on things that are not at that high of a level is taking time away from real harms that your intent? Get people worried about a show like this and they don't have the time to go after the real filth that is out there? Misdirection hugo?

Real concerned parents and community minded people trying to protect children have gotten involved with things like "Jessica's Law" as we did here in Florida hugo, we pettition our law makers, we visit our capitals, we even work with other liked minded people in other States to get similar laws passed in other places I even worked with some people in your State of Texas on their law Hugo, I believe your state suppreme court shot down part of the law much of that have you done hugo? We you involved in pushing for "Jessica's Law"?

Like Tori said, usually those being the most outlandish in their violent opposition on something is usally hiding something about themselves.

It is tamer material than this that may have gotten Jon Benet killed.
And tell me Hugo, what violent movie, sexual dance video, or video game inspired Hitler?

I agree that sick people will look for material to feed their sickness, but they were already sick to start with to even look for the material. The material does not transform a good person into a sick person hugo, while a sick person is not cured by not letting kids dance in stupid costumes. As I said before, sure this was not thought out very well, but it is not kiddie ****, your over reacting and I wonder why..........

Our "conservatives" here think government should force grown women to be properly informed but believe parents protecting their daughters from pedophiles is going too far.
While your advocating censorship hugo?

Why are you going off the deep end on this dance if not to make the case to block it and things like it hugo? How do you protect children from pedophiles by complaining about this dance hugo? Your not making any sense at all hugo. I can see complaining a little, but your long past showing concern and your running down the road to nuclear explosion over something that most pedophiles would not even notice hugo.

A "real conservative" knows feigned concern when we see it, and your showing it right now hugo.

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