When I say "original ideas", I mean anything that promotes financial and economic freedom without government interference, abolishing the income tax, securing our soverignty, and ending any and every social program there is currently in action.
When I say "original ideas", I mean to end the statist attitudes in all branches of our government.
When I say "original ideas", I mean to say that a woman has the right to do whatever the fukk she wants with her body. It is her body and she has to live with the consequences, however the government has no business in the womb.
I also mean to end the war on drugs, audit the Federal Reserve and phase it out, leave gay marriage up to the states, put a stop to federal intervention into healthcare, privatize social security, put an end to every single piece of global warming/climate change legislation there is, cease loaning on the taxpayer's dime, and slapping the tar out of Ted Kennedy.