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  • I had hoped to add something witty and interesting, but sadly I lack ambition and wit eludes me...sorry.
    Saruman has poisoned the mind of TJ and claimed lordship over his arguments. My company are those loyal to logic, and for that we are punished. The White Wizard is cunning. He posts here and there, they say, as an old man hooded and cloaked. And everywhere his posts slip past our nets!
    In that case, I hope to see you sufficiently provoked soon.
    *strokes your whiskers*
    I want you to kill him.
    If I can pick yours...we can be friends. I warn you though...I eat sometimes that a problem?
    Thanks for the lovely welcome :)
    I had forgotten about this place but then I got an email telling me you had powers over my profile so I thought I'd come and check it out...
    That comment WAS totally gross! I'd make a great male chauvinist pig. Hahahaha!!!!!

    I had to wash my hands after typing it. :D
    heh, listening to them right now, I am sure my neighbours love me at 5:30 in the morning... night shift sucks
    Well I would love to meet you, butt the anal sex is out of the question, I am white and am sure your time with bubba has made you, lets say too "open" for me to get any enjoyment from you ;)
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