Guest Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Justice for Christ in America - God Damn Terrorist Man - : FBI Called off Terror Investigations A question Johnny Wizard has for America: Tell me, is this not a treasonous act - for Bush to close criminal investigations, immediately after the terrorist crimes of 911? Shouldn't the demon enemy be put to arrest for that godless act alone in this forsaken dying world? A world left instead suffering further the tyrannies of the war criminal ENEMY of all Human Life? A refresher: the neocon will tell you openly, they live to lie to the Public for cheating and stealing by murder of US, innocent peoples purposefully enslaved by a made ignorantly entranced TV audience that is repeated reminded, we have no power worth respecting. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS aren't taking are calls presently, but just lie and tell US they do. Look to see, almost all political internet traffic condemns Bush straight to hell well he rightly belongs, by the polls still say no - WE, seeking for Just cause, are the minority.. just roll over and die for the neocon betrayers to god and country, life and loving. - George Bush "The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq were the ones who attacked us in America on September the 11th" So it was as I thought too: the direct co-operation of the joint chiefs of staff assisting General Ahmad, in committing the murder of thousands in America on 911 for the neocon TRAITORS, are the same 'escaping' enemies today, responsible for 'secretly' ordering these indiscriminate terror attack bombings against YOUR Humanity for their continuing stolen pleasures as Satanic. - / / U.S. Marines are said to have killed as many as eight unarmed Iraqi prisoners when U.S. forces attacked Fallujah in November of 2004. \ \ HA! Trying to ignore the murder of more than 200,000 People as if OUR lives have no real meaning. WE KNOW they murdered everyone they could in around between 15-55, but went ahead gunning for infants and the elderly too under Sattler. Look it up. Death to the demonic bushite LIARS, death to the enemies of Man, so says the Son to God as Man to men - Kill the dishonorable bushite enemy and be Loved by all as Savior. - DEMON MURDERER PETER POWER TRIES TO LIE HIS SOCKS OFF ABOUT HOW HE MURDERS LONDONERS AS A FOR REAL TERRORIST RECRUITER [letter written as signed by Peter Power to MSNBC et al.] / /It is confirmed that a short number of 'walk through' scenarios planed [sic] well in advance had commenced that morning for a private company in London (as part of a wider project that remains confidential) and that two scenarios related directly to terrorist bombs at the same time as the ones that actually detonated with such tragic results. \ \ - Petraeus quietly urged his commanders to "get the word out" Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson / / Thompson continues by asking Chertoff to further explain what measures the country should take based on his instincts, "What cities should be asking their law enforcement to work double shifts because of your "gut feeling?" Are the American people supposed to purchase duct tape and plastic sheeting because of your 'gut feeling?'" \ \ Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson NOTE: Americans are literally paying billions for Chertoff's THREAT of "gut feeling". Billions, while the neocon walk away from MURDERING Americans on 911 with the bushite on America's Coast to Coast radio network, claiming they don't know you know, nor, ever will. They'll tell you, blame the shadows in the New World Order, but don't rely on evidence to form your conclusions on who PERSONALLY is responsible for criminal actions against YOUR rights to be free as alive. Evil is real my friend, evil is real. Death to the bushite, death to the enemy LIARS of human kind. Death to the enemies of Love and God. Death to the enemies of Life. "A dead Iraqi is just another dead Iraqi... You know, so what?" These demons are murdering god loving people as enemies to Humanity with the nazi assistance of corporate news america. Will YOU please, support my rise to speak publicly challenging anyone who disagrees with me, GEORGE WALKER BUSH needs to be arrested immediately for 911. Peter Power needs to be arrested for the london bombings. Sattler, Blount, and Russell need to be arrested, tried and put to death for WAR CRIMES against Iraq, along with those responsible for other indiscriminate targetings against innocent PEOPLES for the zionist neocon god betrayers hidden in shadows as the un-known "Joint Chiefs of Staff" demon enemies. Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You "Another Wizard's World Wide Work of Wonder audio spectacular!!!" / / Wash. Post parroted White House claim that Iraq war was authorized by U.N. Security Council \ \ Treason charges must be sought against zionist reporters who LIE with such blatant disregard for your freedom in America. - The fascist control bushite, don't like You to think independently for Yourself, for we independents out here make them look as stupid as they are. Thank you very much for that not so secret info. - The Other War: Iraq Vets Bear Witness Chris Hedges and Laila al-Arian, The Nation / / Many said that these acts were perpetrated by a minority. But they nevertheless described such acts as common and said they often go unreported - and almost always go unpunished. \ \ / / In addition to this sadistic and prolonged torture of the innocent, according to Gush Shalom, (Gush Shalom is a Jewish peace movement- true Judaism is opposed to Zionism) \ \ Moore vs. Greed Moore: "Why don't you [at CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS] tell the truth to the American people?" Becasue as zionists, THEY hate a liberating people who want to TRULY make their lives better by understanding Justice is Freedom. - "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" Why will you not as a member of Humanity, make the call to the Coast to Coast radio network of demon evil nazi savages who deny your legitimate concern be addressed freely? Hate God and Love do you? Couldn't care less could you for the giving lives of ignorant Americans as an American? Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Man. - / / An [bUSHITE ENEMY] American soldier boasts of having tortured [iNNOCENT] Iraqis and making a 15 years old Iraqi girl commit suicide after she had been raped. \ \ Tell US, who wouldn't take great pride in warring this boastful enemy of Humanity? Or, are you like CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS would suggest, it is heroic - for all are heroic who DIE for the neocon? - ALL TIME LOW - A Study of Freedom / / It is strange that the 'Secret Organization of Al Qaeda in Europe,' the group that is allegedly responsible, would have escaped notice (to say nothing of their odd, 'double secret probation' type of name). \ \ Bushite are EVIL to all, as enemies to Human kind. During Katrina, the bushites responsible for protecting America, slaughtered everyone's confiscated pets for joy and happiness. Three schools filled with hundreds of dogs, cats, snakes and bats. There was no need to kill everyone's beloved pet, but as the bushite will FREELY tell YOU, it was fun to serve demonically as the antichrist enemies of God and love. demand Justice for God, demand Justice for Johnny. / / The mere fact that one can deduce a motive for a person or a group does not mean that they perpetrated the act...and it hardly suffices as proof of anything.\ \ Just try telling that to 'why work to make life better' CBC, CNN, or FOXNEWS censors. Look at me!! They refuse to acknowledge my documented info as REALLY important to your continued ACTUAL survival. Who fuking cares right? Certainly not the enemies of America at the Coast to Coast radio network, who would kill Americans for the rich neocons without question. It's JUST American kids getting conned to die as bad guys. - DEMON LIAR George W. Bush "The larger point is, and the fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in." - Afghan civilians caught,1,3303701.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed / / The men told the same story, of how foreign troops bombed their villages long after the Taliban fighters had left, how the bombs killed women and children, goats and sheep \ \ - A quote from King Johnny Wizard, President and CEO / / Worried I'm going to love Life as truly honorable, and Greater than those who openly lie to our soldiers to have them unjustly die for no better good or reason understood? \ \ - JACK BLOOD - The Randi Rhodes Show - / / But [sECRET] documents obtained by Veterans for Common Sense through Freedom of Information Act requests reveal the number of casualties to be much higher. \ \ - God and America hate the bushite demon liars / / NATO bombardiers thousands of feet above the ground certainly don't know anything about the reality of the towns and villages - and human lives - they are destroying. \ \ - 'Up to 80 civilians dead' after US air strikes in Afghanistan / / Witnesses claim a village in British-run Helmand was bombed for three hours \ \ BUSHITE, THE ENEMY It is not just a Muslim who sees the bushite as an enemy to Humanity. These lawless savages have been acting without accountability to anyone, because they are largely enemies of America, who cowardly run from responsibility in America to defend their own brothers and sisters from the neocon, and die instead as/with rapists, torturers, and THIEVES. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" / / How can those who want accountability be termed anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American told America's not going to hunt down those who stole in their names as neoCONNED for dying. \ \ / / Israeli officials have told us that the Finance Ministry is budgeting basic social services at a percentage of their known costs \ \ EVIL BEYOND WORDS. KILLING JEWS FOR MONEY. We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without flinching from self contempt. Jesus man, do I truly hate these zionist nazi thieving LIARS on our magic TV shows who con our kids to die as bad guys. How about You? These naked LIAR enemies who bank to thieve more from Iraq, Afghanistan and America, must be brought down by Humanity's ultimate triumph over tyranny through Law. A just law, where those accused without any evidence are Innocent, and WORTHY yOur defenses. - Name One - A Journey into Self Discovery What Freedom do bushite war the innocent for to rape, pillage, and murder as blind neocon followers of the 'lawless' demon antichrist? Eh? - / / This paints the congress into a corner, because when Bush and Cheney refuse to comply with these subpoenas, congress will either have to impeach, or admit we are a dictatorship. \ \ VIDEO: Massacre of Palestinian Women and Children - Israeli High Court permits torture of Innocent Humans / / Israel has illustrated contempt for law and the value of human life, or even possessing an ethical standard of moral behavior with respect to civil and human rights \ \ Of what religion to any GOD, is this ZIONIST nazi behavior condoned? Demonic thieving bushite enemies of Man lie about such behaviors bring about 'freedom', but who of US wouldn't kill such contempt to save the lives of Our innocent beloved families? A bushite kidnaps Iraqis routinely, (or orders the murder of those between 15-55,) and what of any real man present, doesn't immediately arrest of kill such CONTEMPTIBLE bushite loyalists to the ungodly enemy antichrist? - OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE FOR AMERICA Tony Snow "The executive branch is under no compulsion to testify to Congress because Congress, in fact, doesn't have oversight abilities." IT LOOKS like they are going to attempt making the move of BLATANTLY TREASONOUS war criminals acting to measurably now destroy yOur Freedoms in godless America. The Satanic neocon's 'faith', is in that YOU as an American, will watch the same corporate drivel that offers next to nothing to empower YOURSELF to speak Justly for a dying America. Instead of demanding 24 hour, wall to wall news coverage, of war criminals going down one by one by the will of Man to Justice, CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS will broadcast your blind 'belief' that you are only a impartial viewer, who doesn't really care about dying right in front of yourself for the zionist's riches, and great worldly power of tyranny through lawless nazi bushite censorship. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" Jesus man, do I truly hate these zionist nazi thieving LIARS on our magic TV shows who con our kids to die as bad guys. How about You? / / If Bush and his PNAC buds are innocent, then Investigate 911! What have innocent people to fear from a fair, complete and real investigation? \ \ They are guilty, so, of course, the demon Bush enemy, OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE FOR AMERICA. I hear the national radio program Coast to Coast is still feeding us neocon lies. Why don't you make the call for Johnny.. believe in yourself for a change why don't you?, buddies??... I am Your god king. King Johnny I am. Champion of Universal Life! Not enough? Who cares?, to allow US speak on our broad casts as legitimate? Worried I'm going to love Life as truly honorable, and Greater than those who openly lie to our soldiers to have them unjustly die for no better good or reason understood? Let us make life better than the neocon envision, and support our rise to popular acclaim by allowing US to speak openly for public challenge in defense of America. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the enemies of Man. - True US Bush Iraq-Afghan Wars Deaths At 21,000 "In the last four years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the unreported death toll of American military personnel is in excess of 20,000 (20, 871)" It's in cowardice that 'Americans' don't speak out for the lost 'loves' of their dumber than dumb sons. - Thinking of vacationing in occupied ungodly neocon aipac israel? Check out the criminal zionist's 'best' selling point... ISRAEL PEDDLING WHORES TO ATTRACT TOURISTS [The freely self confessed child murderers of the IDF, tell US as demon liars, they're "Jews". Anyone in Israel KNOWS this factually to be so. For, the zionist forbid 'by law', to allow military service from anyone in Israel who disagree that God would will the thieving and murder of the completely innocent in GOD accepting without question. Now why would YOU want that?] / / So honestly, they could have just done it as "hot chicks of Israel" instead of including the military element. that's the sick part. [..] the sick part is the exploitation of women. For a government to officially sanction such a campaign is a sign of how bankrupt they really are, and I'm not talking tourist dollars. \ \ The nazi IDF does what Canada's dope pusher O'Conner suggests we accept. Demon enemy bushite in Afghanistan murder children without real understanding 'by accident', [no evidence is shown to ANYONE, just treasonous demon evil bushite necon spewing, "red handed"] lies after lies, while, the Taliban, we are told, are so much worse, because they would murder "ANYONE." Make sense? No. Remember: (The bush regime has been found funding Al-Qaida in Iran to commit terrorist acts against COWARDLY soldiers without free minds to speak in their own defenses.) / / The group is demanding his impeachment not only for his crimes against humanity but for lying to the American people about his worship of Satan. \ \ It almost makes me laugh, and then, I push to remind, we are so very far from where civilized is dreamed to reside. Look, think of US as actors, (because that is who we are,) and support my rise to proclaim by the will of a suffering for real human kind. Believe in US, as if your life depends on it, because it does my friends, because it does. Live free or die unwillingly. cause I am just, King Johnny Wizard President and CEO - / / We know that a crime was committed on 911. George W. Bush, of course, quashed all investigations before they could begin. Since when are crimes not investigated? [...] It is not too late, however, to begin such an investigation. There is no statute of limitations on mass murder. \ \ - Christ in America - Death to Our Enemies "The most powerful audio performance of GOD since never!" I BEG the Christian men of Earth to help GOD / / The currently ongoing "pacification" of Baqubah, a city with 300,000 inhabitants, by some 10,000 U.S. troops is using the same methods as documented in the NGO report with regard to Fallujah \ \ I BEG the Christian men of Earth to help GOD in destroying the lawless bushite nazi thieves, who lie cheat and steal from Humanity for the 'escape' of the ACTUAL zionist 911 perpetrators. Death to the LIAR bushite, death to our enemies, so say Johnny America, Lord and Savior. Coast to Coast radio hosts MUST face treason charges as enemies to Life as we know it. They lie to the American child, to trick them into sacrificing more lives for the tyranny of the antichrist. - / / Cheney's office has refused to provide his staff with details regarding classified documents or submit to a routine inspection as required by presidential order, \ \ It seems Cheney wants to go it completely alone as an escaping war criminal in America eh? Demon G. W. Bush "Our responsibility to history is already clear: to answer these attacks waged against us by stealth, deceit and murder and rid the world of evil." "Deceit" and "murder" to rid our world of justly what dum-uk enemies? Kill a lawless bushite THIEF for America why don't You Patriot Warriors? - Bin Laden may have arranged family's US exit: FBI docs - AMERICA HATES BUSHITE Nationally broadcasted every day across America, Mr. George Norry publicly supports the murder of innocent Arab children, and I'm beginning to really hate a silent dying America for it. Speak to defend the innocent in this world American, or die yourself from self contempt. Bushites war LIFE itself. So then pleads I again the Son to God, as Man to Men: war to kill the enemy bushite nazi savage thieves, for real Freedom is waged truly by Just causes. The mute, pro-censorship/tyranny THIEVING bushite savaged nation, has NO EXCUSE for the crimes they have committed in our dying names. I demand our voices heard internationally for Justice as Freedom is Godly. To, with a Love in your Heart for GOD, kill such contempt for Human life, is to serve American freedom to the last bushite neocon breathing. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the enemies of Man. / / "They can try to have their votes of no confidence," the president said, "but it's not going to determine - make the determination - who serves in my government." MY government? Now that's entitlement. And you thought George Bush didn't have a vision for America \ \ Hitler, the mad man, wasn't as insane as our demon enemy George Bush Jr. is. / / The [bUSHITE ENEMY] US has said it would refuse any request by Italy to extradite the accused [satanic bushite torturers of completely INNOCENT PEOPLE]. \ \ Christ, The Son of Man, Begs the Godly Men of Earth Christ, The Son of Man, begs the godly men of Earth, to judicially bill on sight, any neocon soldier who supports the carnage waged in Afghanistan as cop killing dope pushers. They shoot innocent women and children dead in the streets for humor, and bushite pirates at CBC and CNN, state bushite in Afghanistan are doing a good thing helping the bushmob escape the crimes of 911 by warring for Muslim fundamentalism, persecuting INNOCENT women and Christians, while for entertainment, bomb innocent families running for their lives from a Holy Church. Soulless child killing soldiers who CBC execs would tell are our DEMONIC heroes. Lawless dope pushing cop killers have got to go down dead screaming, instead of the innocent - YOU and me they target for MURDER. Death to the dishonorable bushite THIEVES, death to the enemy neocon LIARS of GOD and man. We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without flinching from self contempt. Kill a bushite LIAR, why don't you my brothers and sisters of the faith in something greater than bushite godless tyranny? Brig. General David Fraser - former nazi commander of NATO who 'okayed' the bombing of defenseless innocent Afghan women and children for the Satanic enemies of Man, stated on CBC, he liked killing police officers, along with innocent women and children, (deliberately targeted for the pleasures of the demon antichrist) because, Afghanistan's children hope to learn. See? The bushite 'will' murder all our children and teachers on hope that we will never learn the Taliban, led by "Omar the Just", were loyal to Christ as REAL American Freedom, when publicly demanding evidence to form your conclusions. Thus is why the ENEMY to LIFE neocon state on YOUR TV and radio, WE must never be allowed to speak openly with the Taliban regarding the FACTS. Because if we did, neocon pension thievers would be hunted down in the streets for public trial, and then gloriously put to death by Christian values committed to TRUE freedom from lawless godless zionist LIAR tyrannies against Mankind - YOU included. George Norry and Art Bell are the most evil of bushite, who as betrayers of the Human race, deny soldiers to know: General Ahmad funded Atta. They will both support the murder of Your American Son or Daughter for further zionist evils, before allowing true open line communications, to defend ourselves from the lawless demon enemies of Man. Do something about it, or don't. Let TRUTH set US free. Instead of making an easy phone call today for your dying brothers and sisters, die as Satanic bad guy enemies of Life on Earth, sacrificed in cowardice to the real demon antichrist, and see if we, the true, strong, and free, care. The Son of Man SCREAMS before coming home to GOD'S America: We are coming to destroy Satanically lawless bushite enemies, all for the love of God, we shall succeed my friends, we shall succeed. I will not willingly live in a forsaken world with LIAR zionist war criminals conning US to believe, God is not Great, True, Strong and Just. Die bushite die! - / / A manifest showed the goods [bUSHITE HEROIN] were to be shipped from Kabul to Dubai and then on to Canada. \ \ "We have nothing to do with poppy eradication. We stay away from [pro bushite heroin to kill YOUR kid with] it as far as we can," Maj. Steve Graham of the Royal Canadian Dragoons - To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic To further murder as these ungodly bushite liars do today as our suffering Mankind, is to blindly swear public allegiance to the for real DEMONIC antichrist THIEVES. Bushite enemies are evil nazi dumfuk scum, liars who cowardly watch America in her weakness be high jacked, and squeak nothing for Just words in our REAL defense for dying. JOHNNY ROCKS AMERICA'S Mr. O'Really responding to accusations that FOX NEWS refuses to cover the war in Iraq on behalf of concerned, AS DYING, American families, [and forsakes Christ as demon betrayers to the paying victim audience] Stated: "Do you care if another bomb went off in Tikrit? Does it mean anything? NO! It doesn't mean anything." Why should WE continue to silently die unjustly victimized?, for the bushite's contempt of Mankind censored?, the Eternal Son of Man to GOD forever answers correctly. Kill a bushite as the Love of Justice for Humanity The Son of Man BEGS all honorable men to defend Life from bushite enemies of GOD who murder, rape and steal from innocence through lawlessness as thieves of everyone. Please kill the bushite for the love of women and children. kill the bushite for the love of GOD. Please, defend ourselves further hardships by supporting immediate war crime trials to begin against all neocon traitors who LIE OPENLY to kill America's America as enemies to truth, as enemies to Christ. Charles Goyette Interviews Scott Horton / / Look, do you understand what these [TV politico] people are saying? These people, one right after another, are up here talking about a nuclear strike! [more bushite DEMON mass death and suffering against Life] On a country that hasn't threatened US?, hasn't harmed US?, has no capability to attack US? Do YOU understand the madness we have descended to? \ \ 'Kill Anyone Still Alive': American Special Ops Can you not as a American Man, destroy bushite brayers to defend innocent life? Americans could not care less presently for the value of Human life. Americans do nothing to defend their lives, but officially plan to murder more for the Satanic demon antichrist in silence. Out of millions, how many even bother to make a phone call to talk radio against the neocon. how many? Five or six? Seriously.. How many? I know bushites are demon liars for the neocon, but is it really impossible for "Americans" to try speaking?, in the face of murdering millions more forsaken by enemy mortal, pro child killer George Norry? George Norry too nice of a guy to even bother question the value of American children? The THIEF Art Bell's voice too soothing to care that neocons own pirated America, and on everything she stands whoring as WAR CRIMINALS to the FOR REAL antichrist? Death to the lawless bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind God is Great Again, George W. bush did 911 with General Ahmad, but CBC zionists, actual treasonous LIARS, actually smile to dying Canadian soldiers with only true contempt. CBC kills Canadian kids, with their intentional demon lies, trying to subvert Justice for God and Johnny. In fact, yesterday, they did a special, all on how "God is NOT Great", giving that bush bitch demon LIAR, all the space to pontificate it's hatred for Wisdom, Science, and GOD, with only nods and smiles from the 'illiterate' hord. Remember: A zionist KNOWS it's an enemy of Humanity when it supports dropping seven million land minds to murder indiscriminately OUR CHILDREN for decades, or stealing a Christians Home because they say God says Jews would do such ungodly acts. Blame innocent Jews the holocaust denying zionist shout, of which not one, is a Jew. Like me. To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic Pro child killer George Norry, enemy of the American soldier, still blabs about how more must die unjustly for bin Laden with LIES, knowing full well, video of steel flowing like water from the WTC exists, and that General Ahmad funded Atta. George Norry is a traitor to the FBI, who further plans more to die sacrificed under the censorship of the tyrant antichrist. Who cares I ask about America truly dying as neoCONNED, for George Norry has millions to not take your calls for protection, and honestly, 'Americans' couldn't care much less for Our Humanity's future. Live free by defending liberty by killing pro lawless pro torture pro fascist bushite enemies my friend, live free by defending Yourself and GOD. / / The U.S. State Department recently issued a report calling Sudan a "strong partner in the war on terror." \ \ The high jacking Bush regime is supporting financially a TYRANNICAL 'government' that openly practices Genocide, as just the sort of "American" partner to assist in determining which further murder victims are terrorists. While the same demon administration confesses to FUNDING middle eastern al-Qeada to commit TERRORIST acts in Iran, as demon evil tyranny against the sleeping Sheeple. Again, it is fully confessed that the Satanic bushmob is pro terror now. Death to the enemies of Freedom, death to the bushite betrayers of Life instead of YOU my innocent friends. Instead of US. / / US 'used forced [sLAVE] labour to build Iraq embassy' \ \ Kill a bushite LIAR and be loved by God as Life is True. DOWN WITH EVIL, UP WITH FREEDOM. - Love to God Gives US Strength The Son of Man begs the Men of Earth to defend Ourselves from the unholy forces of our tyrannical enemies. Death to the ungodly bushite thieving LIARS, death to the ungodly enemies of American children everywhere. GOD praises all Men, who kill the murderous bushite enemies of Just causes. The THIEVING satanic bushite forces, speak only contempt for GOD on our demandings of the public execution of the boastful terrorists, like the bushite who video taped the murderous assault of OUR kidnapped bare footed children, or murdered Iraqis while desecrating ELVIS, done all to please the "escaping" satanic demon antichrist zionist, Our Mr. bush Jr., who with his private business partner, General Ahmad, actually committed the ungodly treasons of 911 in a land of blind men sleeping., according to the eternally Honorable FBI anyway. Death to the ungodly bushite thieving LIARS, death to the ungodly enemies of American children everywhere. GOD praises all Men, who kill the murderous bushite enemies of America's America. "The Liar" Hannity's America, can go it alone as treasonous liars, who boastcast a con to 'neutralize' America; 'finding' that we believe their demon lies about how one dies sacrificed 'Heroic' without any IMPORTANT questions answered. do we do? To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic To further murder as these ungodly bushite liars do today as our suffering Mankind, is to blindly swear public allegiance to the for real DEMONIC antichrist THIEVES. Bushite enemies are evil nazi dumfuk scum, liars who cowardly watch America in her weakness be high jacked, and squeak nothing for Just words in our REAL defense for dying. Play pretending their actually real men, because to really be so, requires real strength. Not bush bitch Marines "WHORES YEAH!" strength, where they cowardly can't figure to defend America from ungodly war criminals. War criminals who deliberately set them up with Satanic 'black magic' to be killed in criminal actions. P2OG. But see?, the bushite fodder, can't care enough for Life to read, because it already knows like the zionist, it's an ungodly coward and a thief, as siding to lying and censorship, this will out work for evil doers in the long run without any consequences to themselves as Our sworn eternal enemy. Bushites 'think' that being Satanic brethrens for the LIAR neoCON, they'll die sacrificed not seen by all Patriot Warriors, as a dead coward - too fearful to stand as a godly Man for true accountability to living Life honorably. Cheney, McCain, and 911's gooliannie believe, You can only TV 'see' them protected Satanically by "Molech" [THEIR DEMON COG] Immune from REAL American Justice the bushite bray, We are told they believe so anyway. By Satanic command, 'inconceivable' to see the bushmob up on high treason charges... Oohh. Yeahhh.. I can see that going for real - quite excitedly I am about saving innocent lives. So, let's get done what needs to be a doing to save ourselves, so we can get this talking all behind us now, and reach for something truly breath taking as awarding, Your Servant, King Johnny Wizard President and CEO - Why should WE continue to silently die unjustly victimized?, for the bushite's contempt of Mankind censored?, the Eternal Son of Man to GOD forever answers correctly. We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without flinching from self contempt. Bushite tyranny is a dead end road paved with missed opportunity. change your evil ways in other words, and join the living side that's light to know what we are, in deed, looking at here under the dying spoils of bushite, "we pay" misfortune. To hell with Satanic demon devil worship by the President of the United States, We, the People answer, for now anyway, we have some really serious business just presently, and we really don't need to be any more reminded about Mr. Bush's satanic Devil, demon whoreship, of, "Molech", a religion practiced to deceive America into sacrificing our kids for cash with YOUR blood.... Tricked. Tricked. Tricked. Nationless bushites who blindly war Life as the neocon enemies, war for the 911 perpetrators to escape American Justice. that is why I, as of GOD, cheer to hear the deaths of these pro torture, pro theft, pro Satanic enemies of Man. They confess freely to targeting INNOCENT People for murder. - CIA 'disappeared' seven-year-old children COFER BLACK is the "CIA" LIE, KILL COFER BLACK FOR TORTURING INNOCENT PEOPLE TO DEATH FOR THE ANTICHRIST. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind. - New admissions of widespread prisoner abuse / / The Bush administration is finalizing new guidelines for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) interrogation methods that will give broad latitude for torture techniques \ \ These are crimes against Christ, and any 'Christian' who lawlessly participates in this pro-bush torture of US Humans, MUST be hunted down by the Patriot, to have the STANDING LAW in America enforced to institute the Death Sentence to those bushite responsible for such ungodly enemy actions. - Hannity interviews Johnny America - Hillary "[DEMON] Bush pulled out the inspectors." [DEMON] Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in." In Hell Firstly, the White house doctored the NIE in an act of HIGH TREASON. Two: CNN with Hillary acknowledges that the demon Mr. Bush pulled inspectors out of Iraq, but then... how is this not HELL to pay? / / Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in. And, therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power." \ \ HE LIED. Not the 'NWO', George Walker Bush, who Alex Jones tells US to look away, because he's only a puppet. Should not Bush be held accountable to the criminal actions he is PERSONALLY responsible for Christ asks YOU? / / So, there was indeed no imminent threat posed by Saddam to Amerka, and inspectors had complete unrestricted access throughout Iraq without delay prior to the, bush demon's further war crimes. So, what was the reason for all the pointless mass murder and destruction again? Oh right.. to sacrifice American soldiers so terrorist bush's war profiteering can feed off themselves as family without leadership present as spoken for.[...] it's only the dummy American People bid payers again left unaccounted to DIE intentionally. \ \ Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human. 800,000 Christians protected under Saddam, now killed under Bush Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human. - Neocon Soldier Bushites who war as the neocon enemies, war for the 911 perpetrators to escape American Justice. that is why I, as of GOD, cheer to hear the deaths of these pro torture, pro theft, pro Satanic enemies of Man. They confess freely to targeting INNOCENT People for murder. The Haditha perpetrators, if convicted, are looking at serving, maybe, a couple of years, for freely confessing to the targeting MURDER, of innocent women, men, and infants. To, with a Love in your Heart for GOD, kill such contempt for Human life, is to serve American freedom to the last bushite neocon breathing. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the enemies of Man. - The Son of Man, as the Man of Men, Johnny Wizard - CBC and CNN with FOXNews Calls him Al Qaeda, but his Jewish Father calls him Adam Pearlman, a godless enemy zionist, A thieving NAZI liar who hates freedom, who wants to kill INNOCENT Americans for his NEVER ELECTED neocon pro war buddies. Did we mention torture? See? The zionist KNOWS its OUR enemy. An enemy of Humanity, who counts that YOU personally will not phone Coast to Coast radio hosts to allow open line FREE communications. Oh well.. Americans are truly dying evil dum-uks. - Enemy LIAR of America, pro-child killer George Norry, "McCain is leading in all the polls." - PEOPLE Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil. Demon bush told us Saddam wouldn't let inspectors in, and that's why he irrationally started this war against God conflict. Impeach him, then have him PUNISHED for high treason against a further dying as truly unheard from America - for that lie alone - we ALL could/should stand together as equals demanding re-dress for the innocent murder victims who've suffered for such contempt, and belligerence for the basic precepts of freedom as Justice, or G-D as Johnny. / / "It could make August a tough month, because what they're going to try to do is kill as many people as they can to try and influence the debate here at home. Don't you find that interesting? I do, that they recognize that the death of innocent people could shake our will," the President explained. \ \ People of Earth, know, these bushite soldiers war Creation proudly with repeatedly committing aggravated felons, and South African death squad goons, all to war Love for the neocon god haters. Who, as peenacking atheists, as their very own documents stress, would murder anyone of US for a stolen nickel. Our Mr. Bush Jnr. "The war is for you or for us [neoCONS] to win. If we [neoCONS] win it, it means your defeat and disgrace forever." Die bushite die. King Johnny Wizard President and CEO - Kucinich for President! Now, it's true, America's Alex Jones states Kucinich wants to take away all your guns, and is a communist, but, Alex as sometimes, is terrified of those who seek the requirements to defend freedom directly, as more specific. (Example: NWO isn't the name of the specific guy who financed 911 to murder America.) So, as a consequence, he gets near ridiculous with labels applicable to generalizations only dummies could believe blindly. With Kucinich campaigning on ACCOUNTABILITY, Alex Jones looks quite foolish. But, he's still trying. Thank god for that. Thank god for that. Talk radio in America should take open line calls on our ideas about how to actually plan to defeat these, found factually to be, traitors to God and Country. JOHNNY ROCKS - "This collective punishment is unfair and it clearly shows how cruel Americans are," a member of Samarra's city council told IPS. "They are punishing innocent people in a cowardly way." as the TRULY SATANIC ENEMIES of GOD. Kill'em for Christ, kill'em for Allah, kill'em for children everywhere, kill'em for You, kill'em for Me, Kill'em for US. - Nazi Israel admits to dropping more than SEVEN MILLION American paid for land mines to murder GOD'S children indiscriminately in Lebanon for generations, and CBC in Canada speaks no defense for GOD'S children murdered by themselves airing no concern for YOU whatsoever. Like the 80 percent of Canadian aid STOLEN from Canada in Afghanistan. NO CONCERN CBC's Paul Hunter expresses a wish to rob you and leave you for DEAD my innocent friends. Paul Hunter must by publicly arrested for treason, publicly tried, and face his just punishment for ignoring the interests of dying Canadian soldiers. Let it be, let it be. MSNBC Poll: Over 400,000 (88%) Say Bush Should Be Impeached See? Canadians who TRUST CBC would never know by Paul Hunter. - / / Read and endorse the Nuremberg Declaration calling for the United States to accede to the International Criminal Court and bring U.S. war criminals to justice. \ \ - Bush Successful at Permanent Legalization of Torture / / The truth is that the Bush Administration has used the McCain anti-torture bill to codify a policy of torture that is now embedded in our legal system for perpetuity. \ \ McCain is some kinda demon enemy of God isn't he? To say publicly, he apposes torturing innocent people to death for the practicing Satanic bushite LIAR bad guys, leaves US thinking, shouldn't WE put McCain to death for OFFICIALLY sanctioning such criminality? I'd easily, without a second thought, put to death all those FOXJunkies in that debate audience who cheered from hell with JOY, the prospect of torturing innocent people to death, 'if it means' such IRRATIONAL action protects "American lives". See? the Magic TV and radio people refuse to allow me or anyone to think through such absent minded ungodly EVIL intent. Example: If you take FOXNews' word for it, and 'knew' your potential victim knows for sure of an impending terror attack... ... ... . How so? See? demon enemy f-cks, the ungodly bushite nazi vermin haters of Justice measured, [who steal in MY America as TRUE EVIL DOERS,] forbid such wisdom communicated as understood, for that would mean, we'd have to allow the real Victims more air time. And wise poor men such as myself would command respect and gratitude. and together, WE'D be hunting down those bushite liars who torture innocent people to death for their satanic pleasures. For, you know it does warrant the Death Sentence in America, right? (You can thank Reagan for that...) - / / Shirley, bin Laden would be sided with the fundamentalist Shiites, before, everyone-is-an-equal Sunnis, who as Bathists, had no problem WARRING al-Qeada, while counting as members of their party, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Atheists. But corporate bushite liar america says no, bin Laden supports Sunni IRRATIONALLY, and that is why bushites have to sacrifice in partnership with those who blow up PEOPLE indiscriminately as the 'good guy' 'heroes'. \ \ Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind. - / / In a move that hardly indicates that he was a terrorist plotting to attack a US government installation Tatar then went to the Philadelphia police department to complain that he was being pressured by someone into getting a map of Fort Dix and that he thought this had something to do with a terrorist plot. \ \ Didn't see this on our TV news either did You? - The King of the Jews is True Red White and Blue King of the Jews The True Red White and Blue - > BTW, ALL those Islam nuts aren't a half a world away. You may > recall a small incident that occurred on 9/11/2001. And just the > other day 6 more them were grabbed before they could attack Ft. Dix. > But, go ahead, keep your head in the sand. Pun intended. See? demon enemies of Creation DO exist, and are easily worth killing to defend the innocent they hold in Satanic contempt. Death to the bushite nazi liar thieves, death to our enemies who assist in the escape of the zionist EVIL bushmob for 911. / / On CBS' "Face the Nation," she claimed that intelligence errors before the war were "worldwide" even though the International Atomic Energy Agency's Mohamed ElBaradei publicly stated there was "no evidence" of an Iraqi nuclear program \ \ That from the 911 witch, who forbade a stop to hostilities IN AMERICA'S NAME against the innocent in Lebanon. Nazi Israel ADMITS to the targeting MURDER of any innocent persons who drive in a truck. Perhaps Americans. Who cares? Not CBC or CNN they'll tell you consistently absent from the crimes scene. - Pill popping American GI teens are becoming.. CRACKHEADS! / / Dexedrine affect the same neurotransmitters as cocaine; and ADHD drugs and cocaine are both classified by the DEA as Schedule II psychostimulants (Schedule II drugs are legal drugs that have the highest potential for abuse and addiction). \ \ American grunts get FREE all the Dexedrine they can shoot Do you know how a crackhead finds itself? Lost by indifference to the ultimate, only goal, more dope. Freedom Fighter? or crackhead WHORE, who hopes to find a dollar 'somewhere' to stave off it's crackmaster, the "American People", led by the un-elected demon dictator, our criminal Mr. bush Jr., as the true enemies of all Mankind. Bushites are on serious dope to be so dumb as cowardly accomplices to a traitor of themselves, that they would die as, before actually defending God's America - that they gave an Oath to. I guess a soldier's word doesn't count for much in bushville. The bushmob did 911 as traitors to God and Country, don't you know anything worth living for? my dying unjustly brothers and sisters? My friends, please fear not wisdom communicated by a REAL Man, for, we explain ourselves to the best of YOUR ability to listen simply. G. W. Bush used no evidence to form America's "conclusion" on who did US wrong on 911. So, Please, stop forsaking yourself, for, we're going nowhere. Support Johnny's call to demand open debate without censorship from the magic radio and TV execs, who hide in darkness, pretending to be our friends, while refusing intelligent dialog to answer any of our big troubles easily. Why? because largely, they're powerless without beating us down as giving 'Christ like' VICTIM so much - with their irrational ignorance for our survivals by the fittest. The fittest Ideas that rule this Universe, are the simplest, most easy to understand, but I digress about GOD'S greatness, for we know,. the corporate media elites as our voice, "Couldn't Care Less". CBC just did a report about all the great heroin coming in from Afghanistan, that will still cause crime, and be illegal, (and maybe give you life in prison as an American,) but brought in with the help of the demonically evil bushite thieving murderous military, by the likely ton full to attack our direct family left un-protected, BY YOU PERSONALLY. And guess what? THEY, our media masters, couldn't care less if they actually tried to be our good guys. Reminder: the god guys is good, the demon liar antichrist demon enemies who thieve from Life with censorship is bad. If they hide ourselves too far, they loose all around, up and down. So get to it. Or don't. Your choice. Life lived Now, or damnable death by cowardly design brought forthwith under your own power to do nothing under such terrible costs against our suffering natures. Typical tyranny for media control over all of Life for the beginners is this treasonous betrayal against our Nature, by refusing to be honest about our potential to be far greater than first considered. If they'd only allow US to have open communications, all our worlds would be better living for it. Demand Coast to Coast hosts allow America to defend America. I want air time with the one and only real man in these here parts, Mr. Johnny America, our glorious make believe creator of all we perceive religiously, self realized. He's a genius! - No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused Help me gain access to speak freely for open challenge against Hannity, and of America's Coast to Coast Radio network hosts, who deliberately deny you to contend, we're really, one hell of a great bunch of People persons with rights God damn them. Support Johnny's run for acknowledgment, and get US in the News why don't You. Let me be king for a day my American Kin. Make me a rich, near to dwell, well to do. Get it done. - rag-heads and ******s / / Bushite corporate america, has stated in silence, the bushite enemies of Haditha will never face public execution for such offences, YOU apparently WILL NOT GRANT IT, too cowardly, and in all likelihood, (like those of the Saudi Blount's third infantry) will be allowed to walk freely down american streets after being found GUILTY as politically supporting the robbing and murder of innocent men, women, and children all because we're INNOCENT rag-heads or ******s, \ \ like the NAZIS with jews. Zionist Holocaust Deniers that say otherwise, ('Fallujah never happened'), WE should just immediately put to death to save the lives of our remaining loved ones. Death to the murderous bushite LIAR thieves, death to all Satanic bushite traitor enemies of Justice for Man, proclaims I, King Johnny. Dope Pushing Cop Killers Support torture as a Zionist AIPAC Politician like demon McCain, and The surviving PEOPLE of the Messiah - will rise up to take you down as the ungodly enemy LIAR McCain clearly IS. As so is the Satanically practicing (with Molech and everything) repuglicons straight across the board, who, as a few demoncrates too, support the CRIMINAL escape of the bushmob through threats against the innocent LOVED by GOD ALMIGHTY. A REAL GOD with A REAL SON. McCain has got to go. Please, I, The Son of Man, the MAN of men, beg and plead again to all able bodied persons, see the thieving bushite zionist, kill it to defend Christ, kill it to defend America, kill it to defend any or all children of LIFE. Kill it with the honor and courage every REAL PATRIOT has to defend his own family my friend, lastly, kill it for me. These naked LIAR enemies who bank to thieve more from Iraq, Afghanistan and America, must be brought down by Humanity's ultimate triumph over tyranny through Law. A just law, where those accused without any evidence are Innocent, and WORTHY yOur defenses. Get to it. Kill any bushite bomber and be loved by God's America. - Nature of Good and Evil Christians Demand Bush be Impeached for Worshiping Satan - Lt. Denton to the completely innocent as god loving 'You die, you die, you die' Lt. Denton must die. We apparently have him on video blowing up People not guilty of anything. He shall die as the dope pushing cop killer he is, and we'll use his brief existence as a beneficial measurement to determine, which other demonic bushite soldiers, who as bonafide 'evil doers', disagree with such Just action - be put to death for our Freedoms also. Simple for everyone to understand? We think so, so says the Son of Man. - Death to the zionist bushite enemy forces / / After it was revealed by the Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price that British trained policemen had tortured prisoners to death with drills, we discovered, through the New York Times (!!), that American intelligence officers had been working alongside them at the Jamiyat police station \ \ Death to the zionist bushite enemy forces, death to the ungodly enemies of Man who torture innocent people to death for fun - expecting Johnny's America will not raise a word in defense for the Human race, or our guns to defend our loyal brothers to the cause of Justice. Death to the bushite, death to God's enemies who lie cheat and steal from Humanity to assist in the escape of those responsible for 911. BASELESS? / / Prime Minister Stephen Harper "We will conclude a formal agreement so that we never again face these baseless allegations," he said. Thirty Afghan detainees have claimed they were beaten, whipped, given electric shocks and denied food once they were transferred to Afghan security forces by the Canadian military \ \ These demons who war for ZIONIST censorship are a bunch a dope pushing cop killers, who murder innocent people they call 'Taliban' better known as in Arabic - students. - Proudly kill the bushite who would drop from the sky,SEVEN MILLION landmines on our cities to kill our children for decades indiscriminately, while offering our Humanity to God no apologies. Proudly kill the bushite savages all to desperately survive ourselves creating a better world through fair, free market communications. To warring for Liberty as true Freedom wills, is for Justice understood as measured, not just made up out of nowhere for the pleasures of those truly Satanic. So spoke the King of being the wisdom we here revealed by statement of timeless fact. Good will triumph over evil. That's that. - Tenent "Lets everybody tell the truth." It seems Tenent wants to inform us he actually meant when saying "slam dunk" - that, selling the war to the American Joe, without establishing any real facts would be easier than anything against the powerless as media unrepresented! - / / Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who has called for a withdrawal of all U.S. contractors from Iraq. "They charge whatever they want with impunity. There's no accountability as to how many people they have, as to what their activities are." \ \ Kucinich for President! - - Bushite War LIFE Itself - and - They Couldn't Care Less 'Alpha company patrols the poppy fields.' 20070420_taliban28.mp3 (pbs broadcast) "About the poppy harvest, currently gathering pace all around them, they couldn't care less." Instead they kill unarmed innocent people indiscriminately as enemies to ALL HUMAN LIFE. They Couldn't Care Less The 82 Airborne, in assisting in defending the world wide distribution and production of heroin, tells of murdering innocent farmers, that would never raise a gun in anger, are those they openly confess to target for first degree murder as labeled the, second tier Taliban. That's when not defending American Pension thiever ENRON'S pipeline managed under their extremist Muslim fundamentalist regime of intolerance for public communications, as the continuing thieving of 80 percent the Humanitarian Aid given by Canada to feed the STARVING, and school our children of the impoverished Afghanistan, as so reported. Eighty percent. 80. 80 percent stolen. I'm telling YOU: CBC couldn't care less about what Canadian soldiers are actually dying as COWARDS for: "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" CBC national radio management needs to be arrested in Canada for high TREASON. Please, be a Patriot, and demand these zionists allow open communication with the facts to save the lives of Canadians soldiers they hold in contempt to die as the bad guys committed to no better good. Occupation Forces support Afghan Narcotics Trade - / / [...] the [New York Times] piece details the torture of [innocent People] Sunni prisoners at one of the new American-Iraqi "security stations" \ \ Kill the bushite for America, for Justice is Freedom. Lawless mercenaries are not granted by our will to survive truly. A "lawless" enemy granted "immunity" by bushite evil phonies, is that of which, holds ourselves in their confessed contempt for Justice. Receive thanks from everyone, GOD included, by rightly destroying such inexcusable treasonous ungodly enemies of all human life. Torture is a crime against God and Humanity. So, likewise, joyously, with pride, destroy the neocon traitors of Justice - for the true Love you have as Freedom willed - is as granted. Don't buy their demon lies by blind blanket false assertions, against YOUR Humanity's Innocence in tyrannical bondage, all done in to fool you believing, we have no rights to be heard in our presence - here existing freely. Therefore, to survive US all for something better, halt the 'escaping' murderous bushite thieves for God and America. SOLDIERS: Instead of dying for nothing, my wannabe Patriot Brothers, try joining Liberty's cause, which is our cause truly. Is it because corporate TV zionist money whores, are cowardly and ignorant, as evil hypno muggers, in MY dying for real America, that YOU refuse to speak Now in your Humanity's begging further defense?, on evidence being the only requirement to establish a person's guilt or innocence? for ungodly terrorist activities committed in our name by bushite bombers from the neo-conned AIR FORCE, who, as rotted juveniles, cheeringly bomb us People indiscriminately leaving a Church as something TRULY SATANIC? To dare, in our presence, continue threatening harm against an innocent child of wonder, not yet even born to God's suffering world? Bushites war LIFE itself. So then pleads I again the Son to God, as Man to Men: war to kill the enemy bushite nazi savage thieves, for real Freedom is waged truly by Just causes. The mute, pro-censorship/tyranny THIEVING bushite savaged nation, has NO EXCUSE for the crimes they have committed in our dying names. I demand our voices heard internationally for Justice as Freedom is Godly. - Look, these neocon zionists KNOW they are OUR enemies Israel Knesset member Talab al-Sanai "It took Israel 37 years to develop and perfect these barbaric methods of repression and humiliation," al-Sanai observed. "Surprisingly, the Americans surpassed and outmatched the Israelis in their [Zionist] savagery in less than two years." - Look: innocent people are being tortured to death by those who hide OPENLY in America's uniform. [let US hunt them down for GOD, despite what demon lies they argue give them as Satanic to avoid "The Law".] - War and the Police State: Complicity of the American People / / On September 11, 2001, corporate media and the government elite launched an aggressive political and media campaign upon and against the American people. \ \ - SATANIC AMERICA / / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to investigate the events of Sept. 11?" \ \ 911 "truthers" don't want to address the hard evidence like the clear as day video of steel running like water from the WTC towers, for, as Humanity witnesses, they'd rather watch silently, children murdered indiscriminately, before, acknowledging wise godly men from our communities who speak ONLY facts on America's derision for real, open market Free communications - freedom fighters who ACTUALLY defend the innocent from the neocon bushmob traitors. Each day we hear of near hundreds of US murdered by the godless Satanic THEIVING "American" forces in Iraq. without near a peep of concern by "America". Lawless bushite mercenaries torture rape and murder, paid to do so by the WILLING American tax payer, and near 300 million "People" (the NAZIS) can't find the effort to pick up a princely phone and call the ENEMY pro child killer George Norry, (who broadcasts every day across America nationally for the IRRATIONAL neocons,) to air any real concern for our Lives. True, the demon enemy censors OUR calls, and contrives WE a buyer without questions, but he doesn't censor You always forever. So, get to it fukhead, JOHN is growing angry with americans of EVIL ignoramuses escaping the bushmob for crimes against MY HUMANITY. The Son of Man States: Death to the bushite, death to our MURDEROUS enemies, who lie cheat and steal to assist in the further criminal escape of the ungodly bushmob for 911 as TRAITORS. Loyal bushie McCain as bona-fide nazi savage "Bomb bomb bomb Iran.." Reporter 'Mr. McCain, you demon liar nazi fu-ker, don't you think your being insensitive to innocent god loving Iranians?' Pro-Torture of INNOCENT PEOPLE McCain "Insensitive to what? The Iranians? My response is lighten up and get a life." Johnny America Lyrics: "Can't an American PROUDLY kill TRAITOR pro-torture Zionist McCain for the Love of living Life Justly, as Freedom was Country?" Investigating the Investigation / / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to investigate the events of Sept. 11?" \ \ PRO-TORTURE Gonzales "I quite frankly don't like the idea of the Judiciary deciding who is on my staff." [at Justice] PRO-TORTURE Gonzales "I did not make decisions about who should or should not be asked to resign." [in mid-term] As US State Attorneys?, whom have the most serious of American Justice Department Motions of Defense for REAL Freedom?, he's not concerned directly with?, nor would "like" democratic Peoples to be allowed to care either?. IF he gets HIS way he says - as minding for the criminal master. True, Americans are generally, extremely cowardly as Bush's freely giving PAYERS, led for more ungodly sacrifices in fascistic silence, but this continuing charade of incompetence gathering against our entire Humanity, is going way beyond acceptable to everyone concerning. Johnny Wizard conceivers and otherwise non-believers state together: The Iraq war against Christ has no true justifiable cause. Torture is against the law warranting immediate death sentences The Zionist AIR FORCE bomb people indiscriminately as Satanic The bushmob stole all the Development Funds for Iraq The bushmob are stealing ALL of Iraq's oil The bushmob stole 100s of billions from censored AMERICANS, while George W. Bush personally stole 50 billion from America in the first four months of stealing the initial election. / / A BUSHITE GRUNT PRISSING PROUD AS OUR ENEMY "I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me . . as the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as the unholy enemy.] What ever happened to butterfly kisses after evening prayers? Are you telling me, an American Father, wouldn't gloriously kill this lawless bushite enemy and his demonic ilk, for our love of girls everywhere? Or, how about the UNARRESTED soldiers we witnessed on video beat shoeless children pratically to death while laughing and cheering? Or like those that speak zero defenses for Haditha's confessed MASS MURDERING irrational women and child killers? The REAL demons CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.." To, for God, gloriously, with love, kill these unarrested murderous continuing ungodly bushite nazis, is to war the TRUE enemies of Humanity to save the lives of our precious loved ones. \ \ Art Bell, "the thief", is really fuking evil to GOD as America.. being a blatant naked LIAR to the American Patriot Warriors Death to the bushite, death to our MURDEROUS enemies, who lie cheat and steal to assist in the criminal escape of the bushmob for 911 as CLEARLY TRAITORS, so says the one and only, King Johnny Wizard - President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co. - Bush Won't Turn Over Emails Until White House 'Reviews' Them / / Bush and the RNC should be immediately sued. There are no sustainable Executive Privilege arguments here: the emails were already sent over a NON-GOVERNMENTAL email system. In other words, if sensitive/classified information was sent over this system it would be a felony and impeachable. Any official information sent over this RNC email system would also be a violation of the Presidential Records Act. \ \ It's like a catch 22.. - So, the demon liar bush tells US, the terrorists would rather travel to Iraq to kill Americans indiscriminately, than come directly to America from wherever instead, to kill anyone who silently supports the indiscriminate murder of our humanity. CHRIST HATES the godless bushite nazi THIEVES, who by LYING, murder our loved INNOCENT family members, all to steal our good names in God. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies. See the bushite, you kill it for Christ, you kill it for America, you kill it to defend Yourself. - / / RENOWNED metallurgist Rosie O'Donnell proclaimed on TV on Thursday that Sept. 11, 2001, was a more significant date than most of us realized. It was, in her words, "the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel." \ \ Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators - Adolf Hitler, 1938 - / / Why would [subhuman bushite] guards torture a man they considered innocent? \ \ Because they are openly enemies to Christ. I say, kill it for America when you can, God bless. / / "As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East, I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence community's assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The first request I received from any administration policy-maker for any such assessment was not until a year into the war." \ \ Bushite will kill America / / At 9:32 he saw and heard a bomb destroy the offices of the Pentagon auditors. 40 military officers investigating the missing money were killed. The CTC was destroyed too. You can read more here: \ \ - "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" Please, if you must forsake me in your personal cowardice and self loathing, don't forsake GOD and America by not killing with PRIDE, these bushite dumfuks of NATO the first chances you get. Love liberty as if it were your own, and kill a lawlessly murderous bushite nazi savage for your love of anyone included. (You can quote me forever on that.) Let Johnny speak! - Do you expect yourself to fail trying? It's all up to You my friend, it's all up to you. Onward Christian Soldier. IDEA: Let's get our show up and running, by allowing open public investigations To be conducted internationally, with open line challenges, so we can publicly isolate each and every bushmobster personally responsible for 911, and then, all of everything else still left outstanding murdering ourselves. Whadoyahsay?? - 'We were torturing people for no reason' ...but for a bushite's Satanic pleasure, death to the tyrant thieving bushite sadists, death to GOD'S ENEMIES who war freedom in America to help escape Our Mr. bush Jr. for the crimes HE DID with Ahmad on 911 - Do we have a problem here in any way? / / A spokesman for Aegis Defence Services, said: "There is nothing to indicate that these film clips are in any way connected to Aegis." \ \ Not now according to CNN, bushite enemy Tim Spicer, and the Pentagon. This UN-NAMED spokesperson WILL be tried for aiding the crimes of first degree murder with it's lying racist nazi filth, who like getting away murdering black guys for fun and profit in iraq, paid for by A cowardly DYING AMERICA. AMERICAN The Pentagon's Power to Jail Americans Indefinitely Look, demon enemies of Christ torture innocent people for fun, paid for by the silent American tax payer. Americans refuses to bother making a simple phone call to Coast to Coast to raise some concern. THEY don't. They refuse to hunt bushite down in their streets for death to defend the innocent held indefinitely against GOD'S will. Death to the bushite, death to Johnny's godless, lawless, fascist enemies of FREEDOM. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" / / Never in modern history has country been forced to pay for its death, torture, and destruction with its own money - its own oil revenues. A country where thieves are entrusted with its richness and where murderous gangs are entrusted with its security. \ \ Look, CNN, CBC, and FOx News know the bushmob did 911, but will smile while watching your son or daughter sent out to die CONNED by their demonic hatred for US freely communicated. How do I know this? I made the effort of making the phone calls. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" Defend freedom, and the FBI, by demanding Coast to Coast radio hosts allow free communications, absent their personal contempt for preserving freedom to be our America. George Norry WILL kill Your American child for the contempt he truly holds for our lives here. He says he only supports murdering Arab children for the neocon, but when your not looking in his 'shadows', he'll kill your child too, don't doubt it for a second. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" - NATO forces shoot Afghan child, run over another - The "Shock and Awe" Gallery Quote
Guest God Guy Good Posted July 18, 2007 Posted July 18, 2007 Time is Up Al-Qaida Kagan "Al-Qaida, their whole strategy revolves around generating sectarian violence, because that is how they embed themselves within local communities " What?? For friendship? What is the demon TRAITOR to HUMANITY in America saying about the reasons he embeds an Iraqi under 50 odd divergent NEOCON labels? Wouldn't most Al-Qaida take great joy in killing a bushite nazi grunt like any real Family man would also? These LIAR dumfuk grunts who cheer "whore yeah", routinely, can barely read or write, so, how possibly does this FOXNEWS expert, expect such ungodly antichrist forces to delineate Al-Qaida from the local communities they PROVABLY indiscriminately bomb as Satanic? Kristol and Kagan: 'Put Everything' Behind Escalation So We Can Bomb Iran and Syria Kristol and Kagan MUST be put to death for treason against America, treason against Life, treason against GOD. They both have continued to Publicly advocate murdering more innocent peoples indiscriminately they call, "Al-Qaida", all to rob further monies from an undefended America. It is easily learned by any as all, the victims of bushite tyranny are exclusively, US, The People, guilty of nothing but our shared love of GOD. Remember forever: there was NO JUSIFIED REASON for bombing PEACEFUL Samara, NONE! that bombers confess was done as ordered by Allawi INDISCRIMINATELY, all for getting killed Marines sent in later for more stolen cash from America. P2OG. [hundreds of bushited Marines died rightly almost immediately - (wow eh?)] A Satanic action, Kistol and Kagan, both blame without thought to question on "Al-Qaida". The action of Satanic bushite bombers targeting Samarra as war criminals is FULLY documented. Death to the bushite neocon LIARS, death to the enemies of Freedom for Humanity. My beloved friends of GOD, please, when you see the mute bushite, kill it for Christ, kill it for Love, kill it to defend your loved family. (Any soldier who doesn't proudly talk of how it hunts those british soldiers who kidnapped barefoot children and victimized them on video, is a soldier worth destroying NOW to defend Life from death) Kagan "You rarely know in the middle of a war, what the outcome will be." Johnny Wizard the Creator "I win." - / / The US has also been backing some pro-western politicians like Iyad Allawi \ \ Do you know who Allawi is? Allawi confesses to blowing up school buses filled with children for "CIA" money. NOT THEORY. HE ADMITS IT AS AN ACTUAL SATANIC DEMON! Allawi, the truly insane mad man, confesses to having ordered the murder of doctors and nurses that treated wounded god loving women and children from Fallujah. It was these DOCUMENTED acts that had him thrown out of 'the CBC, CNN, and FOXNEWS TV expert scene as workable', all for fears that US humans might actually wake the fuk up on WHO is Our True Enemies here. All three, pro-private-bank zionist news stations are well aware that the bushmob did 911, but lie to YOU as forsakenly dying for their growing riches and world wide broadcast fame. CBC National Newz - July 11th 'tens of thousands have died in Iraq since the war against truth started.' Anyway, these two Allawi incidences are fully documented, look it up, then demand the "The US" pro-western politician person quoted as supporting Allawi - be found guilty of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, Demand publicly, having the neocon zionists EXECUTED by America, for America, as America. A Just America that defends America from criminal madness. Or don't. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Man. - Justice for Christ in America - God Damn Terrorist Man - : FBI Called off Terror Investigations A question Johnny Wizard has for America: Tell me, is this not a treasonous act - for Bush to close criminal investigations, immediately after the terrorist crimes of 911? Shouldn't the demon enemy be put to arrest for that godless act alone in this forsaken dying world? A world left instead suffering further the tyrannies of the war criminal ENEMY of all Human Life? A refresher: the neocon will tell you openly, they live to lie to the Public for cheating and stealing by murder of US, innocent peoples purposefully enslaved by a made ignorantly entranced TV audience that is repeated reminded, we have no power worth respecting. ALL TIME LOW - A Study of Freedom CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS aren't taking are calls presently, but just lie and tell US they do. Look to see, almost all political internet traffic condemns Bush straight to hell well he rightly belongs, but the polls still say no - WE, seeking for Just cause, are the minority.. just roll over and die for the neocon betrayers to god and country, life and loving. - George Bush "The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq were the ones who attacked us in America on September the 11th" So it was as I thought too: the direct co-operation of the joint chiefs of staff assisting General Ahmad, in committing the murder of thousands in America on 911 for the neocon TRAITORS, are the same 'escaping' enemies today, responsible for 'secretly' ordering these indiscriminate terror attack bombings against YOUR Humanity for their continuing stolen pleasures as Satanic. - / / U.S. Marines are said to have killed as many as eight unarmed Iraqi prisoners when U.S. forces attacked Fallujah in November of 2004. \ \ HA! Trying to ignore the murder of more than 200,000 People as if OUR lives have no real meaning. WE KNOW they murdered everyone they could in around between 15-55, but went ahead gunning for infants and the elderly too under Sattler. Look it up. Death to the demonic bushite LIARS, death to the enemies of Man, so says the Son to God as Man to men - Kill the dishonorable bushite enemy and be Loved by all as Savior. - DEMON MURDERER PETER POWER TRIES TO LIE HIS SOCKS OFF ABOUT HOW HE MURDERS LONDONERS AS A FOR REAL TERRORIST RECRUITER [letter written as signed by Peter Power to MSNBC et al.] / /It is confirmed that a short number of 'walk through' scenarios planed [sic] well in advance had commenced that morning for a private company in London (as part of a wider project that remains confidential) and that two scenarios related directly to terrorist bombs at the same time as the ones that actually detonated with such tragic results. \ \ Little Peter Power is threatening litteraly BILLIONS of US there. So.. whats wees goings two doos about its? - Petraeus quietly urged his commanders to "get the word out" Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson / / Thompson continues by asking Chertoff to further explain what measures the country should take based on his instincts, "What cities should be asking their law enforcement to work double shifts because of your "gut feeling?" Are the American people supposed to purchase duct tape and plastic sheeting because of your 'gut feeling?'" \ \ Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson NOTE: Americans are literally paying billions for Chertoff's THREAT of "gut feeling". Billions, while the neocon walk away from MURDERING Americans on 911 with the bushite on America's Coast to Coast radio network, claiming they don't know you know, nor, ever will. They'll tell you, blame the shadows in the New World Order, but don't rely on evidence to form your conclusions on who PERSONALLY is responsible for criminal actions against YOUR rights to be free as alive. Evil is real my friend, evil is real. Death to the bushite, death to the enemy LIARS of human kind. Death to the enemies of Love and God. Death to the enemies of Life. "A dead Iraqi is just another dead Iraqi... You know, so what?" These demons are murdering god loving people as enemies to Humanity with the nazi assistance of corporate news america. Will YOU please, support my rise to speak publicly challenging anyone who disagrees with me, GEORGE WALKER BUSH needs to be arrested immediately for 911. Peter Power needs to be arrested for the london bombings. Sattler, Blount, and Russell need to be arrested, tried and put to death for WAR CRIMES against Iraq, along with those responsible for other indiscriminate targetings against innocent PEOPLES for the zionist neocon god betrayers hidden in shadows as the un-known "Joint Chiefs of Staff" demon enemies. Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You "Another Wizard's World Wide Work of Wonder audio spectacular!!!" / / Wash. Post parroted White House claim that Iraq war was authorized by U.N. Security Council \ \ Treason charges must be sought against zionist reporters who LIE with such blatant disregard for your freedom in America. - The fascist control bushite, don't like You to think independently for Yourself, for we independents out here make them look as stupid as they are. Thank you very much for that not so secret info. - The Other War: Iraq Vets Bear Witness Chris Hedges and Laila al-Arian, The Nation / / Many said that these acts were perpetrated by a minority. But they nevertheless described such acts as common and said they often go unreported - and almost always go unpunished. \ \ / / In addition to this sadistic and prolonged torture of the innocent, according to Gush Shalom, (Gush Shalom is a Jewish peace movement- true Judaism is opposed to Zionism) \ \ Moore vs. Greed Moore: "Why don't you [at CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS] tell the truth to the American people?" Becasue as zionists, THEY hate a liberating people who want to TRULY make their lives better by understanding Justice is Freedom. - "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" Why will you not as a member of Humanity, make the call to the Coast to Coast radio network of demon evil nazi savages who deny your legitimate concern be addressed freely? Hate God and Love do you? Couldn't care less could you for the giving lives of ignorant Americans as an American? Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Man. - / / An [bUSHITE ENEMY] American soldier boasts of having tortured [iNNOCENT] Iraqis and making a 15 years old Iraqi girl commit suicide after she had been raped. \ \ Tell US, who wouldn't take great pride in warring this boastful enemy of Humanity? Or, are you like CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS would suggest, it is heroic - for all are heroic who DIE for the neocon? - / / It is strange that the 'Secret Organization of Al Qaeda in Europe,' the group that is allegedly responsible, would have escaped notice (to say nothing of their odd, 'double secret probation' type of name). \ \ Bushite are EVIL to all, as enemies to Human kind. During Katrina, the bushites responsible for protecting America, slaughtered everyone's confiscated pets for joy and happiness. Three schools filled with hundreds of dogs, cats, snakes and bats. There was no need to kill everyone's beloved pet, but as the bushite will FREELY tell YOU, it was fun to serve demonically as the antichrist enemies of God and love. demand Justice for God, demand Justice for Johnny. / / The mere fact that one can deduce a motive for a person or a group does not mean that they perpetrated the act...and it hardly suffices as proof of anything.\ \ Just try telling that to 'why work to make life better' CBC, CNN, or FOXNEWS censors. Look at me!! They refuse to acknowledge my documented info as REALLY important to your continued ACTUAL survival. Who fuking cares right? Certainly not the enemies of America at the Coast to Coast radio network, who would kill Americans for the rich neocons without question. It's JUST American kids getting conned to die as bad guys. - DEMON LIAR George W. Bush "The larger point is, and the fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in." - Afghan civilians caught,1,3303701.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed / / The men told the same story, of how foreign troops bombed their villages long after the Taliban fighters had left, how the bombs killed women and children, goats and sheep \ \ - A quote from King Johnny Wizard, President and CEO / / Worried I'm going to love Life as truly honorable, and Greater than those who openly lie to our soldiers to have them unjustly die for no better good or reason understood? \ \ - JACK BLOOD - The Randi Rhodes Show - / / But [sECRET] documents obtained by Veterans for Common Sense through Freedom of Information Act requests reveal the number of casualties to be much higher. \ \ - God and America hate the bushite demon liars / / NATO bombardiers thousands of feet above the ground certainly don't know anything about the reality of the towns and villages - and human lives - they are destroying. \ \ - 'Up to 80 civilians dead' after US air strikes in Afghanistan / / Witnesses claim a village in British-run Helmand was bombed for three hours \ \ BUSHITE, THE ENEMY It is not just a Muslim who sees the bushite as an enemy to Humanity. These lawless savages have been acting without accountability to anyone, because they are largely enemies of America, who cowardly run from responsibility in America to defend their own brothers and sisters from the neocon, and die instead as/with rapists, torturers, and THIEVES. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" / / How can those who want accountability be termed anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American told America's not going to hunt down those who stole in their names as neoCONNED for dying. \ \ / / Israeli officials have told us that the Finance Ministry is budgeting basic social services at a percentage of their known costs \ \ EVIL BEYOND WORDS. KILLING JEWS FOR MONEY. We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without flinching from self contempt. Jesus man, do I truly hate these zionist nazi thieving LIARS on our magic TV shows who con our kids to die as bad guys. How about You? These naked LIAR enemies who bank to thieve more from Iraq, Afghanistan and America, must be brought down by Humanity's ultimate triumph over tyranny through Law. A just law, where those accused without any evidence are Innocent, and WORTHY yOur defenses. - Name One - A Journey into Self Discovery What Freedom do bushite war the innocent for to rape, pillage, and murder as blind neocon followers of the 'lawless' demon antichrist? Eh? - / / This paints the congress into a corner, because when Bush and Cheney refuse to comply with these subpoenas, congress will either have to impeach, or admit we are a dictatorship. \ \ VIDEO: Massacre of Palestinian Women and Children - Israeli High Court permits torture of Innocent Humans / / Israel has illustrated contempt for law and the value of human life, or even possessing an ethical standard of moral behavior with respect to civil and human rights \ \ Of what religion to any GOD, is this ZIONIST nazi behavior condoned? Demonic thieving bushite enemies of Man lie about such behaviors bring about 'freedom', but who of US wouldn't kill such contempt to save the lives of Our innocent beloved families? A bushite kidnaps Iraqis routinely, (or orders the murder of those between 15-55,) and what of any real man present, doesn't immediately arrest of kill such CONTEMPTIBLE bushite loyalists to the ungodly enemy antichrist? - OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE FOR AMERICA Tony Snow "The executive branch is under no compulsion to testify to Congress because Congress, in fact, doesn't have oversight abilities." IT LOOKS like they are going to attempt making the move of BLATANTLY TREASONOUS war criminals acting to measurably now destroy yOur Freedoms in godless America. The Satanic neocon's 'faith', is in that YOU as an American, will watch the same corporate drivel that offers next to nothing to empower YOURSELF to speak Justly for a dying America. Instead of demanding 24 hour, wall to wall news coverage, of war criminals going down one by one by the will of Man to Justice, CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS will broadcast your blind 'belief' that you are only a impartial viewer, who doesn't really care about dying right in front of yourself for the zionist's riches, and great worldly power of tyranny through lawless nazi bushite censorship. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" Jesus man, do I truly hate these zionist nazi thieving LIARS on our magic TV shows who con our kids to die as bad guys. How about You? / / If Bush and his PNAC buds are innocent, then Investigate 911! What have innocent people to fear from a fair, complete and real investigation? \ \ They are guilty, so, of course, the demon Bush enemy, OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE FOR AMERICA. I hear the national radio program Coast to Coast is still feeding us neocon lies. Why don't you make the call for Johnny.. believe in yourself for a change why don't you?, buddies??... I am Your god king. King Johnny I am. Champion of Universal Life! Not enough? Who cares?, to allow US speak on our broad casts as legitimate? Worried I'm going to love Life as truly honorable, and Greater than those who openly lie to our soldiers to have them unjustly die for no better good or reason understood? Let us make life better than the neocon envision, and support our rise to popular acclaim by allowing US to speak openly for public challenge in defense of America. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the enemies of Man. - True US Bush Iraq-Afghan Wars Deaths At 21,000 "In the last four years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the unreported death toll of American military personnel is in excess of 20,000 (20, 871)" It's in cowardice that 'Americans' don't speak out for the lost 'loves' of their dumber than dumb sons. - Thinking of vacationing in occupied ungodly neocon aipac israel? Check out the criminal zionist's 'best' selling point... ISRAEL PEDDLING WHORES TO ATTRACT TOURISTS [The freely self confessed child murderers of the IDF, tell US as demon liars, they're "Jews". Anyone in Israel KNOWS this factually to be so. For, the zionist forbid 'by law', to allow military service from anyone in Israel who disagree that God would will the thieving and murder of the completely innocent in GOD accepting without question. Now why would YOU want that?] / / So honestly, they could have just done it as "hot chicks of Israel" instead of including the military element. that's the sick part. [..] the sick part is the exploitation of women. For a government to officially sanction such a campaign is a sign of how bankrupt they really are, and I'm not talking tourist dollars. \ \ The nazi IDF does what Canada's dope pusher O'Conner suggests we accept. Demon enemy bushite in Afghanistan murder children without real understanding 'by accident', [no evidence is shown to ANYONE, just treasonous demon evil bushite necon spewing, "red handed"] lies after lies, while, the Taliban, we are told, are so much worse, because they would murder "ANYONE." Make sense? No. Remember: (The bush regime has been found funding Al-Qaida in Iran to commit terrorist acts against COWARDLY soldiers without free minds to speak in their own defenses.) / / The group is demanding his impeachment not only for his crimes against humanity but for lying to the American people about his worship of Satan. \ \ It almost makes me laugh, and then, I push to remind, we are so very far from where civilized is dreamed to reside. Look, think of US as actors, (because that is who we are,) and support my rise to proclaim by the will of a suffering for real human kind. Believe in US, as if your life depends on it, because it does my friends, because it does. Live free or die unwillingly. cause I am just, King Johnny Wizard President and CEO - / / We know that a crime was committed on 911. George W. Bush, of course, quashed all investigations before they could begin. Since when are crimes not investigated? [...] It is not too late, however, to begin such an investigation. There is no statute of limitations on mass murder. \ \ - Christ in America - Death to Our Enemies "The most powerful audio performance of GOD since never!" I BEG the Christian men of Earth to help GOD / / The currently ongoing "pacification" of Baqubah, a city with 300,000 inhabitants, by some 10,000 U.S. troops is using the same methods as documented in the NGO report with regard to Fallujah \ \ I BEG the Christian men of Earth to help GOD in destroying the lawless bushite nazi thieves, who lie cheat and steal from Humanity for the 'escape' of the ACTUAL zionist 911 perpetrators. Death to the LIAR bushite, death to our enemies, so say Johnny America, Lord and Savior. Coast to Coast radio hosts MUST face treason charges as enemies to Life as we know it. They lie to the American child, to trick them into sacrificing more lives for the tyranny of the antichrist. - / / Cheney's office has refused to provide his staff with details regarding classified documents or submit to a routine inspection as required by presidential order, \ \ It seems Cheney wants to go it completely alone as an escaping war criminal in America eh? Demon G. W. Bush "Our responsibility to history is already clear: to answer these attacks waged against us by stealth, deceit and murder and rid the world of evil." "Deceit" and "murder" to rid our world of justly what dum-uk enemies? Kill a lawless bushite THIEF for America why don't You Patriot Warriors? - Bin Laden may have arranged family's US exit: FBI docs - AMERICA HATES BUSHITE Nationally broadcasted every day across America, Mr. George Norry publicly supports the murder of innocent Arab children, and I'm beginning to really hate a silent dying America for it. Speak to defend the innocent in this world American, or die yourself from self contempt. Bushites war LIFE itself. So then pleads I again the Son to God, as Man to Men: war to kill the enemy bushite nazi savage thieves, for real Freedom is waged truly by Just causes. The mute, pro-censorship/tyranny THIEVING bushite savaged nation, has NO EXCUSE for the crimes they have committed in our dying names. I demand our voices heard internationally for Justice as Freedom is Godly. To, with a Love in your Heart for GOD, kill such contempt for Human life, is to serve American freedom to the last bushite neocon breathing. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the enemies of Man. / / "They can try to have their votes of no confidence," the president said, "but it's not going to determine - make the determination - who serves in my government." MY government? Now that's entitlement. And you thought George Bush didn't have a vision for America \ \ Hitler, the mad man, wasn't as insane as our demon enemy George Bush Jr. is. / / The [bUSHITE ENEMY] US has said it would refuse any request by Italy to extradite the accused [satanic bushite torturers of completely INNOCENT PEOPLE]. \ \ Christ, The Son of Man, Begs the Godly Men of Earth Christ, The Son of Man, begs the godly men of Earth, to judicially bill on sight, any neocon soldier who supports the carnage waged in Afghanistan as cop killing dope pushers. They shoot innocent women and children dead in the streets for humor, and bushite pirates at CBC and CNN, state bushite in Afghanistan are doing a good thing helping the bushmob escape the crimes of 911 by warring for Muslim fundamentalism, persecuting INNOCENT women and Christians, while for entertainment, bomb innocent families running for their lives from a Holy Church. Soulless child killing soldiers who CBC execs would tell are our DEMONIC heroes. Lawless dope pushing cop killers have got to go down dead screaming, instead of the innocent - YOU and me they target for MURDER. Death to the dishonorable bushite THIEVES, death to the enemy neocon LIARS of GOD and man. We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without flinching from self contempt. Kill a bushite LIAR, why don't you my brothers and sisters of the faith in something greater than bushite godless tyranny? Brig. General David Fraser - former nazi commander of NATO who 'okayed' the bombing of defenseless innocent Afghan women and children for the Satanic enemies of Man, stated on CBC, he liked killing police officers, along with innocent women and children, (deliberately targeted for the pleasures of the demon antichrist) because, Afghanistan's children hope to learn. See? The bushite 'will' murder all our children and teachers on hope that we will never learn the Taliban, led by "Omar the Just", were loyal to Christ as REAL American Freedom, when publicly demanding evidence to form your conclusions. Thus is why the ENEMY to LIFE neocon state on YOUR TV and radio, WE must never be allowed to speak openly with the Taliban regarding the FACTS. Because if we did, neocon pension thievers would be hunted down in the streets for public trial, and then gloriously put to death by Christian values committed to TRUE freedom from lawless godless zionist LIAR tyrannies against Mankind - YOU included. George Norry and Art Bell are the most evil of bushite, who as betrayers of the Human race, deny soldiers to know: General Ahmad funded Atta. They will both support the murder of Your American Son or Daughter for further zionist evils, before allowing true open line communications, to defend ourselves from the lawless demon enemies of Man. Do something about it, or don't. Let TRUTH set US free. Instead of making an easy phone call today for your dying brothers and sisters, die as Satanic bad guy enemies of Life on Earth, sacrificed in cowardice to the real demon antichrist, and see if we, the true, strong, and free, care. The Son of Man SCREAMS before coming home to GOD'S America: We are coming to destroy Satanically lawless bushite enemies, all for the love of God, we shall succeed my friends, we shall succeed. I will not willingly live in a forsaken world with LIAR zionist war criminals conning US to believe, God is not Great, True, Strong and Just. Die bushite die! - / / A manifest showed the goods [bUSHITE HEROIN] were to be shipped from Kabul to Dubai and then on to Canada. \ \ "We have nothing to do with poppy eradication. We stay away from [pro bushite heroin to kill YOUR kid with] it as far as we can," Maj. Steve Graham of the Royal Canadian Dragoons - To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic To further murder as these ungodly bushite liars do today as our suffering Mankind, is to blindly swear public allegiance to the for real DEMONIC antichrist THIEVES. Bushite enemies are evil nazi dumfuk scum, liars who cowardly watch America in her weakness be high jacked, and squeak nothing for Just words in our REAL defense for dying. JOHNNY ROCKS AMERICA'S Mr. O'Really responding to accusations that FOX NEWS refuses to cover the war in Iraq on behalf of concerned, AS DYING, American families, [and forsakes Christ as demon betrayers to the paying victim audience] Stated: "Do you care if another bomb went off in Tikrit? Does it mean anything? NO! It doesn't mean anything." Why should WE continue to silently die unjustly victimized?, for the bushite's contempt of Mankind censored?, the Eternal Son of Man to GOD forever answers correctly. Kill a bushite as the Love of Justice for Humanity The Son of Man BEGS all honorable men to defend Life from bushite enemies of GOD who murder, rape and steal from innocence through lawlessness as thieves of everyone. Please kill the bushite for the love of women and children. kill the bushite for the love of GOD. Please, defend ourselves further hardships by supporting immediate war crime trials to begin against all neocon traitors who LIE OPENLY to kill America's America as enemies to truth, as enemies to Christ. Charles Goyette Interviews Scott Horton / / Look, do you understand what these [TV politico] people are saying? These people, one right after another, are up here talking about a nuclear strike! [more bushite DEMON mass death and suffering against Life] On a country that hasn't threatened US?, hasn't harmed US?, has no capability to attack US? Do YOU understand the madness we have descended to? \ \ 'Kill Anyone Still Alive': American Special Ops Can you not as a American Man, destroy bushite brayers to defend innocent life? Americans could not care less presently for the value of Human life. Americans do nothing to defend their lives, but officially plan to murder more for the Satanic demon antichrist in silence. Out of millions, how many even bother to make a phone call to talk radio against the neocon. how many? Five or six? Seriously.. How many? I know bushites are demon liars for the neocon, but is it really impossible for "Americans" to try speaking?, in the face of murdering millions more forsaken by enemy mortal, pro child killer George Norry? George Norry too nice of a guy to even bother question the value of American children? The THIEF Art Bell's voice too soothing to care that neocons own pirated America, and on everything she stands whoring as WAR CRIMINALS to the FOR REAL antichrist? Death to the lawless bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind God is Great Again, George W. bush did 911 with General Ahmad, but CBC zionists, actual treasonous LIARS, actually smile to dying Canadian soldiers with only true contempt. CBC kills Canadian kids, with their intentional demon lies, trying to subvert Justice for God and Johnny. In fact, yesterday, they did a special, all on how "God is NOT Great", giving that bush bitch demon LIAR, all the space to pontificate it's hatred for Wisdom, Science, and GOD, with only nods and smiles from the 'illiterate' hord. Remember: A zionist KNOWS it's an enemy of Humanity when it supports dropping seven million land minds to murder indiscriminately OUR CHILDREN for decades, or stealing a Christians Home because they say God says Jews would do such ungodly acts. Blame innocent Jews the holocaust denying zionist shout, of which not one, is a Jew. Like me. To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic Pro child killer George Norry, enemy of the American soldier, still blabs about how more must die unjustly for bin Laden with LIES, knowing full well, video of steel flowing like water from the WTC exists, and that General Ahmad funded Atta. George Norry is a traitor to the FBI, who further plans more to die sacrificed under the censorship of the tyrant antichrist. Who cares I ask about America truly dying as neoCONNED, for George Norry has millions to not take your calls for protection, and honestly, 'Americans' couldn't care much less for Our Humanity's future. Live free by defending liberty by killing pro lawless pro torture pro fascist bushite enemies my friend, live free by defending Yourself and GOD. / / The U.S. State Department recently issued a report calling Sudan a "strong partner in the war on terror." \ \ The high jacking Bush regime is supporting financially a TYRANNICAL 'government' that openly practices Genocide, as just the sort of "American" partner to assist in determining which further murder victims are terrorists. While the same demon administration confesses to FUNDING middle eastern al-Qeada to commit TERRORIST acts in Iran, as demon evil tyranny against the sleeping Sheeple. Again, it is fully confessed that the Satanic bushmob is pro terror now. Death to the enemies of Freedom, death to the bushite betrayers of Life instead of YOU my innocent friends. Instead of US. / / US 'used forced [sLAVE] labour to build Iraq embassy' \ \ Kill a bushite LIAR and be loved by God as Life is True. DOWN WITH EVIL, UP WITH FREEDOM. - Love to God Gives US Strength The Son of Man begs the Men of Earth to defend Ourselves from the unholy forces of our tyrannical enemies. Death to the ungodly bushite thieving LIARS, death to the ungodly enemies of American children everywhere. GOD praises all Men, who kill the murderous bushite enemies of Just causes. The THIEVING satanic bushite forces, speak only contempt for GOD on our demandings of the public execution of the boastful terrorists, like the bushite who video taped the murderous assault of OUR kidnapped bare footed children, or murdered Iraqis while desecrating ELVIS, done all to please the "escaping" satanic demon antichrist zionist, Our Mr. bush Jr., who with his private business partner, General Ahmad, actually committed the ungodly treasons of 911 in a land of blind men sleeping., according to the eternally Honorable FBI anyway. Death to the ungodly bushite thieving LIARS, death to the ungodly enemies of American children everywhere. GOD praises all Men, who kill the murderous bushite enemies of America's America. "The Liar" Hannity's America, can go it alone as treasonous liars, who boastcast a con to 'neutralize' America; 'finding' that we believe their demon lies about how one dies sacrificed 'Heroic' without any IMPORTANT questions answered. do we do? To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic To further murder as these ungodly bushite liars do today as our suffering Mankind, is to blindly swear public allegiance to the for real DEMONIC antichrist THIEVES. Bushite enemies are evil nazi dumfuk scum, liars who cowardly watch America in her weakness be high jacked, and squeak nothing for Just words in our REAL defense for dying. Play pretending their actually real men, because to really be so, requires real strength. Not bush bitch Marines "WHORES YEAH!" strength, where they cowardly can't figure to defend America from ungodly war criminals. War criminals who deliberately set them up with Satanic 'black magic' to be killed in criminal actions. P2OG. But see?, the bushite fodder, can't care enough for Life to read, because it already knows like the zionist, it's an ungodly coward and a thief, as siding to lying and censorship, this will out work for evil doers in the long run without any consequences to themselves as Our sworn eternal enemy. Bushites 'think' that being Satanic brethrens for the LIAR neoCON, they'll die sacrificed not seen by all Patriot Warriors, as a dead coward - too fearful to stand as a godly Man for true accountability to living Life honorably. Cheney, McCain, and 911's gooliannie believe, You can only TV 'see' them protected Satanically by "Molech" [THEIR DEMON COG] Immune from REAL American Justice the bushite bray, We are told they believe so anyway. By Satanic command, 'inconceivable' to see the bushmob up on high treason charges... Oohh. Yeahhh.. I can see that going for real - quite excitedly I am about saving innocent lives. So, let's get done what needs to be a doing to save ourselves, so we can get this talking all behind us now, and reach for something truly breath taking as awarding, Your Servant, King Johnny Wizard President and CEO - Why should WE continue to silently die unjustly victimized?, for the bushite's contempt of Mankind censored?, the Eternal Son of Man to GOD forever answers correctly. We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without flinching from self contempt. Bushite tyranny is a dead end road paved with missed opportunity. change your evil ways in other words, and join the living side that's light to know what we are, in deed, looking at here under the dying spoils of bushite, "we pay" misfortune. To hell with Satanic demon devil worship by the President of the United States, We, the People answer, for now anyway, we have some really serious business just presently, and we really don't need to be any more reminded about Mr. Bush's satanic Devil, demon whoreship, of, "Molech", a religion practiced to deceive America into sacrificing our kids for cash with YOUR blood.... Tricked. Tricked. Tricked. Nationless bushites who blindly war Life as the neocon enemies, war for the 911 perpetrators to escape American Justice. that is why I, as of GOD, cheer to hear the deaths of these pro torture, pro theft, pro Satanic enemies of Man. They confess freely to targeting INNOCENT People for murder. - CIA 'disappeared' seven-year-old children COFER BLACK is the "CIA" LIE, KILL COFER BLACK FOR TORTURING INNOCENT PEOPLE TO DEATH FOR THE ANTICHRIST. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind. - New admissions of widespread prisoner abuse / / The Bush administration is finalizing new guidelines for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) interrogation methods that will give broad latitude for torture techniques \ \ These are crimes against Christ, and any 'Christian' who lawlessly participates in this pro-bush torture of US Humans, MUST be hunted down by the Patriot, to have the STANDING LAW in America enforced to institute the Death Sentence to those bushite responsible for such ungodly enemy actions. - Hannity interviews Johnny America - Hillary "[DEMON] Bush pulled out the inspectors." [DEMON] Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in." In Hell Firstly, the White house doctored the NIE in an act of HIGH TREASON. Two: CNN with Hillary acknowledges that the demon Mr. Bush pulled inspectors out of Iraq, but then... how is this not HELL to pay? / / Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in. And, therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power." \ \ HE LIED. Not the 'NWO', George Walker Bush, who Alex Jones tells US to look away, because he's only a puppet. Should not Bush be held accountable to the criminal actions he is PERSONALLY responsible for Christ asks YOU? / / So, there was indeed no imminent threat posed by Saddam to Amerka, and inspectors had complete unrestricted access throughout Iraq without delay prior to the, bush demon's further war crimes. So, what was the reason for all the pointless mass murder and destruction again? Oh right.. to sacrifice American soldiers so terrorist bush's war profiteering can feed off themselves as family without leadership present as spoken for.[...] it's only the dummy American People bid payers again left unaccounted to DIE intentionally. \ \ Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human. 800,000 Christians protected under Saddam, now killed under Bush Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human. - Neocon Soldier Bushites who war as the neocon enemies, war for the 911 perpetrators to escape American Justice. that is why I, as of GOD, cheer to hear the deaths of these pro torture, pro theft, pro Satanic enemies of Man. They confess freely to targeting INNOCENT People for murder. The Haditha perpetrators, if convicted, are looking at serving, maybe, a couple of years, for freely confessing to the targeting MURDER, of innocent women, men, and infants. To, with a Love in your Heart for GOD, kill such contempt for Human life, is to serve American freedom to the last bushite neocon breathing. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the enemies of Man. - The Son of Man, as the Man of Men, Johnny Wizard - CBC and CNN with FOXNews Calls him Al Qaeda, but his Jewish Father calls him Adam Pearlman, a godless enemy zionist, A thieving NAZI liar who hates freedom, who wants to kill INNOCENT Americans for his NEVER ELECTED neocon pro war buddies. Did we mention torture? See? The zionist KNOWS its OUR enemy. An enemy of Humanity, who counts that YOU personally will not phone Coast to Coast radio hosts to allow open line FREE communications. Oh well.. Americans are truly dying evil dum-uks. - Enemy LIAR of America, pro-child killer George Norry, "McCain is leading in all the polls." - PEOPLE Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil. Demon bush told us Saddam wouldn't let inspectors in, and that's why he irrationally started this war against God conflict. Impeach him, then have him PUNISHED for high treason against a further dying as truly unheard from America - for that lie alone - we ALL could/should stand together as equals demanding re-dress for the innocent murder victims who've suffered for such contempt, and belligerence for the basic precepts of freedom as Justice, or G-D as Johnny. / / "It could make August a tough month, because what they're going to try to do is kill as many people as they can to try and influence the debate here at home. Don't you find that interesting? I do, that they recognize that the death of innocent people could shake our will," the President explained. \ \ People of Earth, know, these bushite soldiers war Creation proudly with repeatedly committing aggravated felons, and South African death squad goons, all to war Love for the neocon god haters. Who, as peenacking atheists, as their very own documents stress, would murder anyone of US for a stolen nickel. Our Mr. Bush Jnr. "The war is for you or for us [neoCONS] to win. If we [neoCONS] win it, it means your defeat and disgrace forever." Die bushite die. King Johnny Wizard President and CEO - Kucinich for President! Now, it's true, America's Alex Jones states Kucinich wants to take away all your guns, and is a communist, but, Alex as sometimes, is terrified of those who seek the requirements to defend freedom directly, as more specific. (Example: NWO isn't the name of the specific guy who financed 911 to murder America.) So, as a consequence, he gets near ridiculous with labels applicable to generalizations only dummies could believe blindly. With Kucinich campaigning on ACCOUNTABILITY, Alex Jones looks quite foolish. But, he's still trying. Thank god for that. Thank god for that. Talk radio in America should take open line calls on our ideas about how to actually plan to defeat these, found factually to be, traitors to God and Country. JOHNNY ROCKS - "This collective punishment is unfair and it clearly shows how cruel Americans are," a member of Samarra's city council told IPS. "They are punishing innocent people in a cowardly way." as the TRULY SATANIC ENEMIES of GOD. Kill'em for Christ, kill'em for Allah, kill'em for children everywhere, kill'em for You, kill'em for Me, Kill'em for US. - Nazi Israel admits to dropping more than SEVEN MILLION American paid for land mines to murder GOD'S children indiscriminately in Lebanon for generations, and CBC in Canada speaks no defense for GOD'S children murdered by themselves airing no concern for YOU whatsoever. Like the 80 percent of Canadian aid STOLEN from Canada in Afghanistan. NO CONCERN CBC's Paul Hunter expresses a wish to rob you and leave you for DEAD my innocent friends. Paul Hunter must by publicly arrested for treason, publicly tried, and face his just punishment for ignoring the interests of dying Canadian soldiers. Let it be, let it be. MSNBC Poll: Over 400,000 (88%) Say Bush Should Be Impeached See? Canadians who TRUST CBC would never know by Paul Hunter. - / / Read and endorse the Nuremberg Declaration calling for the United States to accede to the International Criminal Court and bring U.S. war criminals to justice. \ \ - Bush Successful at Permanent Legalization of Torture / / The truth is that the Bush Administration has used the McCain anti-torture bill to codify a policy of torture that is now embedded in our legal system for perpetuity. \ \ McCain is some kinda demon enemy of God isn't he? To say publicly, he apposes torturing innocent people to death for the practicing Satanic bushite LIAR bad guys, leaves US thinking, shouldn't WE put McCain to death for OFFICIALLY sanctioning such criminality? I'd easily, without a second thought, put to death all those FOXJunkies in that debate audience who cheered from hell with JOY, the prospect of torturing innocent people to death, 'if it means' such IRRATIONAL action protects "American lives". See? the Magic TV and radio people refuse to allow me or anyone to think through such absent minded ungodly EVIL intent. Example: If you take FOXNews' word for it, and 'knew' your potential victim knows for sure of an impending terror attack... ... ... . How so? See? demon enemy f-cks, the ungodly bushite nazi vermin haters of Justice measured, [who steal in MY America as TRUE EVIL DOERS,] forbid such wisdom communicated as understood, for that would mean, we'd have to allow the real Victims more air time. And wise poor men such as myself would command respect and gratitude. and together, WE'D be hunting down those bushite liars who torture innocent people to death for their satanic pleasures. For, you know it does warrant the Death Sentence in America, right? (You can thank Reagan for that...) - / / Shirley, bin Laden would be sided with the fundamentalist Shiites, before, everyone-is-an-equal Sunnis, who as Bathists, had no problem WARRING al-Qeada, while counting as members of their party, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Atheists. But corporate bushite liar america says no, bin Laden supports Sunni IRRATIONALLY, and that is why bushites have to sacrifice in partnership with those who blow up PEOPLE indiscriminately as the 'good guy' 'heroes'. \ \ Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind. - / / In a move that hardly indicates that he was a terrorist plotting to attack a US government installation Tatar then went to the Philadelphia police department to complain that he was being pressured by someone into getting a map of Fort Dix and that he thought this had something to do with a terrorist plot. \ \ Didn't see this on our TV news either did You? - The King of the Jews is True Red White and Blue King of the Jews The True Red White and Blue - > BTW, ALL those Islam nuts aren't a half a world away. You may > recall a small incident that occurred on 9/11/2001. And just the > other day 6 more them were grabbed before they could attack Ft. Dix. > But, go ahead, keep your head in the sand. Pun intended. See? demon enemies of Creation DO exist, and are easily worth killing to defend the innocent they hold in Satanic contempt. Death to the bushite nazi liar thieves, death to our enemies who assist in the escape of the zionist EVIL bushmob for 911. / / On CBS' "Face the Nation," she claimed that intelligence errors before the war were "worldwide" even though the International Atomic Energy Agency's Mohamed ElBaradei publicly stated there was "no evidence" of an Iraqi nuclear program \ \ That from the 911 witch, who forbade a stop to hostilities IN AMERICA'S NAME against the innocent in Lebanon. Nazi Israel ADMITS to the targeting MURDER of any innocent persons who drive in a truck. Perhaps Americans. Who cares? Not CBC or CNN they'll tell you consistently absent from the crimes scene. - Pill popping American GI teens are becoming.. CRACKHEADS! / / Dexedrine affect the same neurotransmitters as cocaine; and ADHD drugs and cocaine are both classified by the DEA as Schedule II psychostimulants (Schedule II drugs are legal drugs that have the highest potential for abuse and addiction). \ \ American grunts get FREE all the Dexedrine they can shoot Do you know how a crackhead finds itself? Lost by indifference to the ultimate, only goal, more dope. Freedom Fighter? or crackhead WHORE, who hopes to find a dollar 'somewhere' to stave off it's crackmaster, the "American People", led by the un-elected demon dictator, our criminal Mr. bush Jr., as the true enemies of all Mankind. Bushites are on serious dope to be so dumb as cowardly accomplices to a traitor of themselves, that they would die as, before actually defending God's America - that they gave an Oath to. I guess a soldier's word doesn't count for much in bushville. The bushmob did 911 as traitors to God and Country, don't you know anything worth living for? my dying unjustly brothers and sisters? My friends, please fear not wisdom communicated by a REAL Man, for, we explain ourselves to the best of YOUR ability to listen simply. G. W. Bush used no evidence to form America's "conclusion" on who did US wrong on 911. So, Please, stop forsaking yourself, for, we're going nowhere. Support Johnny's call to demand open debate without censorship from the magic radio and TV execs, who hide in darkness, pretending to be our friends, while refusing intelligent dialog to answer any of our big troubles easily. Why? because largely, they're powerless without beating us down as giving 'Christ like' VICTIM so much - with their irrational ignorance for our survivals by the fittest. The fittest Ideas that rule this Universe, are the simplest, most easy to understand, but I digress about GOD'S greatness, for we know,. the corporate media elites as our voice, "Couldn't Care Less". CBC just did a report about all the great heroin coming in from Afghanistan, that will still cause crime, and be illegal, (and maybe give you life in prison as an American,) but brought in with the help of the demonically evil bushite thieving murderous military, by the likely ton full to attack our direct family left un-protected, BY YOU PERSONALLY. And guess what? THEY, our media masters, couldn't care less if they actually tried to be our good guys. Reminder: the god guys is good, the demon liar antichrist demon enemies who thieve from Life with censorship is bad. If they hide ourselves too far, they loose all around, up and down. So get to it. Or don't. Your choice. Life lived Now, or damnable death by cowardly design brought forthwith under your own power to do nothing under such terrible costs against our suffering natures. Typical tyranny for media control over all of Life for the beginners is this treasonous betrayal against our Nature, by refusing to be honest about our potential to be far greater than first considered. If they'd only allow US to have open communications, all our worlds would be better living for it. Demand Coast to Coast hosts allow America to defend America. I want air time with the one and only real man in these here parts, Mr. Johnny America, our glorious make believe creator of all we perceive religiously, self realized. He's a genius! - No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused Help me gain access to speak freely for open challenge against Hannity, and of America's Coast to Coast Radio network hosts, who deliberately deny you to contend, we're really, one hell of a great bunch of People persons with rights God damn them. Support Johnny's run for acknowledgment, and get US in the News why don't You. Let me be king for a day my American Kin. Make me a rich, near to dwell, well to do. Get it done. - rag-heads and ******s / / Bushite corporate america, has stated in silence, the bushite enemies of Haditha will never face public execution for such offences, YOU apparently WILL NOT GRANT IT, too cowardly, and in all likelihood, (like those of the Saudi Blount's third infantry) will be allowed to walk freely down american streets after being found GUILTY as politically supporting the robbing and murder of innocent men, women, and children all because we're INNOCENT rag-heads or ******s, \ \ like the NAZIS with jews. Zionist Holocaust Deniers that say otherwise, ('Fallujah never happened'), WE should just immediately put to death to save the lives of our remaining loved ones. Death to the murderous bushite LIAR thieves, death to all Satanic bushite traitor enemies of Justice for Man, proclaims I, King Johnny. Dope Pushing Cop Killers Support torture as a Zionist AIPAC Politician like demon McCain, and The surviving PEOPLE of the Messiah - will rise up to take you down as the ungodly enemy LIAR McCain clearly IS. As so is the Satanically practicing (with Molech and everything) repuglicons straight across the board, who, as a few demoncrates too, support the CRIMINAL escape of the bushmob through threats against the innocent LOVED by GOD ALMIGHTY. A REAL GOD with A REAL SON. McCain has got to go. Please, I, The Son of Man, the MAN of men, beg and plead again to all able bodied persons, see the thieving bushite zionist, kill it to defend Christ, kill it to defend America, kill it to defend any or all children of LIFE. Kill it with the honor and courage every REAL PATRIOT has to defend his own family my friend, lastly, kill it for me. These naked LIAR enemies who bank to thieve more from Iraq, Afghanistan and America, must be brought down by Humanity's ultimate triumph over tyranny through Law. A just law, where those accused without any evidence are Innocent, and WORTHY yOur defenses. Get to it. Kill any bushite bomber and be loved by God's America. - Nature of Good and Evil Christians Demand Bush be Impeached for Worshiping Satan - Lt. Denton to the completely innocent as god loving 'You die, you die, you die' Lt. Denton must die. We apparently have him on video blowing up People not guilty of anything. He shall die as the dope pushing cop killer he is, and we'll use his brief existence as a beneficial measurement to determine, which other demonic bushite soldiers, who as bonafide 'evil doers', disagree with such Just action - be put to death for our Freedoms also. Simple for everyone to understand? We think so, so says the Son of Man. - Death to the zionist bushite enemy forces / / After it was revealed by the Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price that British trained policemen had tortured prisoners to death with drills, we discovered, through the New York Times (!!), that American intelligence officers had been working alongside them at the Jamiyat police station \ \ Death to the zionist bushite enemy forces, death to the ungodly enemies of Man who torture innocent people to death for fun - expecting Johnny's America will not raise a word in defense for the Human race, or our guns to defend our loyal brothers to the cause of Justice. Death to the bushite, death to God's enemies who lie cheat and steal from Humanity to assist in the escape of those responsible for 911. BASELESS? / / Prime Minister Stephen Harper "We will conclude a formal agreement so that we never again face these baseless allegations," he said. Thirty Afghan detainees have claimed they were beaten, whipped, given electric shocks and denied food once they were transferred to Afghan security forces by the Canadian military \ \ These demons who war for ZIONIST censorship are a bunch a dope pushing cop killers, who murder innocent people they call 'Taliban' better known as in Arabic - students. - Proudly kill the bushite who would drop from the sky,SEVEN MILLION landmines on our cities to kill our children for decades indiscriminately, while offering our Humanity to God no apologies. Proudly kill the bushite savages all to desperately survive ourselves creating a better world through fair, free market communications. To warring for Liberty as true Freedom wills, is for Justice understood as measured, not just made up out of nowhere for the pleasures of those truly Satanic. So spoke the King of being the wisdom we here revealed by statement of timeless fact. Good will triumph over evil. That's that. - Tenent "Lets everybody tell the truth." It seems Tenent wants to inform us he actually meant when saying "slam dunk" - that, selling the war to the American Joe, without establishing any real facts would be easier than anything against the powerless as media unrepresented! - / / Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who has called for a withdrawal of all U.S. contractors from Iraq. "They charge whatever they want with impunity. There's no accountability as to how many people they have, as to what their activities are." \ \ Kucinich for President! - - Bushite War LIFE Itself - and - They Couldn't Care Less 'Alpha company patrols the poppy fields.' 20070420_taliban28.mp3 (pbs broadcast) "About the poppy harvest, currently gathering pace all around them, they couldn't care less." Instead they kill unarmed innocent people indiscriminately as enemies to ALL HUMAN LIFE. They Couldn't Care Less The 82 Airborne, in assisting in defending the world wide distribution and production of heroin, tells of murdering innocent farmers, that would never raise a gun in anger, are those they openly confess to target for first degree murder as labeled the, second tier Taliban. That's when not defending American Pension thiever ENRON'S pipeline managed under their extremist Muslim fundamentalist regime of intolerance for public communications, as the continuing thieving of 80 percent the Humanitarian Aid given by Canada to feed the STARVING, and school our children of the impoverished Afghanistan, as so reported. Eighty percent. 80. 80 percent stolen. I'm telling YOU: CBC couldn't care less about what Canadian soldiers are actually dying as COWARDS for: "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" CBC national radio management needs to be arrested in Canada for high TREASON. Please, be a Patriot, and demand these zionists allow open communication with the facts to save the lives of Canadians soldiers they hold in contempt to die as the bad guys committed to no better good. Occupation Forces support Afghan Narcotics Trade - / / [...] the [New York Times] piece details the torture of [innocent People] Sunni prisoners at one of the new American-Iraqi "security stations" \ \ Kill the bushite for America, for Justice is Freedom. Lawless mercenaries are not granted by our will to survive truly. A "lawless" enemy granted "immunity" by bushite evil phonies, is that of which, holds ourselves in their confessed contempt for Justice. Receive thanks from everyone, GOD included, by rightly destroying such inexcusable treasonous ungodly enemies of all human life. Torture is a crime against God and Humanity. So, likewise, joyously, with pride, destroy the neocon traitors of Justice - for the true Love you have as Freedom willed - is as granted. Don't buy their demon lies by blind blanket false assertions, against YOUR Humanity's Innocence in tyrannical bondage, all done in to fool you believing, we have no rights to be heard in our presence - here existing freely. Therefore, to survive US all for something better, halt the 'escaping' murderous bushite thieves for God and America. SOLDIERS: Instead of dying for nothing, my wannabe Patriot Brothers, try joining Liberty's cause, which is our cause truly. Is it because corporate TV zionist money whores, are cowardly and ignorant, as evil hypno muggers, in MY dying for real America, that YOU refuse to speak Now in your Humanity's begging further defense?, on evidence being the only requirement to establish a person's guilt or innocence? for ungodly terrorist activities committed in our name by bushite bombers from the neo-conned AIR FORCE, who, as rotted juveniles, cheeringly bomb us People indiscriminately leaving a Church as something TRULY SATANIC? To dare, in our presence, continue threatening harm against an innocent child of wonder, not yet even born to God's suffering world? Bushites war LIFE itself. So then pleads I again the Son to God, as Man to Men: war to kill the enemy bushite nazi savage thieves, for real Freedom is waged truly by Just causes. The mute, pro-censorship/tyranny THIEVING bushite savaged nation, has NO EXCUSE for the crimes they have committed in our dying names. I demand our voices heard internationally for Justice as Freedom is Godly. - Look, these neocon zionists KNOW they are OUR enemies Israel Knesset member Talab al-Sanai "It took Israel 37 years to develop and perfect these barbaric methods of repression and humiliation," al-Sanai observed. "Surprisingly, the Americans surpassed and outmatched the Israelis in their [Zionist] savagery in less than two years." - Look: innocent people are being tortured to death by those who hide OPENLY in America's uniform. [let US hunt them down for GOD, despite what demon lies they argue give them as Satanic to avoid "The Law".] - War and the Police State: Complicity of the American People / / On September 11, 2001, corporate media and the government elite launched an aggressive political and media campaign upon and against the American people. \ \ - SATANIC AMERICA / / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to investigate the events of Sept. 11?" \ \ 911 "truthers" don't want to address the hard evidence like the clear as day video of steel running like water from the WTC towers, for, as Humanity witnesses, they'd rather watch silently, children murdered indiscriminately, before, acknowledging wise godly men from our communities who speak ONLY facts on America's derision for real, open market Free communications - freedom fighters who ACTUALLY defend the innocent from the neocon bushmob traitors. Each day we hear of near hundreds of US murdered by the godless Satanic THEIVING "American" forces in Iraq. without near a peep of concern by "America". Lawless bushite mercenaries torture rape and murder, paid to do so by the WILLING American tax payer, and near 300 million "People" (the NAZIS) can't find the effort to pick up a princely phone and call the ENEMY pro child killer George Norry, (who broadcasts every day across America nationally for the IRRATIONAL neocons,) to air any real concern for our Lives. True, the demon enemy censors OUR calls, and contrives WE a buyer without questions, but he doesn't censor You always forever. So, get to it fukhead, JOHN is growing angry with americans of EVIL ignoramuses escaping the bushmob for crimes against MY HUMANITY. The Son of Man States: Death to the bushite, death to our MURDEROUS enemies, who lie cheat and steal to assist in the further criminal escape of the ungodly bushmob for 911 as TRAITORS. Loyal bushie McCain as bona-fide nazi savage "Bomb bomb bomb Iran.." Reporter 'Mr. McCain, you demon liar nazi fu-ker, don't you think your being insensitive to innocent god loving Iranians?' Pro-Torture of INNOCENT PEOPLE McCain "Insensitive to what? The Iranians? My response is lighten up and get a life." Johnny America Lyrics: "Can't an American PROUDLY kill TRAITOR pro-torture Zionist McCain for the Love of living Life Justly, as Freedom was Country?" Investigating the Investigation / / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to investigate the events of Sept. 11?" \ \ PRO-TORTURE Gonzales "I quite frankly don't like the idea of the Judiciary deciding who is on my staff." [at Justice] PRO-TORTURE Gonzales "I did not make decisions about who should or should not be asked to resign." [in mid-term] As US State Attorneys?, whom have the most serious of American Justice Department Motions of Defense for REAL Freedom?, he's not concerned directly with?, nor would "like" democratic Peoples to be allowed to care either?. IF he gets HIS way he says - as minding for the criminal master. True, Americans are generally, extremely cowardly as Bush's freely giving PAYERS, led for more ungodly sacrifices in fascistic silence, but this continuing charade of incompetence gathering against our entire Humanity, is going way beyond acceptable to everyone concerning. Johnny Wizard conceivers and otherwise non-believers state together: The Iraq war against Christ has no true justifiable cause. Torture is against the law warranting immediate death sentences The Zionist AIR FORCE bomb people indiscriminately as Satanic The bushmob stole all the Development Funds for Iraq The bushmob are stealing ALL of Iraq's oil The bushmob stole 100s of billions from censored AMERICANS, while George W. Bush personally stole 50 billion from America in the first four months of stealing the initial election. / / A BUSHITE GRUNT PRISSING PROUD AS OUR ENEMY "I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me . . as the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as the unholy enemy.] What ever happened to butterfly kisses after evening prayers? Are you telling me, an American Father, wouldn't gloriously kill this lawless bushite enemy and his demonic ilk, for our love of girls everywhere? Or, how about the UNARRESTED soldiers we witnessed on video beat shoeless children pratically to death while laughing and cheering? Or like those that speak zero defenses for Haditha's confessed MASS MURDERING irrational women and child killers? The REAL demons CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.." To, for God, gloriously, with love, kill these unarrested murderous continuing ungodly bushite nazis, is to war the TRUE enemies of Humanity to save the lives of our precious loved ones. King Johnny Wizard - President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co. - Bush Won't Turn Over Emails Until White House 'Reviews' Them It's like a catch 22.. - So, the demon liar bush tells US, the terrorists would rather travel to Iraq to kill Americans indiscriminately, than come directly to America from wherever instead, to kill anyone who silently supports the indiscriminate murder of our humanity. CHRIST HATES the godless bushite nazi THIEVES, who by LYING, murder our loved INNOCENT family members, all to steal our good names in God. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies. See the bushite, you kill it for Christ, you kill it for America, you kill it to defend Yourself. - / / RENOWNED metallurgist Rosie O'Donnell proclaimed on TV on Thursday that Sept. 11, 2001, was a more significant date than most of us realized. It was, in her words, "the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel." \ \ Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators - Adolf Hitler, 1938 - / / Why would [subhuman bushite] guards torture a man they considered innocent? \ \ Because they are openly enemies to Christ. I say, kill it for America when you can, God bless. / / "As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East, I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence community's assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The first request I received from any administration policy-maker for any such assessment was not until a year into the war." \ \ Bushite will kill America / / At 9:32 he saw and heard a bomb destroy the offices of the Pentagon auditors. 40 military officers investigating the missing money were killed. The CTC was destroyed too. You can read more here: \ \ - "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in crime" Please, if you must forsake me in your personal cowardice and self loathing, don't forsake GOD and America by not killing with PRIDE, these bushite dumfuks of NATO the first chances you get. Love liberty as if it were your own, and kill a lawlessly murderous bushite nazi savage for your love of anyone included. (You can quote me forever on that.) Let Johnny speak! - Do you expect yourself to fail trying? It's all up to You my friend, it's all up to you. Onward Christian Soldier. IDEA: Let's get our show up and running, by allowing open public investigations To be conducted internationally, with open line challenges, so we can publicly isolate each and every bushmobster personally responsible for 911, and then, all of everything else still left outstanding murdering ourselves. Whadoyahsay?? - 'We were torturing people for no reason' ...but for a bushite's Satanic pleasure, death to the tyrant thieving bushite sadists, death to GOD'S ENEMIES who war freedom in America to help escape Our Mr. bush Jr. for the crimes HE DID with Ahmad on 911 - Do we have a problem here in any way? / / A spokesman for Aegis Defence Services, said: "There is nothing to indicate that these film clips are in any way connected to Aegis." \ \ Not now according to CNN, bushite enemy Tim Spicer, and the Pentagon. This UN-NAMED spokesperson WILL be tried for aiding the crimes of first degree murder with it's lying racist nazi filth, who like getting away murdering black guys for fun and profit in iraq, paid for by A cowardly DYING AMERICA. AMERICAN The Pentagon's Power to Jail Americans Indefinitely Look, demon enemies of Christ torture innocent people for fun, paid for by the silent American tax payer. Americans refuses to bother making a simple phone call to Coast to Coast to raise some concern. THEY don't. They refuse to hunt bushite down in their streets for death to defend the innocent held indefinitely against GOD'S will. Death to the bushite, death to Johnny's godless, lawless, fascist enemies of FREEDOM. / / Never in modern history has country been forced to pay for its death, torture, and destruction with its own money - its own oil revenues. A country where thieves are entrusted with its richness and where murderous gangs are entrusted with its security. \ \ Look, CNN, CBC, and FOx News know the bushmob did 911, but will smile while watching your son or daughter sent out to die CONNED by their demonic hatred for US freely communicated. How do I know this? I made the effort of making the phone calls. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" Defend freedom, and the FBI, by demanding Coast to Coast radio hosts allow free communications, absent their personal contempt for preserving freedom to be our America. George Norry WILL kill Your American child for the contempt he truly holds for our lives here. He says he only supports murdering Arab children for the neocon, but when your not looking in his 'shadows', he'll kill your child too, don't doubt it for a second. "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" - NATO forces shoot Afghan child, run over another - The "Shock and Awe" Gallery Quote
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