Your Sign Off


New member
You know like just before you logg off of AIM or a chat

or like when you on a phone call and your saying your goodbyes?

What is your sign of phrase?

Like mine is

later gator masturbater


Do Cats not Drugs

or on anchorman will ferrels is Stay Classy San Diego

just kinda curious and bored



New member
I don't really have a sign off, except when talking to my girlfriend.... then, it's always something along the lines of

Her: 'sweet dreams, I love you'

me: "only of you, love you more."



Active Members
Well, depends..

Friends: Well, its about that time, i will call you tomorrow, or something - and then a quick sign off, so they won't get me started talking for another hour.

If I just have to go real quick - Gotta Go, be back later.

My Lover!!!: This normally takes about 10 minutes of mushy talking.. and about 10 rounds of I gotta go, bye.. and well you can imagine.



New member
mine is if I'm not in the mood to talk it owuld be,

"Hey, call back later before I say somthing that might **** you off."

If I'm in a rush "Bye I gotta go now."

if I just want to get off and it's boring "I'm gonna go now, Don't feel like talking to you."

If I'm just getting off. "Bye, Make sure you don't get murdered"

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