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I understand where you're coming from, however, the way I understand the modern Atheist is that they believe in purely scientific evolutionary creation theories. Separate from belief, or lack thereof, in God/Gods, is the belief one holds toward creation. If someone believes in something, than there must be a system to that belief. I'm not referring to worship or observances handed down by way of doctrine. But rather a belief in a sequence of events or occurrences that forms a systematic structure to support their belief. I guess the term is subject to personal opinion.


The belief in a series of events that supports a scientific conclusion is not a belief system. A belief system is a system of belief.. as in a system of living.. a pattern, plan, structure, or method of conducting your life that is based on a specific belief.


I believe there is no santa claus... I do not have an A-santa belief system.


The organized secular/Atheist movement is about the only group that lobbies against religion in government.


Actually... no.. Thomas Jefferson his self... who actually WROTE the 1st amendment... was for separation of church and state... as he says in his letter to the Danbury Baptist Association...


"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties."




Exclusively Christian ties in government


As well in the Peace Treaty between the United States and Tripoli.. which was written by Jefferson his self and put before the Senate and then the President, John Adams, and then to Tripoli where it was signed.




(read article 11.)


I think of them as parasitic in nature. Because without the existence of Christians, they would themselves cease to exist. They feed off their host.


I think of them as far left leaning liberals claiming to be atheists because the "separation of church and state" angle is the only one with which they can get their feet through the doors of the Supreme Court and scare the far right wing enough to get them to back off of other things they claim as rights but which are in fact privileges. They can use that angle because of the letter to the Danbury Baptists... because it CLEARLY shows Jefferson's INTENT behind the 1st amendment... in the words of Jefferson his self.


I understand ya now. I'm too used to dealing with Atheist that want to lump themselves together. Strength in numbers and all that shit.


Well... it is the way to get things done in America. And ya know what.. considering that it is unconstitutional.. it probably should be raised as an issue. Is it hurting anyone? Naaa.. I don't think so... But then again I am not walking into a courthouse fighting for my life... as an atheist... while looking at a plaque on a wall over the head of the Judge... that tells me the court thinks I am a heathen and a fool.


If I ever ended up in court fighting for my life... and had a judge tell me to swear on a bible... etc... while having a prosecuting attorney point out to a jury that is at least 90% christian that I don't believe in their god...


I may feel different about the whole thing and it not hurting anything.




As far as them organizing... I have no problem with any group organizing. The problems don't come from people organizing... the problems come from crooked politicians being for sale. Politicians are whores for money and votes If someone one gets a large enough group of voters together... it is possible to get anything at all passed in this country. If Child molesters were to organize.. NAMBLA would be the new "equal rights" group who is being "Oppressed" and Hollywood would be defending them.... I mean we've already had a pedo sitting at the head of the House Ethics Committee for fuck sake.


I had a longtime boss like that. We had a great relationship yet he was constantly fishing for my exact "belief". In his eyes I was a lost soul and he was simply trying to show me the light, to save me. I never took it personally because I understood that he honestly believed this way. He explained to me not to take it personally, rather that his beliefs required this of him. It wasn't done disrespectfully, rather he respected me and honestly didn't want me to burn in the fires of hell. Hey thats cool, if hes right, I'm burning already.


LOL that's cool. Both of my bosses act as though they are scared shitless to mention the G-Word around me. I don't know why. I have never made an issue of it at work... well... accept for 2 times in over 6 years... once was when the secretary handed out pamphlets to the boys explaining why God loves Christians and Jews but he doesn't love Muslims. The 2nd time was a few years later when the same secretary told the kids in my cottage that they need to pray for me so that I will find Jesus.


Now I have a bumper sticker on my car that says I finally found Jesus... He was behind the sofa the whole time

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