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  • You did get your drink. You just don't remember because the bartender put something in it. Are you feeling sore in strange places?
    Just had some leftover peanut curry broth, rice and fish for lunch, I want more!
    Negative, no dropped calls. AT&T is the one notorious for dropping calls.
    this comment is so 3 weeks ago... were only with that dirty carnie once. I never blamed you for that "infection" he gave you.
    Yah I broke down in Montana on my way there. I was cold and had to hitchike. I caught a ride with a bunch of hippies for a while. We did a lot of spliff and then I had to be moving on. With the smell of patchoulli in my hair and a bag of natchos under my arm I walked awhile and hitchhiked my way to South Dakota with a travelling freak show. It was a real trip down memory lane and I got a really personal piercing and now I can't pee straight. I continued my trip with some guy who claimed to be a sexual healer. He spent the next few hours tring to convince me that I needed to be purged....he was aggressive. I arrived in Chicago with my clothing in tatters and my hair asunder. I arrived on your doorstep only to find you had left already. Fuk! Maybe next time....
    Sex is often mental for Air signs, and Libra is no exception. These great communicators are possessed of a strong intellect, and these mental fireworks often manifest themselves in the thorough exploration of a lover. Only the brave need apply! Since the Scales like to be in balance, though, they are often thinking of what both partners want. A marked distaste for confrontation can sometimes be perceived as disinterest on Libra's part, but it's more often just a deep-down desire to please. Libras love seduction and foreplay, and plenty of talk leading to some hot action. If this is all achieved in the right luxurious setting, watch out! Libras swathed in riches are a pleasure to behold. Libra loves the thought of a gifted and attractive partner, since they feel their partner is receiving just that. It's safe to say that a little erotica goes a long way with the Scales, since these folks can be oh-so-playful with their toys.
    Hm, I have a hot temper, too. And I'm sort of indecisive, I do like to take my time and think things through. What else ya' got, oh wise one:D
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