*** bless Maddox.
Here's my go at this. I've had a good many discussions about this topic with my peers, and being still a teen, these friends have just come out of that line of life fairly recently. I though about it, and if you really look at things;how come guys don't follow this same trend of 'sexyness'? Obviously, it is a male dominated society but come on guys, if you could dress in such a manner that you're fending off starlets with a pointy stick you just may do so.
The issues here are 1)Frequency, is it ALWAYS accaptable. and 2) Age, when is it acceptable. i think we've pretty much agreed that Pre-teens blong out of this life-style. But heres were i will 'grudgingly' defend say, 13 year old skanks. I agree it's sick, even as a 13 year old i prefered the truly lovly ladies over the Hos, but talking with the "hos' of old, they are nnow more conservative. not like Nun conservative, but as casaual as any guy you'll find, but still can be sexy. Maybe its something that needs to be gotton out of their systems, they must realize how dum it is earlier in life for some reason. Its just the general trend i've found around here anyhow.
There are of corse those who will forever remain skanks. But when your IQ is about 90 and you're pumped full of drugs, booze and seman all the time, *** is just wht you're running off. (Notice how the idiots abuse ***, drugs and a multitude of anything else they can...LEARN MODERATE PPL!!)
Finally, i'll say 'bravo' to tizz! I certainly applaude your efforts give your daughter a better handle of life. being her mother, you are her example of wht it is to be a women (well, before TV stepped in anyhow) But maybe it would be better to show her the faltyness of **** like 'Bratz' rather then just ban it. Then again, she's only the tender age of 4, in time mayhap. Also, the mothers gotta show their sons how to not itemize women, the little skanks need honery little idiots to fuel the flame...no fuel, no skanks. The micro-hos gotta learn to catch the eye of their menz without just stripping. You really can be sexy with cloths on, my lady drives me wild in a sweater and jeans for christ sakes! (I've been told that its hotter when I show skin because i almost never do, i find this true with the ladies as well. Personaly
) In anycase, you can prolly pin the orignators of this **** on marketers (hook em while they're young...or is that tobbaco?) In societies so media bombarded as ours, we've found a new way to rise chillins; plunk eem infront the TV . You'll notice the intelectuel and activly levels in kids go up if you just take em away from the ol idiot box. I'm not saying all TV is bad, but its used to excess and an excess of anything is never good. 'MTV' was mentioned, 'teen central' and therefore the idols of pre-teens. 'Bratz' Market runoff, set the mind rdy for skimp buying and noodle-diets. Music stars, who thanks to MTV are hoed up to great extents and so on and so on. Not to mention the guetto-fabulous trend that presently dominates the world, with its idolization if 'Hos' and supped up cars. Not saying that all rap/hiphop supports BS, but like any toher genre it's more manufactured the music and just pumps this **** out in massive spponfuls at child-labour prices.