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Everything posted by eddo

  1. Well eddo.. I'd venture to guess that our country has killed exponentially more innocent people around the world in our military forays over the last 50 years than every "Islamic terroristic act" combined in the history of the world. Hell, make that the last 10 years in Afghanistan and Iraq alone.. Did either attack us and declare war on our country? I don't think so.. 16 of the people that flew planes into the trade center, as well as Bin Laden, came from Saudi Arabia.. what the hell are we doing? Should we pin it on Christianity? #1- why would we pin the actions of the US on a religion? or specifically Christianity? I can't recall the US attacking anyone because Billy Graham said to do so. Or Jerry Falwell. or Rick Warren. or even the pope. Am I missing something? Many Islam clerics have called for the destruction of the US. Many more fund it. Parts of the Islamic religion are most definitely at war with the United States- and will be if we fight back or not. Your comparison seems way off. #2- Your numbers are way off too, but I'll give you a chance to prove them if you can. Go ahead. I'll wait. ... again, you are comparing my comment about Christianity to the United States. I'm not arguing that, and that isn't the issue as brought up by JAW that my comment refers to. Tossing in your hatred for the US is irrelevant in this part of the discussion. Now if you want to compare Christianity vs. Islam vs. the United States, you could possibly have a legit discussion. But equaling Christianity with the United States, especially when so many citizens have tried so hard to remove all governmental acknowledgments to God, is frankly, silly. BTW, Have you moved to Canada yet?
  2. yeah, I'm not thinking this is a good idea. get a warrant, and I am ok with it. Without a warrant? not good. I would rank it under illegal search and seizure- they are searching your location without your permission. I'll have to think on this some more- but for now- no thanks.
  3. Congrats Cloaked!! May the two of you be happy for a long time!!!
  4. How many innocent people have been killed by Muslim extremists in the last 20 years? How many innocent people have been killed by Christian extremists in the last 20 years? 50 years? 100 years? Do you have to go all the way back to the Crusades to come up with a number even comparable to the deaths by Muslim Extremists in just the last 20 years? Seems one group has progressed since the Dark Ages, and one hasn't...
  5. I told you I gave it back, so I'd appreciate you gettin up off ma azz about it!
  6. You are so late to this party yeah, IWS snuck the answer to that in on me while I was typing. He's a jerk like that, all abusing his mod powers and junk... That sucks, but good on Disney for hiring the handicapped! I wonder if her being legless has any effect on recent desire to become all religious and junk. and junk.
  7. silly IWS, everyone knows that only Arizonan's are racists...
  8. Chi, I think the hat in the blurred out pic is part of the uniform for the "land" that this lady works at, and so yes- it's part of the uniform. Dinsey's "lands" are well known for doing an awful lot to sell you on the idea that you are not stuck in Downtown LA or in the swamps of Florida, rather that you have traveled to an exotic location and are enjoying the sounds, sights, foods, etc of that locale. Individualism is not encouraged, not should it be. I agree with all those that have said the private business can set the rules for their dress code. This has no business going to court. This lady can go find another job if she doesn't like it. Chi brings up an interesting question though- Did they hire her knowing she would wear the head scarf? Or did this just come up, either through this woman just recently wanting to wear it, or someone complaining that she is wearing it? Did she sign some sort of contract when she was hired saying she would stick to the company dress code?
  9. eddo

    Two Idiots

    everytime I read the title of this post, I think it is about TJ and wez...
  10. and Radical Islam would LOVE that to happen- not much would inspire more to join their ranks than to have the Evil US start something like that. Don't think for a minute that thought hasn't crossed someone's mind....
  11. This is better:
  12. eddo

    Two Idiots

    I didn't hear anything racist with the Dr's conversation with the caller. Yeah, she was an insensitive jackass, but that's been Dr Laura's MO for a long time now. Sure, she said the word, but she didn't direct it at anyone. Discussing the word, it's meanings, it's ramifications, etc, should be ok. adn Dr Laura made a good point- if black comics on HBO can use the word, why can't anyone else? But yeah, Dr Laura's right to free speech is in no way being infringed upon.
  13. Just some washed up TRAITOR!!!!! wez= [attach=full]2886[/attach]
  14. wants to go camping? in the woods? alone? sounds like the start to a good slasher flick.
  15. what is it good for?
  16. Emkay won this post. so totally!
  17. go molest your man boobs Snaf! You deserve it! It's your birthday!
  18. That's what a good a Senetor or politiction does. We vote them in to do what WE want him to do not what he thinks should be done. I would agree if what he said didn't change depending on who he was talking too...
  19. what? not at all. I don't like either the current Dem or Repub parties. out of those 2, the Repubs are closer. The Libertarians are even better than the repubs or dems. Me thinks you are trying to insert meanings into what i write. Should I type slower? Obama, and last 2 year Shrub. McCain has done more flip-flopping to meet what he thinks people want him to say. It's time for him to retire. I did vote for him in 2008, but won't be voting for him in his Senate reelection bid. Why yes, I do claim to not be a republican. I've been registered as an independent for the entire time I have been registered to vote. I have never voted along party lines. Never. Bush was better than John Kerry, and way better than Al Gore. and yes, I did support the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Still do. Just stupid decisions. the first stimulus bill was dumb. Granted, it bought me an Ipod and a new stereo for my truck- but it was ill conceived. Even dumber was the next guy trying a bigger one thinking it may work.... ok, but time to start owning it yourself. Bush isn't the president anymore. The Dems have had control of the House and Senate for almost 4 years, and the white house for 2. That means that they should have been able to make everything right by now. and what do we have? Worse unemployment, bigger deficits, and a prez that is still running a campaign... See previous. Obama promised to fix it. He hasn't. The way it's going, he won't. So that makes it ok for Obama to do the same? Yeah, I didn't think so. Blaming the past administration doesn't make it ok for the current administration to be corrupt. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/29391/ and before you go there, yes I know that Shrub appointed more than anyone before him. Again, just cause he did it doesn't make it right. I thought Obama was all about Change? So why does he keep doing things the same? And Obama promised folks that we would be out in 9 months, and then he promised a year. Neither has happened. I'd call that lying. What do you call it? Yeah, that's relevant here.... My point was that Obama and his cronies toss in the race card at every change they get. Disagree with him? then you must be racist. Cause you can only be disagreeing with him cause he's half black! I gave him that for a bit, but the Dems have been in control to long and haven't accomplished much of anything. I call bullshit.
  20. Gotta agree with hugo and IWS- I'm not republican. The republican party of today sucks almost as bad as the democrats. Repubs are closer to my ideals that the dems are, but are still pretty far out there. John McCain would've been just as bad a president in my opinion. I backed Bush for the first 6 or so years. His last 2 years in office he made some dumb decisions. I will freely admit that. having said that- Obama sucks ass. He's been pres for almost 2 years now, and unemployment is worse. the deficit is higher. he has tax cheats running the treasury. He has more "czars" than anyone before him (and this whole concept of appointing czars stinks.) The troops are still in the middle east. His "Hope and Change" turned out to be "More of the same, just with the race card mixed in" That's lame. It's time to stop blaming the past, and start blaming the present.
  21. really? . US Unemployment rate unemployment has gone from 6.9% when Obama was elected, to 9.5% now... yeah, good job Obama...
  22. I still wanna know where all the jobs are that the stimulus was supposed to create...
  23. Chi is heartless, but what can you expect from someone that voted for Obama?
  24. this just in: Sarah Palin also seen as MILF.
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