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You'll still likely be able to stream it on AOL, im sure it wont be US only

Delete my account, the is no reason why it should be against standard procediure, do it do it do it.


Or LPF Sessions 3 leaks before it's done and Spoilers will be posted for every film release. Not to mention periodic troll invasions.




You'll still likely be able to stream it on AOL, im sure it wont be US only


Even if it's US only...there will be someone who will rip it...



the night before the album release in US




Anyone know how to actually get tics to the live performance? If that dosent work out I guess the IMAX theater near me would work, but nothing beats live... :yes:


try getting tickets at ticketmaster

Please when you see spam just click the

http://www.sucksbbs.net/data/MetaMirrorCache/4b273718b96672a5cde873c5a972756e.gif graphic and type "Spam" into the text box then click report. Its better than complaining and goes straight to the mods. :)

When I heard about this, I thought it was awesome. I am one of the fortunate ones to live right near an IMAX theater that is showing it on May 14th. I am definitely going to see that. I can't wait for this... I watch live bootlegs all the time, but seeing an LP show on a screen that huge sounds great.


[broken External Image]:http://hahninator.sotrix.net/lpliveguide/cutenews/data/upimages/lplive.jpg


ooh thas great, i hope soemone gets a good stream and uploads it


i dont think many bands do entire live co0ncerts entirely streamed by AOL, so this is great as well as AOL sessions, so good work from the guys, means the album definitely has alot of promise about it


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