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  • is bummed she TOTALLY missed Halloween this year, but still thankful and blessed for the bigger picture.
    I thought you were dressing as a guy with a pot belly???
    Well my husband wasn't crazy about the idea and I didn't end up going anywhere anyways. I was having pain and contractions and feeling exhausted all weekend:(
    Sorry to hear that Chi, you said you are 8 months so I guess that is natural, good luck,
    There ya go, Snaf! You'll see it has many perks and advantages. This is your opportunity to do better for yourself.
    I would have never known that unless I asked or googled it. My mom has a couple of fire places at her house, but uses it maybe a few times during the winter. It's just easier to crank up the central heating.
    Well duh on me!:p The cord thing threw me off, I have no idea how much that is.
    I didn't know you were gay and getting married, Cloaked. Congrats!!!
    I see Emkay fell for the ol' letting me rub your ass and I won't have to touch your feet to cure your feet technique.
    Good luck Emkay. W already know it's going to be extra hard for you with your foot aversions and all. Remember, the doctor is going to have to look at and touch your foot-lol
    I've been mistaken for Asian mixed with white, but not really just white. I've been called pale several times...
    yeah, it reminded me of all those first hand experiences you told me about, Snaf;D
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