So which tax would that be that's went up?
OMG, you can't keep a conversation straight can you Bender?
The guy in the video and you are crying Obama did not get a single payer system in place. One of my points was how no Progressives say how they can pay for such a monster and it is the massive cost and increased taxes that has almost all Americans against these huge socialist programs you Progressives want.
You say Obama turned his back on the more radical segments of the Progressives just because he could not force the more moderate Progressives to vote for massive tax increases that would be needed to get single payer healthcare passed.
So I asked you if Obama should go against his promise of not increasing taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year and for some reason, you tried to claim Obama never made that promise. Your either one of the least informed people in America or your so brainwashed that Obama is a *** that your intentionally teling lies to try and make Obama look better.
So should Obama have broken his promise to the American people not to raise their taxes if they make under $250,000 a year just to make you and a few other radical Progressives happy Bender?
But, to answer the question you asked trying to get away from you being wrong again,
Yes, Obama has broken that promise many times over but to name a couple real fast, he raised taxes on cigaretts while the average smoker makes around $40,000 a year, he added taxes on tanning booths and surely more than just the rich go to tanning beds, there are all sorts of new taxes on things like medical devices that more than just the rich have to buy.
So yes, Obama has broken that promise in a lot of small ways, but trying to pay for a single payer healthcare system would force the creation of new taxes on a scale never dreamed of before except in the dreams of Progressives. To pay for a single payer system, new taxes would be needed down to even the poorest of the poor. If Obama had to tax tanning beds to pay for this smaller intrusion of Government on healthcare, that means nothing will be safe from the new taxes that would be created to cover the cost of a single payer system.