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  • Thanks! I love that beagle! Mine is with my brother now. My dad lost his house/acreage and moved in with us. My brother found his own place and since it has a nicer yard, he took Annie so she could run and play. I was kind of hoping I could have her back, but it's for the best, I guess. I love that dog.
    Gooood. Finishing school (August! wooo!) and chasing around an entirely too energetic toddler. Tried to get to the jungle a few times and couldn't, so today I googled "feckless wench" (LOL) and found this place. I figured I could get my "old friends" fix over here.
    How have you been?
    I've just been caught up with work, life, etc. I bought a new house in Sydney and all sorts of things have been happening. No time for online play. Thanks for missing me! I'll try to log on more xxx
    Hey hugo....wanna be friends? I'll buy you a beer. ;)

    Do you ever get an error message about missing a security token after you play Baghdad Bowling, or is it just me?
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