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Your Feedback on these items would be appreciated

"Slain Israeli Professor Saved Others in Va. Tech Massacre

by Gil Ronen
(April 17th, 2007 c.e.)

( As Israel observed Holocaust Day, thousands of miles
away, A Rumanian-born Holocaust survivor gave his life in another
senseless murder - and apparently in an act of heroism.

Among the 32 people killed by a lone gunman at Virginia Tech Monday
(April 16th, 2007 c.e.)
is 77-year-old engineering professor, Liviu Librescu, a citizen of
Israel. According to eyewitness accounts, Librescu ran to the door
of his classroom and blocked it with his body – preventing the
gunman from entering but getting shot to death himself as a result.

Alec Calhoun, a 20-year-old student who had been in Librescu's class
in room 204, told a reporter that at 9:05 a.m. the heard screams and
a loud banging sound from the next-door classroom. When the students
realized it was gunfire, he said, some hid behind tables, and others
leapt from the classroom's windows. Calhoun himself was among the
last to jump. "Before I jumped from the window, I turned around and
looked at the professor, who stayed behind, maybe to block the door.
He had been killed."

Librescu is survived by his wife of 42 years, Marlena, who was with
him in Virginia, and sons Aryeh and Joe who are in Israel. They
intend to bury him in Israel.

Asael Arad, an Israeli student who visited the widow after the
tragedy, told Army Radio Tuesday that Marlena had been receiving e-
mails from students who credited Prof. Librescu with saving their
lives. "I lost my best friend," the widow told a reporter for NRG at
her home near the Blacksburg campus. "He was a great person, who
loved teaching more than anything." Marlena said someone had
initially informed her that her husband was injured in the
shooting. "I looked for him in the hospitals all day but I didn't
find him," she said.

The Librescus are Rumanian Jews who came on aliyah (immigrated to
Israel) in 1978 – after then-Prime Minister Begin interceded on
their behalf with the Rumanian government, according to Marlena. The
couple went on a sabbatical to the United States since 1986 and has
been living there ever since.

Liviu Librescu
318 Norris Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Foundation and applications of the modern theory of shells
incorporating non-classical effects and composed of advanced
composite materials; Foundation of the theory and applications of
sandwich type structures; Aeroelastic stability of flight vehicle
structures;. Nonlinear aeroelasticity of structures in supersonic
and hypersonic flow fields; Aeroelastic and structural tailoring;
Dynamic response and instability of elastic and viscoelastic
laminated composite structures subjected to deterministic and random
loading systems; Mechanical and thermal postbuckling of flat and
curved shear-deformable elastic panels; Static, dynamic and
aeroelastic feedback control of adaptive structures; Unsteady
aerodynamics and magnetoaerodynamics of supersonic flows with
applications; Optimization problems of aeroelastic structural
systems; Theory of composite thin-walled beams and its application
in aeronautical and mechanical constructions; Response and behavior
of structures to underwater and in-air explosions; Multifunctional
and Functionally Graded material structures.
Ph.D., Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Academy of Science of Romania,
M. A. Sc., Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Aeronautical
Engineering, Bucharest, 1953
B.S., Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania, Aeronautical
Engineer, 1952

Honors and Awards:
2007 Invited Key Note Lecture at the 17th International Congress on
Thermal Stresses, June 4-7, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, Joule Heating
and its Implications on Crack Detection/Arrest in Electrically
Conductive Circular Cylindrical Shells.( Z. Qin, L. Librescu and
D. Hasanyan)
2006 Awarded a diploma by the 17th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technology for the paper Robust
Aeroelastic Control of Composite Aircraft Wings in Incompressible
Flow by Yoon, G. C., Na, S. S., Librescu, L., and Baek, S. C.,
Taiwan, ICAST 2006, October 13-17.
2005 Appointed Chair of the International Organizing Committee of
the 6th International Congress on Thermal Stresses '05 May 26-29,
2005, Vienna, Austria
2005 Invited Plenary Lecture at the 6th International Congress of
Thermal Stresses '05 May 26-29, 2005, Vienna, Austria "Thin-Walled
Beams Used in Turbomachinery and Space Applications Made-Up of
Functionally Graded Materials and Operating in a High Temperature
Environment: Vibration and Instability" by L. Librescu, S-Y Oh and
O. Song
2005 Selected as a member of the Board of Experts of the Italian
Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research
2005 Awarded a diploma by the International Congress on Thermal
Stresses, Vienna, Austria, May-June, 2005, ``In recognition for the
achievements in the field of Thermal Stresses, for organizing the
Fifth International Congress of Thermal Stresses, and for the
contributions to the Journal of Thermal Stresses, as an author and
as a member of the Editorial Board.''
2005 Awarded a diploma by the ASME, 20th Biennal Conference on
Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Long Beach, CA, September 24-28,
2005 expressing the deep appreciation for the valuable services in
advancing the engineering profession.''
2005 Frank J. Maher Award for Excellence in Engineering Education
2004 Plenary Key Note Lecture to the Third European Conference on
Structural Control July 12-15. 2004, Vienna, Austria “Advances in
the Linear/nonlinear Control of Aeroelastic Structural Systems” by
L. Librescu and P. Marzocca
2003 Member of the Executive Committee of the International
Congress of Thermal Stresses, (1999-2003) and re-appointed for (2003-
2003 General Chair of the 5th International Congress of Thermal
Stresses and Related Topics, June 8-11, 2003, Blacksburg, VA
2000 Recipient of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the
Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania
2000 Elected member of the Academy of Sciences of the Shipbuilding
of Ukraine
1999 Recipient of The 1999 Dean's Award for Excellence in
Research, College of Engineering VPI&SU
1999 Elected Foreign Fellow of the Academy of Engineering of
1998 Invited Plenary Lecture at the Session dedicated to the great
Italian Scientist Professor Placido Cicala, Torino, June 25, 1998,
Italia Aeroelastic Tailoring of Advanced Aircraft Wings Carrying
External Stores, with Dr. F. H. Gern
1988 Plenary Key Note Lecture to the Second International
Conference on Composite Science and Technology, June 9-11, 1998
Durban, South Africa Recent Developments in the Modelling and
Behavior of Advanced Sandwich Constructions
1972 Laureate of the prize Traian Vuia of the Romanian
Academy of Science

Professional Service:

Listing in Who's Who
Who's Who in America
Who's Who in Engineering
Who's Who in the World
Who's Who in Science and Engineering
Member of the Editorial Board of
2007 - Journal of Sound and Vibration
2004 - International Journal of Advanced Materials and Structures
2003 - Journal Mathematical Methods and Physic-Mechanical Fields
1999 - Journal Thin-Walled Structures
1998 - Journal of Thermal Stresses
1997 - International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
1975 - Solid Mechanics Archives
Guest Editor for the Special Issues of the Journals
2006 - Journal of Mathematical Engineering (issues devoted to
Thermomechanical Problems)
2004 - International of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and
Structures, Vol. 11, Nos. 4-5, Part I & II
2001 - Composite Structures, Vol. 52, 1, 2001
2001 - Thin-Walled Structures, Special Issue - New Advances in the
Modelling and Application of Smart Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 39,
1, 2001
2000 - Composites Engineering, Part B, Vol. 32, 3, 2000
Chair of the International Organizing Committee of
2005 - 6th International Congress on Thermal Stresses '05, May 26-
29, Vienna, Austria
Co-Chair of the International Organizing Committee of
2007 - 7th International Congress on Thermal Stresses June 4-7,
Taipei, Taiwan
2005 - Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, October 26-28, Nanjing,
Member of the International Advisory Board of
2007 - Second International Symposium on Design Modelling and
Experiments of Adaptive Structures and Smart Systems, DEMEASS II,
October 14-17, Bad Herrenalb, Germany
2007 - Organizing Committee of the 70th Birthday of Jozef Ignaczak
Symposium at the 7th International Congress on Thermal Stresses,
Juen 4-7, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 - 2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and
simulation (ICCM-06), December 8-10, Indian Institute of Technology,
Guwahati,-781039, India
2006 - 1st International Symposium on Design Modelling and
Experiments of Adaptive Structures and Smart Systems, DeMEASS I,
June 10-12, Bardonecchia (Turin), Italy
2004 - 1st International Congress on Computational Mechanics and
Simulation, IIT Kanpur, December 9-12, India
2004 - 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering,
Mechanics and Computation, July 5-7, Cape Town, South Africa
2003 - 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and
Materials (ICAMM 2003), January 21-23, Durban, South Africa
1998 - 2nd Interntional Conference on Composite Science and
Technology, June 9-11, Durban, South Africa
1996 - 1st International Conference, Composite Science Technology,
June 18-20, Durham, South Africa
Member of the International Organizing Committee of
2005 - 6th International Congress of Thermal Stresses, May 26-29,
Wien, Austria
2001 - 4th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, June 8-11,
Osaka, Japan
1999 - 3rd International Congress on Thermal Stresses, June 13-17,
Cracow, Poland
1982 thru 1985 - Israel National Conference on Aviation and
Recent Publications:

G. Polli, L. Librescu and F. Mastroddi, Aeroelastic Response of
Composite Aircraft Swept Wings Impacted by a Laser Beam, AIAA, Vol.
33, No, 2, pp. 382-391, 2006
Na, S. S., Librescu, L., Rim, S. N. and Yoon, G. C., Vibration and
Dynamic Response Control of Non-Unifom Composite Rotating Blades,
International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2006, ID 13807, pp. 1-
9, 2006
Librescu, L., Oh, S-Y. and Hohe, J., Dynamic Response of Anisotropic
Sandwich Flat Panels to Underwater and In-Air Explosions,
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 43, No. 13, pp.
3794-3816, June, 2006
Hause, T. and Librescu, L., Flexural Free Vibration of Sandwich Flat
Panels with Laminated Anisotropic Face Sheets, Journal of Sound and
Vibration, Vol. 297, Nos. 3-5, pp. 823-841, 2006
Librescu, L. and Song, O., Composite Thin-Walled Beams: Theory and
Application, Springer, 615, 2005
Full listing
Courses taught:
ESM 3154, Solid Mechanics, Spring 2007.
ESM 5074, Mech Lam Comp Str, Spring 2007.
ESM 5994, Research and Thesis, Spring 2007.
ESM 7994, Research and Dissertation, Spring 2007.
ESM 6044, Theory of Plates and Shells, Fall 2006.
ESM 6044, Theory of Plates and Shells, Fall 2005.
ESM 2304, Dynamics, Spring 2005.
ESM 5074, Mech Lam Comp Str, Spring 2005.
ESM 6044, Theory of Plates and Shells, Fall 2004.
ESM 2304, Dynamics, Spring 2004.
ESM 6044, Theory of Plates and Shells, Fall 2003.

Item below is from WOMEN IN GREEN

12 Apr 2007 11:51:49 am


Letter from Ruth Matar (Women in Green) Jerusalem
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is seriously considering Hamas' demand to
release jailed Fatah leader, Marwan Barghouti, along with 449 other
Palestinian prisoners involved in terrorist attacks, in exchange for
the return of Cpl. Gilad Schalit, who was kidnapped by Hamas on the
Gaza border in June 2006.

Barghouti is serving five life sentences for his involvement in
terror attacks that killed numerous Israelis. Other top terrorists,
among them the following six listed below from yesterday's Jerusalem
Post, are also on the list of prisoners to be freed.

Hamas terrorist Hassan Salameh is serving 48 life sentences for his
part in three suicide bombings in 1996 in which 46 people were killed
and 90 wounded; the planning of a 1995 suicide bombing; and killing a
Palestinian suspected of collaborating with Israel.

Abdullah Barghouti, a senior Hamas member and master bomb maker
dubbed 'the mechanic,' was sentenced to 67 consecutive life sentences
for preparing the bombs used in a string of suicide bombings in 2001
and 2002. In the attacks in Jerusalem, Rishon Lezion and Tel Aviv, 66
Israelis were killed and 500 wounded. The attacks included the August
2001 Sbarro bombing in Jerusalem, in which 15 Israelis were killed;
the triple bombing at Jerusalem's Zion Square in December 2001, in
which 10 Israelis were killed; the blast at the Moment Cafe in
Jerusalem in March 2002, in which 11 Israelis were killed; and the
Sheffield Club attack in Rishon Lezion in May 2002, in which 15
Israelis were killed. Barghouti also supplied the bomb for the attack
in a cafeteria at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in July 2002, in
which nine Israeli and foreign students were killed, and provided the
explosives belt used in the attack on a No. 4 bus in Tel Aviv in July
2002, in which nine Israelis were killed.

Yahya Sinwar, one of the founders of Hamas's military wing. Sinwar
has been in jail for over 20 years.

Fuad Shubaki is considered the Karine A weapons ship paymaster. The
ship was en route to the Palestinian Authority in the Red Sea when it
was seized by Israeli naval commandos in January 2002.

Ahmed Sa'adat is accused by Israel of plotting the assassination of
former minister Rehavam Ze'evi.

Hassan Yussuf is considered one of the most prominent Hamas leaders
in the West Bank.

There is a very difficult moral dilemma involved here. On one hand,
our hearts break for the Schalit family, on the other hand, it has
been proven, over and over again, that the release of Palestinian
prisoners only leads to more kidnappings and Israeli death.

A bereaved father, Zion Swery, wanted vengeance for the death of his
two children and son-in-law in a drive-by terrorist shooting on
highway 443 in 2001.

"After my children were murdered I wanted to kill the terrorists!" he

Swery recalled how, at the funeral, Ehud Olmert (then Mayor of
Jerusalem) promised to pursue those who were responsible for the
attack. It is upsetting, Swery said, that Olmert, now the Prime
Minister, is considering going back on his word.

The Almagor Terror Victims Association has long been concerned with
this dilemma. On Tuesday the group held a press conference in
Jerusalem, in which members of the group lit Yartzheit candles in
front of a poster of terror victims.

Almagor Director, Meir Indor, says his research shows that in the
past five years 177 Israelis were killed in terror attacks
perpetrated by Palestinians released in prisoner exchange
deals. "When you release prisoners, you create a new wave of
terrorism", he said.

He and a number of terror victims said that while they empathized
with the Schalit family, there were other ways to free Gilad that did
not involve risking Israeli lives.

Speaking at the press conference, Yifat Alon, whose mother, Noa, and
niece Gal Eisenman, were killed in a 2002 terror attack in
Jerusalem's French Hill, warned that more Israeli deaths were the
only possible outcome of a prisoner release.

"We have tried this before, we have set prisoners free and what we
got was that people were murdered. I want the government to be
honest. We are going to pay with other people's lives", she said.

I, myself feel a very personal involvement in this moral dilemma. A
very good friend of mine, an American immigrant from New York, like
myself, Joyce Boim, lost her 17 year old son, David, in a drive-by
terrorist shooting in 1996. My friend Joyce wants the government to
keep the terrorists in jail. "We do not want any more widows or
widowers or parents without children. The terrorists were jailed for
a reason", says Boim.

In the Jerusalem Post of April 9, 2007, there is an excellent article
by Caroline Glick, entitled:

Our World: The next grand bargain

Shoshana Amos, Aviel Atash, Vitaly Brodsky, Tamara Dibrashvilli,
Raisa Forer, Larisa Gomanenko, Denise Hadad, Tatiana Kortchenko,
Rosita Lehman, Karine Malka, Nargiz Ostrovsky, Maria Sokolov, Roman
Sokolovsky, Tiroayent Takala, Eliyahu Uzan, Emmanuel Yosef (Yosefov).

All the above were murdered on August 31, 2004, in twin bus bombings
in Beersheba. The attack was planned and commanded by Matzeb
Hasalmon, Hamas terror commander in Hebron.

The massacre in Beersheba was far from inevitable. Hasalmon, who
recruited the bombers, trained them for their mission and sent them
on their way, had previously been taken out of commission. He was
arrested and convicted for the felony crime of membership in Hamas.

Since Hasalmon was not convicted of murder, when the Sharon
government released him from prison together with another 460
terrorists on January 29, 2004, no one raised a fuss. The massive
release, and the simultaneous release of the bodies of 59 dead
terrorists was carried out in exchange for the return of Elhanan
Tenenbaum, who was kidnapped in Dubai and brought to Lebanon by
Hizbullah in 2000. Israel also received the bodies of IDF soldiers
Benny Avraham, Adi Avitan and Omar Suwaid, who were kidnapped and
murdered by Hizbullah terrorists in October 2000.

Today the Olmert-Livni-Peretz government is in advanced stages of
negotiations towards the exchange of Cpl. Gilad Schalit for up to
1,400 terrorists. Schalit was kidnapped from his base near Gaza in
late June by a joint Fatah-Hamas terror cell. He has been illegally
held incommunicado ever since.

Speaking Sunday of the impending deal, Welfare Minister Isaac Herzog
said Israelis should be prepared to see not only small-fry terrorists
like Hasalmon, but also convicted murderers set free. As Herzog put
it, we should use "original thinking" regarding who we should let out
of prison.

During the heyday of the peace process in the 1990s, in
repeated "confidence building measures," Israel released 6,912
terrorists from prison. As time went by, it became increasingly
difficult to limit the releases to those who had not actually
murdered. So the governments thought "originally" and released
killers whose victims were not Israelis. So it was that killers like
Iyad Suwalha were sent packing.

Suwalha was arrested in 1992 for murdering a fellow Palestinian who
he suspected of assisting Israel in its counterterror operations. He
was released in 1999.

Senior Warrant Officer Haim Alfasi, Chief Warrant Officer Yaakov Ben-
Shabbat, Cpl. Mazi Grego, Capt. Yael Kfir, Cpl. Felix Nikolaichuk,
Sgt. Yonatan Peleg, Sgt. Efrat Schwartzman, Prosper Twito, Sgt. Liron
Siboni, Dr. David Appelbaum, Nava Appelbaum, David Shimon Avizadris,
Shafik Kerem, Alon Mizrahi, Gila Moshe and Yehiel (Emil) Tubol.

All of the above were murdered in two suicide bombings on September
9, 2003. The first took place outside Tzrifin military base; the
second inside Cafe Hillel in Jerusalem. Suwalha commanded both

In July, in response to the abduction of IDF reservists Eldad Regev
and Ehud Goldwasser, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert took the nation to
war in Lebanon. Olmert enjoyed massive public support when he pledged
to fight to gain their release and to destroy Hizbullah, Iran's proxy
army in Lebanon that had kidnapped them.

Yet Olmert lost interest in fighting and gave up on winning when he
saw how hard it was. Due in large part to the premier's personal
incompetence, Israel lost the war. Not only was Hizbullah not
destroyed, and not only have Iran and Syria already rebuilt its
arsenal to pre-war levels, Regev and Goldwasser - like Schalit -
remain in captivity.

Since the ignominious cease-fire last August, the public has demanded
an accounting from Olmert. At almost every single non-scripted public
gathering where Olmert appears, he is hounded by angry citizens who
demand he explain how he dared to abandon the field of battle and
leave our soldiers behind.

Last September in one such incident, Olmert was confronted by Elipaz
Baeloha, whose son Nadav was killed in battle in the war. When
Baeloha demanded an accounting, as is his wont, Olmert refused.

Rather than accept the responsibilities of the office to which he
stubbornly clings, Olmert deflected Baeloha's criticism by saying the
public is at fault. We are to blame, he explained, because we were
stupid enough to believe him when he said he would fight to bring the
men home.

As he put it, "From the beginning I knew we would have to negotiate
to secure the release of the hostages. To rescue them we would have
to pay a very heavy price. How many more children would you want to
die like your son died to rescue them? Did anyone seriously think
that I would get to some place, which I don't know where it is, and
would try to rescue them?"

Although as the months have passed the plight of our hostages being
held in Gaza and Lebanon has been mostly out of the headlines, no one
has forgotten them. And the frustration at the government's failure
to secure their release came to the forefront of the public agenda
since the 15 British sailors and marines were kidnapped by Iran last

The contrast between the British, who were paraded seemingly
continuously before the television cameras from the day of their
capture, and the Israelis, who haven't been seen or heard from since
their abductions, was a cause for deep frustration. "Those lucky
Brits," the thinking went, "At least they get to see their guys."

The manner in which the Blair government secured the release of the
hostages has been roundly praised by the Israeli Left. Led by the
Haaretz newspaper, the Left, which castigates as warmongers all who
call for Israel to defeat its enemies, immediately pointed a finger
at the government for not having yet capitulated to all the terror-
masters' ever-escalating terms for a deal on the soldiers.

As Zvi Barel of Haaretz put it, "Britain... understands what Israel
refuses to understand: The captives and prisoners of a country
perhaps 'disturb' its prestige, but negotiating their release does
not damage the state's power. Their release sometimes requires a high
price, but in the case of Israel vis-a-vis Hizbullah or the
Palestinian Authority, the price is in identical coinage: captives in
exchange for prisoners and detainees... Only the exchange of people.
And a bit of prestige."

Like the British, the Haaretz-led Israeli Left ignores inconvenient
truths. In the media age, prestige is power. Loss of prestige leads
directly to a loss of national power and, inevitably, to the loss of
life. The families of the four British soldiers who were killed by
Iranian-sponsored terrorists in Basra the same day their navy and
marine counterparts were released in shame by Iran can attest to this

Avraham (Albert) Balhasan, Rose Boneh, Hava Hannah (Anya) Bonder,
Anat Darom, Viorel Octavian Florescu, Natalia Gamril, Yechezkel Isser
Goldberg, Baruch (Roman) Hondiashvili, Dana Itach, Mehbere Kifile and
Eli Zfira.

The families of the 11 Israelis listed above can also attest to this
fact. They were murdered in a bus bombing in Jerusalem on January 29,
2004. The attack occurred just as Israel was releasing 461 terrorists
from prison and transferring the bodies of 59 dead terrorists to
their masters in the PA and Lebanon for burial in the Tenenbaum deal.

Another 50 Israelis were wounded in the attack.

That day, then-science minister Eliezer Sandberg stated, "There is no
connection and it is forbidden to make a connection between the
bombing and the deal for the prisoner swap."

Sandberg's statement, far-fetched under any circumstances, was
rendered farcical when Fatah declared responsibility for the massacre
on Hizbullah's television network.

All told, the Almagor Terror Victims Association has counted 177
Israelis who were murdered by terrorists who Israel released in
prisoner swaps with terrorists.

The Olmert-Livni-Peretz government acts as though there is no way
other than releasing terrorists, and so signing the death warrants of
hundreds more Israelis, to bring about Schalit's release. But this is
simply untrue. What is true is that since the government embraced
defeat last summer, it has had no policy other than capitulation.

But there are many, many other options. Schalit was kidnapped by a
joint Hamas-Fatah force. The government could place sanctions such as
travel bans on PA Chairman and Fatah terror chief Mahmoud Abbas and
PA Prime Minister and Hamas terror chief Ismail Haniyeh and their
associates. So too, the government could order the Prisons Service to
prevent jailed terrorists from talking to reporters, politicians and
European diplomats and so end the anomalous state of affairs whereby
convicted murderers like arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti are allowed
to engage in psychological warfare against Israeli society and serve
as power brokers in Palestinian society from prison.

Since last summer, the Olmert-Livni-Peretz government has taken no
steps that would lead either the Palestinians or Hizbullah to view
Schalit, Regev and Goldwasser's illegal captivity as a burden.
Rather, like their bosses in Teheran, the terrorists have all
benefited from their criminal behavior.

Because of the fecklessness of our leaders, we lost a war we should
have won and our hostages, who soldiers like Nadav Baeloha heroically
gave their lives to free, have remained in captivity.
As Hizbullah, Iran, Syria, and the Palestinians show daily with their
escalating saber-rattling, our leaders' continued incompetence since
the war has brought us ever closer to a new war.

Now, through their cowardly and unnecessary genuflections to our
enemies, made under the preening cover of feigned concern for the
lives of our hostages they have done nothing to free, Olmert and his
associates place the lives of every one of us in danger.

Dear friends, if you were in a position to trade 450 terrorist
killers for Cpl. Gilad Schalit, what would your decision be?

I, myself would not even consider freeing any terrorists who are
responsible for the deaths of our loved ones. Rather, I would
indefinitely turn off the water and electricity, which Israel still
(often without getting paid), supplies to the Arabs in Gaza, until
the return of ALL hostages, including the British BBC reporter, Alan

How would YOU resolve this very difficult moral dilemma?

With Blessings and Love for Israel,

Ruth Matar

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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Deadliest Shooting Rampage in U.S. History
Aired April 16, 2007 - 17:00 ET

WOLF BLITZER, HOST: And so there you have it.
The next news conference scheduled now for 7:30 p.m. Eastern.

We'll get more information at that time.

At this hour, shock and horror in the wake of the deadliest shooting
rampage in U.S. history.

This is what we know so far.

The killing spree began early this morning, around 7:15 a.m. 7:15
a.m. Eastern. Virginia officials say 33 people were killed. That
includes the gunman, who is believed to have acted alone. That's
what they're saying.

Police also saying the gunman eventually took his own life.

His motive, though, not clear and he remains unidentified at this

The massacre occurred in southwestern Virginia, on the campus of
Virginia Tech. That's in Blacksburg, Virginia.

The first 911 call was made at 7:15 a.m. Eastern from West Amber
Johnson Hall. That's a coed dormitory. Two people were killed there.

Two hours later, with the campus in lockdown, authorities got word
of more gunfire at Norris Hall. That's an engineering building, a
classroom across campus, inside. Most of the bloodshed happened

Cell phone video captured the sounds of gunfire and the chaos.

I want you to watch and listen to this.


BLITZER: We counted 27 shots in that one minute or so of videotape.

We're going to be speaking to the student who took that videotape,
part of our I-Report series. We're going to get some specifics on
what he saw, what he heard -- 27 shots on that little snippet of
tape. The massacre comes as Virginia's governor is out of the
country right now. He was to begin a two week Asian trade mission in
Japan today. He'll be returning, though, immediately.

Governor Tim Kaine is joining us on the phone from Tokyo.

First of all, Governor, our deepest condolences to everyone at
Virginia Tech. I know this is a university very close to you. You
gave the commencement address there last year.


It is a university that is a very, very wonderful and tight
community. It has been hit by some tough -- tough circumstances this
year. And today's tragedy is just absolutely awful for the whole

BLITZER: You -- I assume you heard the news conference from the
president of the university, the police chief there.

What can you add? what do we not know about these circumstances
because there are still so many unanswered questions?

KAINE: Well, Wolf, there are unanswered questions and I think the
university is trying to put -- put the things in the right order.
The most immediate thing to do now is to make sure that all of the
victims are identified and that every next of kin receives
notification as promptly as possible. That is the first priority,
and then dealing with those grieving family members and students.

I'm returning to campus so that I can be on campus with the students
and family members and faculty tomorrow.

Obviously, the investigation as to the instance is -- is continuing.
And I believe every few hours the university will obviously be
briefing the press on what more they know.

The state police -- I received notice -- I landed in Tokyo and
arrived on a trade mission to Japan and India at about 5:00 p.m. now
last night and then was called at -- shortly after midnight about
this instance and am returning home within the next couple of hours.

BLITZER: What was your immediate reaction, Governor, when they told

Because initially we were told maybe one person was killed. But then
the numbers exploded. The latest numbers now released by the
university, 33 people, including the gunman, dead.

KAINE: Well, when I was told, I mean it just -- my heart went out to
the community. As your viewers know from the -- from your coverage
today, the first day of school last fall, there was a very tragic
incident dealing with an escapee from a local jail who shot a deputy
sheriff and a security guard at a local hospital.

I went down and attended both of those memorial services and dealt
with the university community and it was a very, very tragic thing.

The -- some of the incidents around the shooting happened on the
Virginia Tech campus. And this -- this community has been through a

So my first thought when I was called last night and given this news
as just feeling very badly for the Virginia Tech community. It is a
tight community with a great deal of spirit. They have been through
a difficult time this year already. And that was the first thing
that came to my mind.

BLITZER: There is no confirmation, no identification of this

Have you been told anything in general terms, what -- what he was
doing, what he was trying to achieve, if there was a motive?

KAINE: Wolf, no, I do not have any more information than that. I've
spoken with the -- with the head of the campus police. I've spoken
with the state trooper who is in charge of the operation for the
Virginia State Police on scene. I had two conversations with
President Steger and then my own chief of staff has been in touch
with the -- with me throughout the last six or seven hours.

And so -- but in terms of the identification of the shooter, I do
not have any more information that I can share right now.

BLITZER: The president of the United States, President Bush, spoke
out just a little bit -- a while ago, about an hour-and-a-half or so

Has he been in touch with you? Is he making federal resources
available for this investigation?

KAINE: Yes, Wolf.

The president called me. It's -- it's now 6:00 a.m. Tokyo time and
the president -- and I was notified shortly after midnight. The
president called me probably somewhere between 3:00 a.m. and -- 3:00
a.m. or 4:00 a.m. and we talked about this. And he, you know, both
expressed his, you know, significant concern, but also indicated
that he wanted to make available federal resources to the greatest
extent he could.

The FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms are already
part of the investigation. And I very much appreciate it and I know
that President Steger at Virginia Tech did, as well, the call from
the president. We feel like we are getting good cooperation from
these federal law enforcement agencies.

It is now a, you know, a cooperative law enforcement endeavor where
you've got the Virginia Tech police, the local sheriff's office and
town police, and then the Virginia State Police and these federal
officials all part of the investigation right now.

BLITZER: And I know you're getting ready to fly back and go right to
the campus of Virginia Tech. 2:00 p.m. Eastern they're scheduled to
have, what, it's being called a convocation tomorrow?

KAINE: Yes, it's a...

BLITZER: I know you're going to be there for that.

KAINE: Yes, I am. It's a -- a gathering for all in that community
who feel affected. It will, you know, be a, you know, a vigil, a
chance just to share the pain and grief of this experience, but also
to -- to make very plain that this is a community that is a very
resilient community. And the grieving will be deep and it will not
be quick. But there is no doubt in my mind that this community is a
strong community and will -- will -- will persist through this and --
just as they in so many other instances.

But, yes, we -- we were here for this mission and part of the
mission in India included some work with Virginia Tech. Virginia
Tech offers some degree programs in India and they were part of the
Indian segment of this delegation.

But it is very important that I be back on campus. And so, within a
couple of hours, my wife and I are going to be getting on a plane to
head back.

BLITZER: Governor, have a safe flight back.

We'll speak to you tomorrow.

An awful, awful situation happening on the campus of Virginia Tech.

We're watching it nonstop.

Governor, thank you very much.

Our deepest condolences to everyone on the campus, everyone in

We'll be right...

KAINE: Thank you, Wolf.

BLITZER: Thank you, Governor.

At the scene, there is grief, there's shock, there is stunned

Let's go to the campus of Virginia Tech.

Our Brianna Keilar is on the scene in Blacksburg, Virginia for us.

What have you been learning about this -- this incident?

There was that two hour gap between the first shooting in which two
people were killed and the subsequent shooting in which, what, 30
additional people were killed, including another person who was --
apparently took his own life. That would be the shooter.

BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. And that's the
resounding question here, Wolf -- why wasn't the alarm sounded in
between those two shootings? Why wasn't that first shooting seen as
a warning?

Speaking or listening earlier from the press conference here for
Virginia Tech President Charles Steger, he said they really had to
go -- police authorities had to go on the information that they had.
And at that point, they believed the shooting in the dorm, where two
lives were taken, they believed that to be, perhaps, a domestic

They also believed it was an isolated event and they also believed
the shooter had left the campus. They thought everything had sort of
finished you, if you will, and there wasn't really cause for alarm.

And still, at this point, Wolf, they say they're trying to still
draw a connection between that first shooting at the dorm and that
second shooting at the engineering building, where 31 people were
killed -- Wolf.

BLITZER: All on this -- oh, unfortunately I think we lost -- there
we are, Brianna.

Are you getting any information at all on the shooter, the
individual who committed this horrendous crime?

KEILAR: No. At this point, police -- Virginia Tech police say that
they are not able to identify the shooter. At this point they're in
the process of identifying the shooter. He had no identification on
his body.

BLITZER: Brianna, we're going to stay on top of this story with you.

Brianna Keilar is on the scene for us at Virginia Tech out in
Blacksburg, Virginia.

Let's get some analysis of what we are gleaning from all of this.

Joining us on the phone, Gregg McCrary.

He's a former FBI special agent.

Greg, we've spoken often during these kinds of incidents. This is
the worst shooting spree -- the worst shooting rampage in American
history. You've heard what local law enforcement has to say, what
the president of the university has to say.

What's your initial reaction?

certainly emotionally it's very shocking, even when you deal with
this on a -- deal with violence on a routine basis. Something of
this magnitude is stunning. And we don't know much. It's still
trying -- they're still working and trying to understand exactly
what occurred. But I think one of the important messages here is
that, obviously, that is done. There's nothing we can do about that.
But one of the things to be aware of is that in these nationally-
publicized stories of mass murder, there is a contagion factor, and
over the next few weeks we're at an elevated potential for having
another sort of incident of some sort.

Now, I don't mean to sound like an alarmist on this, but this
happens continuously. We see it workplace violence issues -- they
happen in a cluster, and these school shootings tend to occur in

So, I think the most important take-home message right now for
everybody else is just to be sensitive to this issue and to -- to
report things up, or report any suspicions they have. An

BLITZER: Let me interrupt for a second, Gregg. Are you talking about
copycats? Is that what you fear?

MCCRARY: Yes. Yes, exactly, because there are people who are on the
edge, who look at this as sort of a motivating factor for them to go
over the edge. And it pushes them over and then they go ahead and
act out on this.

So, anyone that is identifying with this or making excessive or
intimidating references to this, or any other workplace violence or
school violence, anything like that that makes people uncomfortable,
they need to be sensitive to that and report that up.

BLITZER: Gregg, short of having metal detectors on college campuses,
at dormitories, lecture halls, or getting on campus, what do you do
in a situation like this? Anybody, a lone individual, deranged, or
for whatever political reason or any other reason, just walks on a
campus with a weapon and a bunch of clips, they could cause
extensive death, as we've seen today.

MCCRARY: That's true. This is part of the risk of having a free and
open society. Anybody can walk in to a shopping mall and do the same
thing, or go in to any -- you know, any public area at any time.

And I guess the -- one of the things to take some heart in is that
these are rare and unusual events. And even though they're rare,
obviously the devastation is catastrophic when these things happen.
But they're low probability, high sequence sort of events.

It's -- we can't live in a fortress society. No one wants to live
like that. But I think the issue is back to identifying these
people, troubled individuals, people who are paranoid or who are
depressed, maybe delusional in some way. They need some help, and we
need to be sensitive to our surroundings and people around us, and
then report those concerns up.

BLITZER: Gregg McCrary, stand by. We're going to get back to you.

BLITZER: But joining us now is Jamal Albarghouti. He's the student
who recorded that video earlier today.

Jamal, I know this must be extremely painful and difficult for you,
tub tell our viewers where you were, what time this occurred when
you started your camera rolling.

10:00, around 9:50 a.m. here Eastern Time in Blacksburg, and I was
just going to campus to talk to my adviser, but then I started
hearing people telling me to leave. So I was on campus around 10:00.

BLITZER: What kind of camera were you using?

ALBARGHOUTI: It was my cell phone camera. I have a Nokia N70, and I
was just using the cell phone camera.

BLITZER: And so what -- did you start hearing some -- some shots and
you saw people running? Is that when you decided to start rolling

ALBARGHOUTI: Well, I took that decision when I saw a policeman
drawing -- taking off his gun and started looking at -- looking for
a target to shoot. I knew that this isn't another bomb threat,
because we had two last week. So I knew this is something way more
serious. It was then when I decided to use my camera.

BLITZER: We heard -- we counted 27 shots in the video that you made
available to CNN through our I-Report operation, 27 shots. Do you
know if those shots were coming from the gunman, coming from the
police? Do you have any idea what those popping sounds -- where they
were coming from?

ALBARGHOUTI: I have no idea. Thanks for counting them, Wolf. I
didn't know there were 27 shots.

I thought -- to tell you the truth, I thought I was really safe. I
thought they were far away from where I am. But then people started
talking about shots that might have been inside the building. That
might have been the reason why they weren't so loud. At the end of
the video, if you can hear it, there is really a loud -- maybe it
was a bang like a tear bomb or something that...


BLITZER: It sounded a lot louder. It was almost like a boom, the
final shot that we heard.


BLITZER: There it is right there.

ALBARGHOUTI: Yes. That was the loudest one I heard. That was when I
knew that I'm really close to a really serious situation. And there
was a cop from behind me rushing towards me, telling me to just
leave. This is when I stopped using my camera.

BLITZER: And we heard some screaming after that loud boom at the
very end. What was that?

ALBARGHOUTI: That was the cop. There was a police officer coming
towards me because I was trying to go closer to where the shooting
was to take a better picture. But then I hear police officer run
towards me and he told me to basically run back and leave.

BLITZER: So you were outside the West Ambler Johnston engineering
building where these -- this mass killing occurred, 30 people -- no,
no. Excuse me, that was Norris Hall. You were outside Norris Hall.


BLITZER: That's the engineering building where most of the dead
people were found.

ALBARGHOUTI: Yes, this is the case. That's where you can see --
Norris Hall is the building that is -- that you will see mainly on
my -- oh, sorry. That you will see mainly on the video I was taking.

BLITZER: That's the engineering building. Did you know earlier that
there had been a shooting at the West -- at the Johnston co-ed dorm
earlier that morning at 7:15, two hours earlier, two and a half
hours earlier? Had anybody alerted you to that?

ALBARGHOUTI: No. Actually, they did send e-mails, and it was on
Virginia Tech's Web site, but I didn't have the time to actually
check it. So I just went to campus without knowing that there was
previous shootings on campus.

BLITZER: So basically you live off campus. You were going to your
class. So you showed up, what, around 9:30, and then all of a sudden
all hell breaks loose?

ALBARGHOUTI: Yes. It's really windy out here. Yes, sir. This is what

BLITZER: What do you know about, if anything, about these chains
that supposedly were on a door at the Norris Hall, the engineering
building where, what, 30 -- 30 individuals were shot, including the
gunman, who apparently took his own life?

ALBARGHOUTI: I didn't hear the first part of your question. Could
you please repeat it?

BLITZER: Did you hear anything or learn anything about chains on the
door at Norris Hall?

ALBARGHOUTI: No, but I saw the cops struggling to get in to Norris
Hall. Usually that door -- I use it every Wednesday to go to class.
And usually it's never locked.

Probably the reason why the cops were not rushing in to there is
either that they were trying to open it, or that they were just
trying to make sure it's safe to go in there. I did not hear or knew
that there were any kind of chains blocking that door.

BLITZER: The reaction on campus -- you're an undergraduate, or a

ALBARGHOUTI: I'm a graduate student.

BLITZER: Are you an engineering student?

ALBARGHOUTI: Yes, I'm doing civil engineering. Construction

BLITZER: So tell us, give us a little bit of flavor of what your
fellow students have been saying to you over these past few hours.

ALBARGHOUTI: Well, everybody here in Blacksburg is really sad.
Blacksburg is one of the best and nicest towns I've ever been to.
It's a really safe place. You can't imagine how safe it is.

And with two bomb threats and two people died in August, at the
beginning -- at the very first day of -- at the very first day of
this semester, and now more than 30 students, I guess, or 30 people
got killed in this incident, everybody is so sad. Everybody is
shocked. We don't what's going on in here.

We were just talking that everything would settle down and we -- and
Blacksburg would once again be the small, nice town it used to be.
But it actually is.

BLITZER: Jamal, where are you from originally?

ALBARGHOUTI: Well, I'm originally from the West Bank, Palestine. I
lived most of my life in Saudi Arabia, though.

BLITZER: So this is very extraordinary for you to be experiencing
here in the United States this kind of horrific event?

ALBARGHOUTI: Yes. Yes. You can imagine that I've been in cities
where problems did happen in such cities, like I've been in
Palestine, or I've been in Saudi Arabia. In Riyadh once there was a
bombing in the Ministry of Interior.

But in Blacksburg, it used to be -- or it is a really safe town,
indeed. I never though that such a thing would happen in front of me
here in Blacksburg.

BLITZER: The Albarghouti family a very prominent family in the
Middle East.

Jamal Albarghouti, thank you so much for doing what you did. Please
be careful over there. Good luck to you. Good luck to all your
fellow students at Virginia Tech.

Is there anything else you want to say to our viewers? ALBARGHOUTI:
I just want to say how sorry I am for all of the families of those
who got killed or injured in this incident. That's probably the only
thing I can say.

BLITZER: Well said.

ALBARGHOUTI: And we are -- we are really sorry for them.

And thank you very much, Wolf.

BLITZER: Thank you, Jamal. Thank you for doing what you've done.
You've helped all of our viewers better appreciate the enormity of
what has happened on your campus today.

Thanks, Jamal Albarghouti. We'll be speaking with you. And please
convey our deepest condolences to your friends and your colleagues,
your fellow students on the campus.

Officials report, as we've been saying, 33 people dead, including
the gunman who went on this massacre at the Virginia Tech campus.
And as we've been discussing, much of the carnage unfolding in the
science and engineering building. That's the building where you
heard Jamal say he attends classes. It's called Norris Hall.

Remember, we are staying on top of this story. Lou Dobbs is not
going to go away from it.

The worst, worst mass shooting in U.S. history unfolded today at
Virginia Tech.

I'm Wolf Blitzer in THE SITUATION ROOM.

"LOU DOBBS TONIGHT" starts right now.


Three Shot in Drive-By Terror Attack Near the Airport
April 17th, 2007 c.e.
by Ezra HaLevi

( Terrorists carried out a drive-by shooting attack
Tuesday morning, targeting Jews not far from the community of
Naaleh, 18 miles east of Tel Aviv and near Ben-Gurion International

The Magen David Adom emergency service says it treated one victim
for moderate shoulder wounds and two others for light wounds caused
by shrapnel. The victims have been transported to Tel HaShomer
hospital near Tel

Let us start out here:
"Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a Jewish holiday that
takes place on the 27th day of Nisan, in the Hebrew calendar. It is
held every
year in remembrance of the approximately six million Jews who died
in the
Holocaust. It is a national holiday in Israel.

It was originally proposed to be on the 15th of Nisan, the
anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising (April 19, 1943), but this
objected to as being the first day of Passover. Instead, the 27th
was chosen,
being eight days before Yom Ha'atzma'ut, or Israeli Independence
Day. Yom
HaShoah was established by Israeli
law in 1959, and was signed by David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi,
then prime minister of Israel and president of Israel, respectively.

At 10:00 on Yom HaShoah, air-raid sirens sound for two minutes
throughout Israel. Public transport comes to a standstill for this
period, and
people stop and stand silent."

"The 57th anniversary celebration of Israel's
Independence Day Yom Ha'atzmaut event
Click on

for details about The 57th anniversary celebration of Israel's
Independence Day Yom Ha'atzmaut event at 6 p.m. Wednesday May
11th,2005 c.e. at 530 West 28th Street Between 10th and 11th Avenues
in New York City you may also email

Now let us go back for a moment to the first date mentioned above:
"It was originally proposed to be on the 15th of Nisan, the
anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising (April 19, 1943)"

Then let's look at a date mentioned in the piece By Kenneth R.
Timmerman below:
"April 19, 1995" That was the date of The Oklahoma City Bombing.
On that date Saddam Hussein sent the Oklahoma City Bombers to
destroy the
Federal Building in Oklahoma City,Oklahoma.

Why was the Federal Building in Oklahoma City different from
all other Federal Buildings? Because it housed the records detailing
connections between Iran-Contra, Saddam Hussein, and
the Reagan-Bush Administration. It was the site of the election eve
1992 indictment of former U.S.Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger
in the
Iran-Contra case. Saddam Hussein was deeply embarassed by
his connections to the Reagan-Bush Administration, and to the
Administration of George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st President of the
States (January 20th,1989-January 20th,1993).

Saddam was furious at former President Bush for kicking him out of
Kuwait. Saddam sent his assassins to murder former President Bush
in Kuwait in 1993.
Aired 9/11/2001 "Baghdad Republic of Iraq TV: These are
the fruits of the new US order.[Video of explosion rocking World
Center]Panic has spread among US official circles, which evacuated
the White
House following a series of explosions."

"CNN LARRY KING LIVE Aired October 2, 2001 LARRY KING: Have you
spoken to your
father- in-law? (George Herbert Walker Bush)
LAURA BUSH: I've spoken to my father-in-law. They were-they had
actually spent
that Monday night here.(at the White House) I had just seen them off
morning (9/11/2001) when I got in the car and found out about the
plane.(going into the World Trade Center.)"

"Senator Joseph Lieberman: (Saddam) tried to kill former President
Bush (in

Former President Bush Speech to Congress September 11th 1990. 11
years to the
day before September 11th 2001 "In the early morning hours of August
powerful Iraqi army invaded Kuwait.The crisis in the Persian Gulf
also offers a
rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation.
Out of these
troubled times, our fifth objective-a new world order-can emerge."

"(White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer: we have real and
information that the airplane that landed at the Pentagon was
intended to hit the White House."

"White House Was Flight 93 Target
A high-ranking al Qaeda detainee told investigators the intended
target of
United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed into a Pennsylvania field
on Sept. 11,
was the White House.Government sources said Abu Zubaydah, now in U.S.
custody,believed to be the source of the information."

"Investigative Report
Iraqi Connection to Oklahoma Bombing
Posted March 25, 2002
By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Saudi Crown Prince Abdallah reportedly rejected a direct request
from Vice
President Dick Cheney during a March 16 meeting in Jeddah that Saudi
support a U.S.-led attack on Iraq. Other Arab countries have
followed suit. But
new information linking Iraq to terrorist attacks against the U.S.
could at least change the equation or at least the U.S. resolve to
move against
Iraq unilaterally if necessary.

President George W. Bush and top administration officials have
expanded the war
on terror to include regimes, such as Iraq's, that are developing
weapons of
mass destruction. In testimony March 19 before the Senate Armed
Committee, CIA Director George Tenet made clear that Iraq's ongoing
nuclear-weapons program constitutes a clear and present danger to
the United
States. The president repeatedly has said the same. But until now
the United
States has taken no steps to deploy the forces most observers
believe would be
necessary to support military action to depose Saddam Hussein.

That was before an Oklahoma City lawyer named Mike Johnston, aided
by Larry
Klayman of Judicial Watch, filed a federal lawsuit against Iraq on
behalf of
victims of the Oklahoma City bombing. The lawsuit alleges that "the
entire plot
to blow up the Murrah Building on April 19, 1995, in whole or in
part, was
orchestrated, assisted technically and/ or financially and directly
aided by
agents of the Republic of Iraq."

The facts Johnston and his team of investigators uncovered could
blow the lid
off the U.S. government cover-up of the "others unknown" who
conspired with
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols to murder 168 Americans. If
proven, says
Richard Perle, chairman of the Bush administration's advisory
Defense Policy
Board, "it would add a lot to the justification of what we do."
However, Perle
cautioned INSIGHT in an interview, "The case against Saddam is so
powerful it
would be unnecessary and unwise to pin our case on one single act,
heinous. We're looking at the aggregate of the indictment of Iraq:
their weapons
of mass destruction, their refusal to allow U.N. arms inspectors
into the
weapons facilities, their support for terrorism. If we clutched at
one single
act, some people might see it as an excuse."

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. district court in Washington on March 14,
that convicted Oklahoma City conspirator Nichols met repeatedly in
Philippines with World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Youssef, and that
Youssef was
an Iraqi intelligence agent. If these allegations are confirmed in
court, they
constitute a stunning indictment of Iraqi state complicity in
murderous attacks
on the United States well before Sept. 11.

As if anticipating new developments on the terrorism front, CIA
Director Tenet
told the Senate Armed Services Committee in unusually frank
testimony on March
19 that the United States now is actively examining potential Iraqi
and Iranian
involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks.

"As to where we are in [investigating] Sept. 11, the jury's out,"
Tenet told
senators. "And it would be a mistake to dismiss the possibility of
sponsorship, whether Iranian or Iraqi, and we'll see where the
evidence takes

The evidence could take the CIA and the White House to both Middle
states, as Tenet made clear. "The distinctions between Sunni and
Shia [Islam]
that have traditionally divided terrorist groups are not
distinctions you should
make anymore because there is a common interest against the United
States and
its allies in this region, and they will seek capability wherever
they can get
it," he said. Saddam Hussein and his governing Baathist elite are
Sunni, while neighboring Iran is majority Shiite. Both have helped
Osama bin
Laden's al-Qaeda network, U.S. counterterrorism officials now

Some of the evidence cited in the complaint was developed by Stephen
Jones, the
McVeigh defense attorney who first aired allegations of Iraqi
involvement in his
book Others Unknown: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing
But other facts will surprise even veteran Oklahoma City watchers,
who long have
known the government was withholding evidence, as Department of
Inspector General Glenn A. Fine admitted in an official report
released on March

Jones tells INSIGHT that the new allegations, combined with evidence
he had
uncovered earlier, bear the weight of prima facie evidence of a
conspiracy involving Iraq.

"We went to the Philippines four times to investigate Terry Nichols'
with Ramzi Youssef and other known terrorists," Jones tells INSIGHT.
evidence, now being expanded by Johnston and his investigators,
testimony from Edwin Angeles, a Philippine-government intelligence
operative who
was infiltrated into the top echelon of the radical Islamic
terrorist group
known as Abu Sayyaf.

Angeles "turned himself in" to Philippine authorities in December
1994 and
provided videotaped testimony to an American private investigator
working for
Jones who interviewed him in the Basilan provincial jail. On the
tape, never
admitted into evidence at the Oklahoma City trial, Angeles says he
met on
several occasions with Youssef, coconspirators Abdul Hakim Murad,
Wali Khan Amin
Shah and a visiting American known as "The Farmer."

At one meeting in late 1994 in Davao on the island of Mindanao, a
hotbed of
Muslim extremism, the group discussed specific terrorist targets in
the United
States, including the federal building in Oklahoma City, as INSIGHT
last November (see "Iraq Connection to U.S. Extremists," Nov. 19,
2001). Angeles
then made a sketch of The Farmer that he gave to the investigators.
Says Jones:
"The man it depicted was a dead ringer for Terry Nichols."

According to Jones, as well as new witnesses uncovered by Johnston
and his
investigators working on the ground in the Philippines, Nichols went
to the
Philippines to learn bomb-making techniques in late 1994 after he
and McVeigh
had attempted unsuccessfully to build an explosive device. "In
October," Jones
says, "Tim couldn't blow up a rock. Then Terry goes to the
Philippines, and Tim
says he builds the bomb." Despite repeated demands from his lawyers
for the
truth, McVeigh "never accounted for how he learned to build the
bomb," Jones
says. Jones and Johnston believe it was Nichols who brought back
that expertise
from the Philippines after extensive meetings with bomb expert

Nichols' father-in-law, a Filipino policeman named Torres, told
Philippine-government investigators that he had found bomb-making
manuals in
Nichols' luggage in late 1994 when Nichols stayed at the family's
home in Cebu
City, at precisely the same time Angeles placed Nichols in meetings
there with
Youssef. The FBI claims Torres retracted these statements, but Jones
says he
reaffirmed them in subsequent depositions with Philippine
authorities. "To me,
that increased his credibility," Jones tells INSIGHT.

And then there's the strange package Nichols left with his ex-wife
in the United
States before making the last of his many previously tranquil trips
to the
Philippines. In the package, which he instructed her to open only if
he didn't
return to the United States within 90 days, Nichols included a
letter to McVeigh
("You're on your own," he wrote). He also left what amounted to a
instructing his ex-wife in the event of his death to reclaim gold
bars, $20,000
in cash and other monetary instruments from a hidden cache.

"We have reason to believe that Terry Nichols was planning to take
part in
Project Bojinka [the plot to attack U.S. airliners]," Johnston tells
"He only returned to the United States after Ramzi Youssef's plans
were foiled
and Youssef fled the Philippines for Pakistan." Youssef was arrested
Pakistani authorities in February 1995 and promptly extradited to
the United
States to stand trial for the 1993 bomb attacks on the World Trade

Youssef's past has proved elusive. When he was brought to trial for
the 1993
World Trade Center bombing, he was presented as a Palestinian
refugee who grew
up in Kuwait and traveled to Afghanistan in the late 1980s to join
forces with
bin Laden.

But new evidence uncovered by Johnston and his investigators
suggests that
Youssef may have had direct ties to Iraqi intelligence all
along. "We have sworn
witness statements and affidavits from court cases that predate the
City bombing that directly tie Ramzi Youssef to Dr. Ihsan Barbouti,"
tells INSIGHT. "The witnesses say Barbouti introduced Ramzi Youssef
as an
'explosives expert for the Iraqi National Oil Company,' and that
Youssef was
working in Kuwait for Barbouti prior to the Iraqi invasion."
Johnston says that
he believes Barbouti was married to a member of Saddam Hussein's al-
clan. In tribal Iraq, such ties create bonds of absolute loyalty.

In January 1995, the record shows Youssef was mixing explosives in a
apartment with Abdul Hakim Murad when his deadly brew caught fire,
smoke into the hallway and the street. The pair fled, but Murad went
back after
the fire to retrieve a computer hard drive containing evidence of
terrorist plans and was arrested. Once Youssef was extradited to the
States, the FBI decrypted the files and found detailed plans, code-
named Project
Bojinka, to blow up 11 U.S. airliners over the Pacific.

On the day of the Oklahoma City bombing, Murad summoned his prison
guards in a
New York jail and told them he had important information about the
attack. In a
signed statement, he said it had been carried out by the Liberation
Army of the
Philippines. Questioned about that allegation in jail, Angeles was
quick to
correct him, Jones says. "It had nothing to do with the Philippines,
told our investigator. It was the Palestine Liberation Army [PLA]
that Abdul
Hakim was referring to, working with Islamic Jihad."

The PLA was established in 1979 after the Camp David Peace Accord by
Hussein, who was then chairman of a radical Arab coalition known as
the Front of
Refusal. The PLA trained in Iraq and had units that this reporter
encountered in
Lebanon in the early 1980s. No one besides Jones has until now
picked up on
Angeles' claim of their involvement in the Oklahoma City bombing.

The new legal complaint by Oklahoma City victims argues the
attack "was an
illegal continuation of the Persian Gulf War" and that Iraq had
the "means,
opportunity and motive" to carry it out. It contends Youssef was the
vehicle of the conspiracy working through Nichols, who became "a
convert" to Youssef's anti-American agenda during his frequent
meetings in the

But troubling new evidence directly tying McVeigh to Iraq also is
beginning to
emerge. In McVeigh's lengthy March 1998 "Essay on Hypocrisy," in
which he
explained his motives for the bombing, he repeatedly compared his
actions in
taking the lives of U.S. government workers to U.S. air strikes on
Iraq. "The
people of the nation approve the bombing of government employees
because they
are 'guilty' by association they are Iraqi government employees,"
wrote. "In regard to the bombing in Oklahoma City, however, such
logic is

Last October, U.S. News & World Report revealed in its "Washington
column that McVeigh was carrying Iraqi telephone numbers when he was
arrested on
the day of the bombing. Sources tell INSIGHT that the phone numbers
were contained in a sealed manila envelope that was turned over to
the FBI
unopened by the Oklahoma state troopers who arrested McVeigh. The
FBI logged in
the evidence as "manila envelope with content," but never disclosed
what was

Yet another potential Iraqi connection to the Oklahoma City bombing
is being
promoted by a former Oklahoma City TV reporter named Jayna Davis,
who claims to
have discovered an Iraqi terrorist network embedded within the Arab
community in the city.

According to Davis, she found a "perfect match" when she compared
the sketch of
John Doe No. 2 to video surveillance photos of an Iraqi refugee
named Hussein
al-Hosseini. Davis ran several TV news reports on al-Hosseini and a
brown pickup truck spotted by eyewitnesses at the scene of the
bombing in the
weeks following the attack. She alleged that a similar pickup was
seen before
the attack at the house where al-Hosseini was staying. Davis tells
didn't know how many brown pickups were registered in Oklahoma, but
that the
truck at al-Hosseini's house disappeared after the bombing.

Davis was sued by al-Hosseini for libel after airing her allegations
But she insists that he never provided a convincing alibi for his
whereabouts at
key moments in the Oklahoma City conspiracy. After extensive civil-
proceedings, al-Hosseini dropped the lawsuit and has dropped out of

Davis admits she never successfully penetrated al-Hosseini's past,
investigated his contradictory claims to have been a member of
Iraq's elite
Republican Guard or just an ordinary military conscript who
requested and received political asylum in the United States. While
Davis has
presented the information she gathered on al-Hosseini and his
friends to
congressional staffers and to former counterterrorism officials who
INSIGHT they were "intrigued" by her findings her allegations of an
connection to the Oklahoma City bombing, while promising, remain

But one thing is clear: Bill Clinton and Janet Reno exulted when
they found a
domestic conspiracy behind the Oklahoma City bombing, say
insiders, and immediately ordered the FBI to call off its
investigation of any
international connection. Details of that connection finally are
beginning to

Kenneth R. Timmerman is a senior writer for Insight magazine and
author of the
best-seller Shakedown."
"Commentary March 2002 Islamism, Inc.
American Jihad
The Terrorists Living Among Us
by Steven Emerson
Free Press. 261 pp. $26.00
Reviewed by
Terry Eastland

ON SEPTEMBER 11, Americans learned that international terrorists were
living in their midst. The intrepid investigative journalist Steven
Emerson knew this years earlier, as a result of his own inquiries. In
American Jihad, a short but informative book, Emerson shows who the
terrorists are, and how they operate.
On Christmas Day in 1992, as a staff reporter for CNN, Emerson was in
Oklahoma City working on a story having nothing to do with
terrorism. Looking for a place to eat, he passed a large group of men
in Middle Eastern garb who were standing outside the city's
convention center. Wandering inside, Emerson found vendors hawking
books urging jihad and calling for the destruction of Christians
and other infidels. A meeting of the Muslim Arab Youth Association
under way. Emerson made his way unobtrusively into the main
hall where he listened to a series of unexpurgated calls for killing
Jews and annihilating the West.
What amazed Emerson, as he recounts here, was that he was hearing all
of this not in the Middle East but in middle America. The FBI, he
subsequently learned from his sources in the agency, had not known
about the gathering. Nor would it have conducted an investigation if
it had known, since its mandate was to probe "criminal activity and
not simply hateful rhetoric." Two months later, when the first World
Trade Center bombing occurred, Emerson wondered whether what he had
seen in Oklahoma City might somehow be connected to the
To find out, he left CNN and, arranging with PBS to produce a
documentary on radical Islam and domestic terrorism, started an
investigative project that he still heads. "We discovered," he
that "international terrorist organizations of all sorts had set up
here in America. They often took advantage of religious, civic, or
charitable organizations"-fooling the public, police, and "naive
of religious or educational institutions" who sponsored such groups
the name of "multiculturalism" or "diversity."
PBS broadcast Emerson's Jihad in America on November 21, 1994. The
documentary won several awards, but not before it had been
assailed as biased and even "racist" by American Muslim organizations
and some mainstream U.S. newspapers. Emerson himself became a
target of verbal abuse at meetings similar to the one he had beheld
Oklahoma City. He tells of attending one Muslim convention where a
speaker shouted, "Steven Emerson is the enemy of Islam! Are we going
to let Steven Emerson tell us what to do?" "No," the crowd roared.
"I sat there sweating," writes Emerson. "Thankfully, I had altered my
appearance . . . [and] no one noticed me." Not long afterward, he was
alerted by the FBI that a foreign Muslim group was plotting to kill
American Jihad zeroes in mainly on three international terrorist
groups whose tentacles began to reach into the United States at least
early as the 1980's. These are Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and al Qaeda-the
very same organizations singled out by President Bush in his State
of the Union address this January and the last-named of which was
responsible for the devastation of September 11. What Emerson
shows is how they have operated on American soil: how they have
recruited freely, focusing especially on persons bearing U.S.
passports; how they have raised money; and how they have built
clandestine networks in the service of planning mayhem and spilling
Fundraising in the United States has been facilitated by the use of
seemingly above-board organizations making seemingly above-board
pitches-to help needy children, for example-the money from which has
then been diverted elsewhere. A case in point is the Holy Land
Foundation for Relief and Development based in Richardson, Texas,
whose assets were frozen by the Treasury Department this past
December after the FBI concluded that its funds had been used to
support Hamas activities in the Middle East.
Raising money is not the only purpose served by establishing
"charitable" fronts. "By far the most important tactic" employed by
groups, writes Emerson, has been the use of nonprofit and religious
organizations to create "a zone of legitimacy" within which planning
for illegal action can occur. Until recently, the FBI has been unable
to penetrate this zone, "barred," as the Washington Post has
"even from collecting news clippings on such groups, unless they
show a crime had been committed." Under these circumstances,
Emerson's own research has proved an invaluable resource. In the
aftermath of September 11, his assiduously amassed files have been in
great demand by law-enforcement officials and congressional
investigators alike.
American Jihad is by no means a comprehensive treatment of the
terrorist threat to America. Concentrating mostly on Islamist
Emerson has little to say about other terrorist operatives working
against us, including those in the employ of secular Arab regimes
Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Nor does he take up the complex question of
best to prevent terrorism and disrupt and finally destroy the
groups responsible for it. Still, American Jihad is a valuable primer
on the threat within our borders-and one that is both accurate and
It is important to emphasize this last point because, ever since his
1994 documentary, Emerson has been the object of a denunciatory
campaign as an anti-Muslim bigot and worse. In American Jihad,
emphasizes that the problem he has identified is "confined to a
relatively small slice of all American Muslims." But neither does he
shrink from insisting that "mainstream" Muslim organizations take
responsibility for what happens at their conferences and is issued in
their name. It was, after all, Abdelrahaman Alamoudi, a founding
member of the American Muslim Council, who at a demonstration in 2000
opposite the White House declared: "Hear that, Bill Clinton: we
are all supporters of Hamas. Allahu akhbar. I wish to add that I am
also a supporter of Hizbullah."
Groups that put incendiary speakers at their microphones or that
permit themselves to be used by radicals bent on jihad, should be
neither from criticism nor from the scrutiny of the law. But the sad
fact is that, for far too long, groups preaching hatred and violence
indeed escaped scrutiny. If Emerson's warnings had been heeded when
first issued them, our country might not be in the difficult
straits in which it finds itself today.
TERRY EASTLAND, who served as director of public affairs at the
Justice Department during the Reagan administration, is publisher
of the Weekly Standard."
On February 26th, 1993 The World Trade Center was attacked.
The attack marked the 11th anniversary to the day of the idiotic and
false declaration by the Reagan-Bush Administration of February
26th, 1982 that Iraq was no longer a state sponsor of terrorism and
as such was eligible for American loans and grants,which it
subsequently got. The event also marked the 2nd anniversary to the
day of the liberation of Kuwait by the U.S. in the first Gulf War.
Saddam Hussein assassinated his first victim when he was 11 years
old. Fixated on the number 11 ever since then he easily focused on
The World Trade Center as a target because it looked so much like a
number 11 that WPIX TV Channel 11 in New York City used the World
Trade Center in its logo for years. The World Trade Center also
housed an office of the Bank of Kuwait. We can all recall how
Saddam, acting like a child who is deprived of a toy who subsequently
breaks that toy, set fire to the Kuwaiti oil fields as he was being
driven out of Kuwait during the first Gulf War in 1991.
The World Trade Center was hit on February 26th,1993 by the gang of
the evil monster Sheik Rahman, the same monster whose thugs murdered
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat on the 8th anniversary to the day of
the Yom Kippur War, October 6th. Saddam used Rahman's gang of thugs
and assassins to punish Sadat for failing to defeat Israel in the
arab surprise attack Pearl Harbor sneak attack on Israel of October
6th, 1973. Rahman's son was subsquently found with bin Laden's
killers in Afghanistan after the U.S. liberated Afghanistan from
those monsters.

Who Set the 9/11 Date And Washington D.C. location
for the annual meeting of The Carlyle Group? Former President George
Herbert Walker Bush is a part of The Carlyle Group.
Former President Bush has a son named George W. Bush who lives in a
nice White House in Washington, D.C. We do not know who set the
date but we would like to find out. So we have a little project for
you, dear readers, please forward this email to your Senators and
Congresspeople, and to your radio and t.v. talk show hosts and news
people, and to your newspaper and magazine editors and writers and
ask them to help you find out. Then follow up those emails with phone
calls and letters and visits in person to all of those people.

We all know that terrorists love anniversaries.
Dick Cheney knows that quite well, as he told Tim Russert on Meet
The Press on NBC TV on September 8th, 2002:
"MR. RUSSERT: Leading up this September 11, 2002, are we hearing an
increase in chatter? Are intelligence folks picking up conversations
amongst the al-Qaeda cells around the world?

VICE PRES. CHENEY: We've seen some of that. As you go through
anniversary dates during the course of the year, the anniversary
when U.S. troops first went into Saudi Arabia, the various
anniversaries crop up. Now, as I say, to date, not much has happened
in that respect, although we did see just this week the Germans
arrested two individuals planning, apparently, to set off a major
explosion at U.S. European Command in Heidelberg, Germany. Now, was
that al-Qaeda related? We don't know yet, but there is a temptation
I think for terrorists to try to stage events that hark back to
historically significant dates. And I wouldn't be at all surprised
if that's the case here. I'm not saying something is going to happen
on September 11, but as these major milestones come along, we often
receive reporting that it's tied into one of those dates."

It is good that Dick Cheney knew that. Cheney was in the White House
on 9/11/2001.
Imagine the rage and fury of Saddam Hussein
"On February 26th, 1982 the Reagan Administration told Congress that
it had dropped Iraq from the list of nations that supported acts of
international terrorism. Baghdad would now be eligible for American
government loan guarantees." source: SPIDER'S WEB: THE SECRET HISTORY
Imagine Saddam's rage and fury when Kuwait was liberated on February
26th, 1991, 9 years to the day after the event described above! Is it
any wonder that Saddam would launch the first of his 2 attacks on the
World Trade Center on February 26th, 1993, the 2nd anniversary of the
liberation of Kuwait City, and the 11th anniversary of the event
described above, and that he would launch his 2nd attack on the World
Trade Center on September 11th, 2001, the 11th anniversary of the
Bush I speech to Congress on Iraq. Saddam loves 11th anniversaries,
instance " Saddam Hussein's speech on the 11th Anniversary of the
Great Victory Day In the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most
Merciful Great People, The Valiant of Our Brave Armed Forces, Sons of
our Glorious Arab Nation…"

Saddam took credit for the September 11th attacks on America on
Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television. Saddam sent his henchman Osama
bin Laden to attack America and to assassinate former President
Bush, who was at the White House on the morning of September 11th,
2001,just as he had tried to assassinate former President Bush in
Kuwait in 1993. That is why Flight 93 was selected to hit the White
House on the morning of September 11th, 2001. Fortunately the heroes
of Flight 93 stopped that from happening and the plane went down in
Second Attempt to Assassinate President Bush.

We all know that Saddam Hussein attempted to assassinate former
President Bush in Kuwait in 1993. Laura Bush, wife of the current
Bush, along with the current President Bush's brothers, his parents,
former Secretary of State Baker were actually in the air enroute to
Kuwait when the intelligence came in and their plane was turned back.
Then President Clinton later bombed an empty Iraqi intelligence
building in retaliation for that attempt in which Saddam's homicide
were caught in Kuwait.

We believe that the Second Attempt to assassinate former President
George Herbert Walker Bush was made by Saddam Hussein using his
henchman Osama bin Laden on September 11th, 2001.

"CNN LARRY KING LIVE America's New War: Laura Bush Discusses the
Impact of September 11 Aired October 2, 2001 - 21:00 LARRY KING: A
couple of other things:
Have you spoken to your father- in-law (Not in transcript, but the
father in law in question is one George Herbert Walker Bush !!!)
BUSH: I've spoken to my father-in-law. They were-they had actually
spent that Monday night here. (not in transcript but "here" means at
the White House !!!) LARRY KING: Really LAURA BUSH: I had just seen
them off that morning when I got in the-got in the car and found out
about the first plane. LARRY KING: Didn't know that. LAURA BUSH: They
were-they were on their way to St. Paul, Minnesota to give a speech,
and they were in a private plane, and their plane was diverted to

September 11th, 1990 Dubya's Dad Speaks to Congress on Iraq When
September 11th Yes ! September 11th 1990. Exactly 11 years to the
day before the infamous September 11th 2001 attacks on America.
Saddam's Revenge !!! How clear it is!!! "Address Before a Joint
Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis and the Federal
Budget Deficit September 11, 1990.
We gather tonight, witness to events in the Persian Gulf as
significant as they are tragic. In the early morning hours of August
2d, following negotiations and promises by Iraq's dictator Saddam
Hussein not to use force, a powerful Iraqi army invaded its trusting
and much weaker neighbor, Kuwait. The crisis in the Persian Gulf,
as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an
historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our
objective-a new world order-can emerge. " READ THE WHOLE OF
Former President Bush's SPEECH TO CONGRESS ON SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1990 AT
"Note: The President spoke at 9:09 the House Chamber at the Capitol.. The address was broadcast
live on
nationwide television and radio." Iraq
Cheers September 11th Attacks on America "Wednesday, September 12,
2001 Baghdad TV Commentary: US `Reaping Fruits of Crimes Against
Humanity' Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television in Arabic 1700 GMT 11
Sep 01 [TV Commentary by Sa'd Yasin Yusuf read by announcer over
footage of explosions in New York] [FBIS Translated Text] [With
thanks to Laurie Mylorie - Iraq Watch] The American cowboy is
reaping the
fruits of his crimes against humanity. It is a black day in the
history of America, which is tasting the bitter defeat of its crimes
and disregard for peoples' will to lead a free, decent life. The
massive explosions in the centers of power in America, notably the
Pentagon, is a painful slap in the face of US politicians to stop
their illegitimate hegemony and attempts to impose custodianship on
peoples. It was no coincidence that the World Trade Center was
destroyed in suicidal operations involving two planes that have
broken through all US security barriers to carry the operation of the
century and to express rejection of the reckless US policy. Panic
has spread
among US official circles, which evacuated the White House following
a series of explosions. They also evacuated the Pentagon, the State
Department, and Congress and closed down the airports and government
institutions. The collapse of US centers of power is a collapse of
the US policy, which deviates from human values and stands by world
Zionism at all international forums to continue to slaughter the
Palestinian Arab people and implement US plans to dominate the world
under the cover of what is called the new [world] order. These are
the fruits of the new US order. [Video of explosion rocking World
Center] [Description of Source: Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television
in Arabic-Official television station of the Iraqi Government]"
"September 11th, 2001 - The White House is evacuated. White House
"try to avoid having the principal travel by commercial airline on
terrorist anniversaries" from "The Art of Executive Protection" "
MR. FLEISCHER: John, we have real and credible information that the
airplane that landed at the Pentagon was originally intended to hit
the White House.

Q Can you tell us about the nature of that evidence

MR. FLEISCHER: No, of course I cannot. Any questions relating to how
we have obtained any of this information, sources and methods, I
will, of course, not answer.

Q—why it changed course, Ari Why it went to the Pentagon and not
the White House

MR. FLEISCHER: We really do not know the answer to that. But we are
aware of what we have."
"White House Was Flight 93 Target
May 23, 2002
Volunteers in Shanksville this past weekend. (Photo: AP)
The San Francisco-bound jet had turned toward Washington and U.S.
fighter jets were flying to intercept it when it crashed. All 44
people aboard were killed.
(CBS) A high-ranking al Qaeda detainee told investigators the
intended target of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed into a
Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, was the White House.
Government sources said Abu Zubaydah, now in U.S. custody, is
believed to be the source of the information. He is being
interrogated by U.S. officials at an undisclosed location.
Investigators have linked Zubaydah directly to hijackers on board
Flight 93.
United Flight 93 took off from Newark, N.J., and crashed in Somerset
County, Pa.. A recorder on the plane and calls made to people on the
ground indicate passengers fought for control with the hijackers
before it went down.
The San Francisco-bound jet had turned toward Washington and U.S.
fighter jets were flying to intercept it when it crashed. All 44
people aboard were killed.
Officials previously had assumed the White House was a likely
target, but said the Capitol and CIA headquarters in McLean, Va.,
near Washington were other possibilities.Abu Zubaydah is believed to
have played a key role in organizing the Sept. 11 attacks, officials
said. As al Qaeda's top operational planner, he ran the Khalden camp
in Afghanistan, where U.S. investigators have learned many of the
Sept. 11 hijackers trained. This suggests Abu Zubaydah may have had
direct contact with the hijackers and chosen them for training.
He also had telephone contacts with at least one Arab student at
U.S. flight schools, according to a July 10, 2001, memo from a
Phoenix FBI agent.
The CIA, FBI and Pakistani authorities captured and wounded Abu
Zubaydah in a raid by in Faisalabad, Pakistan, in March. He is
believed to have masterminded the failed millennium bombing plots in
Los Angeles and Jordan, and has been linked to failed plots on the
U.S. embassies in Paris and Sarajevo.
Abu Zubaydah was also indirectly linked, through a web of
associations with other al Qaeda members in Europe, to lead Sept. 11
hijacker Mohammed Atta and his cell in Hamburg, Germany. Three
members of the Hamburg cell were suicide hijackers; three others are
still at large. Ziad Jarrah, believed to be the pilot-hijacker of
Flight 93, was a member of the Hamburg cell."


Perhaps the following may explain how Saddam knew where former
President Bush might be spending the night of September 10th-11th

"Like everyone else in the United States, the group stood transfixed
as the events of September 11 unfolded. Present were former secretary
of defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III,
and representatives of the bin Laden family. This was not some
underground presidential bunker or Central Intelligence Agency
interrogation room. It was the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., the
plush setting for the annual investor conference of one of the most
powerful, well-connected, and secretive companies in the world: the
Carlyle Group. And since September 11, this little-known company has
become unexpectedly important. That the Carlyle Group had its
conference on America's darkest day was mere coincidence, but there
is nothing accidental about the cast of characters that this
private-equity powerhouse has assembled in the 14 years since its
founding. Among those associated with Carlyle are former U.S.
President George Bush Sr., former U.K. Prime Minister John Major, and
former President of the Philippines Fidel Ramos. And Carlyle has
counted, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud of Saudi
Arabia, and Osama bin Laden's family among its high-profile
clientele." Source:
"Prince Alwaleed bin Talal reportedly believes AOL is the 'anchor'
of the
Internet. Billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal said Thursday that he
intends to double his investment in America Online (NYSE: AOL),
bringing his stake to a whopping $2.05 billion (US$)" The prince
decided to invest more heavily in AOL because he reportedly believes
the company is the "anchor of the industry" and will flourish even
though other high-tech companies are "collapsing and going under left
and right."
"America Online is the No. 1 Internet company in the world and has a
solid foundation and is making profit," the prince said in published
reports. "When the dust settles on the dot-com industry, America
Online will be around."
Charles Molineaux, Patricia Sabga
CNNfn; Capital Ideas
CNN is owned by AOL Time Warner. CNN infamously has provided
platforms to such rabid anti-Israel hosts as Pat Buchanan and Robert
Novak, and to former Clinton, now Kerry operatives Paul Begala and
James Carville, all four of whom opposed the liberation of Iraq.

"ADL Praises Mayor Giuliani for Taking a Principled Stand Against
Remarks on Trade Center Disaster
New York, NY, October 12, 2001 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
commended New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani for his unequivocal
rejection of
statements by Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal criticizing U.S.
policy in the
Middle East as a cause for the attacks on September 11. The mayor
also refused
to accept the prince's donation of funds to the relief effort.

"We commend Mayor Giuliani for standing up to Prince Alwaleed and
rejecting his
tainted and forced rationalizations on terrorism and U.S. foreign
policy," said
Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "We thank the mayor for
sending a
strong message to those who continue to degrade the memory of the
victims of the
World Trade Center attack with inappropriate and opportunistic
comparisons to
suffering in other parts of the world. There can be no moral
equivalency for
terrorism, and Mayor Giuliani, in rejecting the prince's offer, has
made that
completely clear. The mayor's wise leadership in the aftermath of
the terrorist
attacks continues to provide reassurance to New Yorkers and all

Prince Alwaleed, after agreeing to commit $10 million to a relief
fund for
relatives of the victims of the September 11 attacks, issued a
criticizing U.S. policy in the Middle East, particularly toward
Israel. "Our
Palestinian brethren continue to be slaughtered at the hands of
Israelis while
the world turns the other cheek," the statement said, in part.

Mayor Giuliani categorically rejected the statement and indicated
that the city
would not accept the donation. "The people who did it (the terrorist
lost any right to ask for justification for it when they slaughtered
4,000 or
5,000 innocent people. And to suggest that there's a justification
for it only
invites this happening in the future. It is highly irresponsible and
very, very
dangerous," the mayor said.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading
fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract
prejudice and bigotry."

"Weeks after the last pile of debris from EgyptAir Flight 990 was
pulled from the sea, investigators say they are more
convinced than ever of their original theory: The jet was crashed
deliberately." "The
co-pilot under scrutiny in the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990 uttered
an Arabic prayer not once but as many as 10 times just
before the doomed airliner went down"
"Aviation Analyst John Nance Talks About Flight 990 When a commercial
aircraft goes into a dive as steep and precipitous as the preliminary
radar data seems to indicate."
"The White House is bordered on three sides by buildings that are as
tall or taller than itself. (OEOB, Treasury, and Blair House.) Beyond
these buildings there are still more buildings, that also are taller
than the White House. The only flight path that is relatively
unobstructed if making a controlled, straight-in approach, is from
south, over the ellipse. Even the Marine helicopter the president
uses comes in from this direction and lands on the South Lawn. The
problem with flying a plane the size of a 757 or 767 in from this
direction is that there's a 555 ft tall structure in the way called
the Washington Monument. The Capitol, although a bigger target, is
similarly situated. There are buildings on all sides except for the
west side, which faces the Mall. Again, for a controlled, straight-in
approach, a pilot first would need to avoid the Washington Monument,
and then fly straight down the Mall. There is more room to do this,
but again, it would take considerable skill. Moreover, the buildings
in Roslyn, just across the river from and to the west of the Mall,
would have to be cleared, which means the plane's altitude would
probably be too high, or the angle of descent too steep to permit a
successful attack by anyone other than a skilled, experienced pilot."

The most recent example of terrorists striking on an anniversary
came on October 7th, 2004 in Taba. What happened on October 7th,
2001? The American people should recall
that on October 7th,2001 "America Retaliates for the September 11
Attacks.October 7, 2001 President George
W. Bush Speaks to America After the Strikes Begin.
Read the text of the address made from the Treaty Room in the White
on October 7, 2001 at:

"President Saddam Hussein chairs 48th
Cabinet Session
Baghdad, Oct. 22, 2001 INA
President Saddam Hussein chaired on
Sunday the 48th Cabinet session.
The Cabinet discussed recent events of
Palestinian Intifadha and
praised Palestinians brave and
persistent struggle for liberating
their lands. The cabinet reviewed the
current international
situation, especially the U.S
aggression on Afghanistan.
The Cabinet brought back a historic
stance Iraq had taken in 1979 when
it condemned the military Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan though Iraq
had then deep relations with the Soviet Union and there was a
friendship and cooperation agreement between Iraq and the Soviet
Union, yet this had not prevented Iraq from taking the national
independent stand rejecting Soviet's behavior. History repeats itself
once again in 2001 as Iraq takes the same stance and condemns the US
aggression on Afghanistan....this confirms Iraq's principled stance
rejecting all forms of foreign intervention and aggressions. The
Cabinet discussed issues listed on its agenda and made necessary
decisions and recommendations."
"It occurred on the second anniversary of Iraq's expulsion from
Kuwait City, and the Bank of Kuwait just happened to have a vault in
the basement of the World Trade Center. The Hunt Begins The mystery
of who triggered the new york blast prompts a massive manhunt. What
the experts are looking for- and where the clues may lead By Russell
EXCLUSIVE March 8, 1993 issue - The explosion in the basement of the
World Trade Center did deadly work "At approximately 12 noon on
February 26, 1993, a massive explosion rocked the World Trade Center
in New York City."
A key member of the gang that hit the World Trade Center in 1993 is
said to have escaped to Iraq using documents provided by Iraq. During
the Gulf War the same gang killed the Speaker of the Egyptian
Parliament when Egypt broke ranks with Iraq over the invasion of
Kuwait. The same gang is alleged to have assassinated Sadat.
Sheik Rahman, the blind sheik who allegedly led that gang in Jersey
City, New Jersey had a son who was found with bin Laden's gang in
Afghanistan when
the U.S. liberated Afghanistan.

Remarks at the Commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the
Liberation of Kuwait Secretary Colin L. Powell Kuwait City, Kuwait
Embassy) February 26, 2001 "Middle East
Correspondent, Robert Fisk: Why was it that the bombing of the two
embassies in Tanzania and Kenya occurred on the eighth anniversary to
the very day of the first arrival of American troops of the 82nd
airborne in Saudi Arabia in 1990?"
"October 15, 2002
During the Gulf War the same gang that attacked the World Trade
in 1993 killed the Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament when Egypt
ranks with Iraq over the invasion of Kuwait. The same gang is alleged
to have assassinated Sadat on October 6th, 1981, the 8th anniversary
of the Yom Kippur War. On Oct. 6, 2002 a French tanker was damaged in
an explosion in Yemen. Re the Bali attack: "The 12th of October 2002
will for the rest of Australian history be counted as a day when evil
struck with indiscriminate and indescribable savagery," "On October
12th, 2000 terrorists in a boat laden with explosives carried out a
suicide bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in the harbor at Aden, Yemen. In
what President Clinton described as a "despicable and cowardly act,"
17 U.S. sailors were killed, and over 30 others were wounded."

"Iraq has the motivation
and the means
to actively support the
Islamist networks of the region In the past, there have been
intelligence reports of possible cooperation between Iraq and Osama
bin Laden. Iraq has already tried to assassinate President Bush
in 1993, when he visited Kuwait as a private citizen. In the attack
the USS Cole in Aden (in) October (of 2000), there could have been an
Iraqi connection. Iraq has excellent relations with the anti-Western
Yemeni Islamists of the Army of Aden-Abyan, whose militants have been
arrested by the Yemenite authorities in connection with the attack.
Such an attack required long preparations, technical and military
skills and good operational intelligence. In addition, the explosive
used in the attack was sophisticated, a "shaped charge" like a
or a missile, a device not in use by terrorist organizations, and
which may have come from a military stockpile."

4 DAYS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Saddam's Stepson in USA
"Authorities said Saffi" (Saddam's Stepson), " triggered red flags
four reasons: the family relationship to the Iraqi dictator; training
at an American flight school; arrival on the eve of the Independence
Day celebrations; and his only documented prior entry into the United
States occurred just four days before the Sept. 11 terrorist

"Saddam's Stepson to Be Deported Fri Jul 5th 2002 (Saffi) was
planning to study at a flight school believed by the FBI ( news - web
sites) to have been used by one of the Sept. 11 hijackers."

"US officials state that an FBI investigation had substantiated
that the Iraqi government plotted the assassination of former
President Bush while visiting Kuwait in April 1993."

"Terrorist Pilot Met With Iraqi Intelligence Agent By RICK JERVIS
Special to The Wall Street Journal Europe Wall Street Journal,
Europe October 4, 2001
[With thanks to Laurie Mylroie - Iraq News] PRAGUE-Mohamed Atta, who
allegedly crashed the first plane into the World Trade Center on
11, met at least one Iraqi intelligence agent last year in Prague
before moving to the U.S., a Czech official close to the
The Wedge Issue To Use To Free The Press
We have a great opportunity with the issue of the link between
anniversaries and terrorism
To free the press. We need to ask the public- via emails, letters to
the editor, and call ins to radio and TV talk shows WHY the American
media has not been telling Americans about the link between terrorism
and anniversaries. Let's
get to work on this issue now. "He had tried to board on the
"Reid boarded the flight at Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport on
December 22,(2001) the day after the 13th anniversary of the blast
that destroyed Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. He had
tried to board the American plane the day before, on the anniversary
itself, but was delayed by suspicious security personnel and missed
the flight."
" WASHINGTON (AP) By Will Lester, Associated Press, 1/1/2002 Seven
in 10 Americans believe there will be another terrorist attack in the
near future."
We are asking for a sustained p.r. campaign by everyone who reads
email. Please post it widely and please also CALL your Senator,
Congressperson, Governor, Mayor, and other elected officials AND in
help our fellow Americans become aware of the link between
anniversaries and terrorism . If America really does have a free
we hope that your phone calls and emails and letters to the editor of
every newspaper and magazine in America will reveal that fact when
American media starts talking about the relationship of terrorism to
anniversaries. Until then know this: SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN THE
Why hasn't American media done more, in fact, done anything at all,
alert Americans to the relationship of anniversaries to terrorism? Is
the American press free or not? Had the shoe bomber's shoes exploded
in mid-ocean arafat would have had a chance to replicate his role in
the Achille Lauro hijacking in which he played "good guy" to the "bad
guys" he was secretly controlling. Similarly had Pan Am 103 NOT been
an hour late in take-off it too would have been destroyed in
mid-ocean, leaving no clues but another opportunity for arafat to
play "good guy" in "investigating" that event. Another plane, also
an hour in takeoff, TWA Flight 800, also would have exploded in
mid-ocean had it not taken off late, also would have afforded arafat
the chance to play "good guy" helpful investigator. Today Holocaust
Abbas, arafat's deputy, reprises the role of "good guy" played by
arafat, as he
pretends to go after terrorists who murder Israelis, just as arafat
did when he
used Abbas's namesake, also named Mohammed Abu Abbas, who was
arafat's next door
neighbor, to hijack the Achille Lauro and throw elderly Jewish
American Leon
Klinghoffer overboard in his wheelchair. Arafat pretended to
"negotiate" with the Achille Lauro hijackers but U.S. radio
intercepts showed
that arafat was giving orders to that Abu Abbas, who was running the
That Abu Abbas was captured by Americans in Baghdad after the
liberation of
Iraq. He later died in custody. An Abu Abbas was also named as a
recipient of
Iraqi Oil For Food Scam money. We are not sure which Abu Abbas is
referred to.
Is it the current boss of what was formerly Arafat land? Was it the
Abu Abbas
who was involved as arafat's henchman in the Achille Lauro
hijacking? Does
anyone know? If so please post it here. Thanks.
Professor Librescu was a great man. He died the way he lived: a hero.

As for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and the various other flavors of jihad
terrorists: they are the enemies of peace and freedom. The world has
not seen such an enemy since Nazi Germany. As for the left wing
support of these animals (i.e. pelosi's attempt to undermine our
President by visiting Syria): we have not seen such cowardice since
Neville Chamberlain.

Don't let the left-wing screaming freaks on this board get under your
skin. The vast majority of true Americans support Israel and will
continue to aid in their defense against the murderers.