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  1. hugo

    Progressive Paradise?

    Soe good news foer JAW:
  2. hugo

    Progressive Paradise?

    Yes, you may continue to be a commie sucking off the government tit.
  3. hugo

    Progressive Paradise?

    People that are on food stamps are bums. Case closed.
  4. hugo

    Progressive Paradise?

    I guess ya never heard of the 1st Amendment.
  5. hugo

    Happy Birthday, GF

    Hope you had a great one.
  6. hugo

    Palin gets people killed

    --- Right now Obama is ahead of all the major Republican possible nominees when matched up one on one in polls and the economy sucks. Either the economy will have to suck even more or someone is gonna have to come out of left field for the Republicans...
  7. hugo

    Palin gets people killed

    The bimbo is toast
  8. hugo

    I might just get to vote Republican once again after all

    Paul's only chance would be if all the anti-war folks realized Paul was the only anti-war candidate and flocked to the Republican primaries.
  9. hugo

    I might just get to vote Republican once again after all

    Sadly, a man of principle cannot win the Presidency. The American people are too stupid and greedy. Ike; We need to go back to being a nation, not an empire.
  10. hugo

    Sure, cut social security, but don't touch NASCAR !!

    Thirty Republicans voted for the amendment. Those are my type of Republicans. It looks like we got a whole thirty members of the house who are ready to get serious about the deficit.
  11. hugo

    Conservative Youtubers PWNED

    One guy hardly anyone has ever heard of critiquing two guys hardly anyone has ever heard of. Did you notice how often atheist boy quoted national statistics when it is a Wisconsin issue?
  12. hugo

    Still alive?

    How are things in Austria?
  13. hugo

    Progressive Paradise?

    Let me put it to you quite clearly. People are paid in for what they can do to effect the company bottom line. You work smart, not neccesarrily hard. Would not you be willing to pay someone 19 bucks an hour for just giving you $20 every hour? I would. If ya want bonuses don't be a fry cook...
  14. hugo

    Progressive Paradise?

    Let us take the CEO of McDonald's who made 18 million one year. He has 1.5 million employees under him. Divide his salary by the number of employees and you get 12 dollars. It is quite easy to justify his salary.
  15. hugo

    Progressive Paradise?

    You are worth what you can get in this world. There are companies that rake in billions and pay their employees well e,g. oil companies). There are companies that make billions and pay their employees porrly (e.g. fast food franchises). You are paid based on your set of skills and, yes, there is...
  16. hugo

    Happy Birthday

    Left out be and axe
  17. hugo

    Happy Birthday

    I am just hoping her latest boyfriend did not turn out to an weilding maniac like his predecessor.
  18. hugo

    Happy Birthday

    I hope the old bat is having a good one.
  19. hugo

    Progressive Paradise?

    [On ancient Athens]: In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all – security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was...
  20. hugo

    Rush can't defend Reagan

    Reagan had to do the same thing in 82 as Clinton in 94 and Obama today, move to the center after the voters handed his party major setbacks in the midterm elections. Reagan's greatest strength was enunciating the classical liberal values our nation was founded upon and bringing the tenets of...