Your death wish

Hybrid Soldier

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2004
Okay, if you could choose how you're going to die, how would you die?

Personally, I want to jack a ferarri, load it full of fireworks, and ride off sa cliff in it while firing the fireworks everywhere.

Now for you guys
there's already been a thread like this once, and someone recently saw Charlie and the chocolate factory and said they would like to drown in a sea of chocolate and that just has to be the best way ever. so ya...drown in a sea of chocolate <3
I'm going to keep this open until further notice. Please read my post in Woody's thread in Site Talk.

Mods: If someone has the oppertuinity to handle this before I do, please, feel free, otherwise, I'll do it when I get home tomorrow.
oh i like the firework ones sounds cool and pretty ^_^

um.. death bye food, be force fed until i go *POP*
i say u gonna go, go in style

Im going to do the worlds largest dive into the ocean by carryin a diving board into an aircraft and jumping off :)

The ******* judges wil probably give 1.2 or sumthing :mad: even if my entry was great :(
The_Chester_Tester said:
I would choose to die while having hardcore, kinky and filthy sex with my boyfriend. Not so nice for him but the best way for me to die.

xxxxx The Tester

i would like to go down fighting, whether its for the people i love,
or in the process of my world domination! mwahahah!
I'd like to either die...
1. fighting in the army
2. naturally
3. chasing down Linkin Park / Fort Minor :D
4. hopping the gates at NRG Studios in LA, eluding the cops, breaking in and meeting LP o_o

or maybe having sex :p I dunno, everything sounds good. When I die, I'll have In the End playing loud though thats for sure.
In a slow, agonzing interrogation by the enemy. The will torture me and I will refuse to talk. They will wear me down, then I will escape and kill a bunch of them until a battalion opens fire on me. Either that or in a sword fight.