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Everything posted by eddo

  1. Times, your sentence structure made your comment confusing: "Stop confusing religion with faith, faith comes only from within and God, religion comes from man, not God." no one is lying about what you said. Some are poking fun at your grammar and lack of proper punctuation, and asking for clarification, but no one is lying. (yes, builder is just being a jerk. But Christians are the bane of society... go figure...) simmer down now.
  2. lol, I walked up behind one of the girls in my group last night and scared her by burping real loud in her ear and almost got kicked in the balls... Got my upper leg cause I dodged...
  3. wow Phreak, gettin' a bit upset are ya?
  4. if that is the same survey I took yesterday (can't tell, the site is blocked here) then not all the questions were about Christianity- thus making the article title "Do Atheists Know More About Christianity Than Christians?" a bit misleading. I got 14 out of 15. I missed one about Pakistan. Yeah, I care...
  5. Happy Birthday Chi!!!
  6. looks pretty good compared to Obama's -3.1...
  7. I agree. oh wait, we're not talking about most of Obama's cabinet, are we?
  8. tried again just now, and still getting the same message. ??
  9. While trying to use the "Report" feature to try and report a whiny douchebag who is spamming the board with copy and paste from the chatbox, it tells me: "[#10136] You do not have permission to report the item you are attempting to report. "
  10. Exactly, but you will never see Chi, emkay, or even Joe or Bender say one negative word to Builder for his actions, because in their world, nothing done to Times is bad, no matter how off the edge it may be. I ask an honest question, I wonder if you and other people can answer it truthfully. What would Chi or emkay say if "I" had instigated that same exact statement? What would be their reaction if I had made that threat to Builder? You are exactly right there TJ. I will never stick up for you..because to me you are one with hot garbage. You demonstrated that today beyond any doubt. You making threats wouldn't shock me, surprise me or scare me. I wouldn't likely make a big deal about it because to me your threats are as impotent as you are. no, but other folks would be jumping all over his ass and likely be screaming for him to be banned if TJ made those same comments towards other members- particularly one of the ladies. I'll grant you that he brings alot of it on himself with his condescending attitude, but there is a double standard there. Builders actions of late are being very reminiscent of LF tracking me down. Creepy as hell...
  11. Microsoft AND Apple? come one Phreak, even you aren't THAT gullible....
  12. eddo


    awww, I'll have to wait til I get home to see them... stupid work filters....
  13. My dad used to work on a racecar that raced in Gainesville- back in the late 70's/early 80's. We lived down the road in Chiefland. Got all kinds of family still around that area. Builder: Gotta say man, this obsession with tracking down TJ or threatening to call people in his real life is down right freaky. You may be kidding, or you may not. either way, you may need to consider taking a step back and taking a breather. apparently this place is getting to you just a bit too much... and is a vote for "It's me. Been doing it for so long now. " a vote for me? or a vote for Builder? Can I vote for "me" and then vote for "Eddo" too?
  14. eddo


    Neg rep Snaf, for not posting a pic to go with the original article.
  15. I would go insane. It boggles my mind that it will take so long to get to them. I cannot imagine, and don't really want to try. Freaks the bejeebus outta me.
  16. You really are a wacko, hard to believe Chi and emkay hitched their wagon to your ranting and twisted azz, lol. Right. Emkay and I don't have a mind of our own and we follow everything Builder says and does... We also never disagree with him Oh how ever did we function when he wasn't around and when we're offline... Also when we got on your ass when he wasn't around, he must've been pupeteering us telepathically... I liked it better when Chi and Emkay were hitched to my azz... although they did bitch and groan every time it was burrito night, but of course that is Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday's......
  17. well Emkay, that's always better than someone else puking in your mouth...
  18. i dunno, but you all should quit egging him on...
    1. Chi


      Why not, it's boring around here. Might as well try to get the newbs to talk.
  19. RO pretty much ran himself off for being an idiot. Yeah TJ slammed him, but the undoing of RO was self inflicted. and really TJ???? Talking about Chi and Emkay in a gangbang????? Don't you know I'm at work? faints
  20. I am soooooooo gonna use that....
  21. It doesn't. I just believe he should be honest. I, too, concur.
  22. link?
  23. she's allowed to have beliefs that are different that yours and mine. I really haven't done much in the way of looking at this lady, but the anti-masturbation/anti-condom stance sounds like most of the Catholics in this country. (don't know anything of the Nazi thing.) Hopefully the voters will decide who to vote for on issues (and that goes for all over the country,) and not on nonsense talking points that the media pushes down our throats. In AZ we had more voters turn out for the primaries than we have had in 20 years! People are waking up to what is going on in this country! I love it! This lady won't make any laws against selling condoms in Delaware. She won't ban masturbation. But where does she stand on current economic issues facing the state she is gonna serve? Has she shown a history of being financially responsible in her own life? Has she ever run a business, or held other political office, or made decisions that affect others? How did she do with those? These elections need to get down to relevant issues. The stuff in the original article doesn't qualify, imo, as relevant. I'm not for hiding it, but I'm not for dwelling on it either. and just so ya know, she hasn't been elected to anything yet. Just won her primary. I can't wait for TJ to get in her and make the connection of you hating on another successful pretty woman.
  24. YOU'RE
  25. the Wiccan thing is a non-issue. I've got things in my past that I wouldn't want folks knowing about now. But those things made me who I am today, and helped me form the beliefs and such that I have today. This article is a sad attempt to try to discredit her. Much like picking on folks when they misspeak (like when Obama calls a country by the wrong name or mentions how the US has 57 states) they are funny, and maybe even amusing, but don't necessarily mean that this is what these folks actually believe and understand.
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