OK, haven't been here for a few days...
So, it's 10.40 pm here...I'll have to go to sleep soon...have to wake up at 5.40 am tomorrow...:S
Anyway, everything is fine here this week...today we got our Math tests back and I got it 5 (that's the best grade)...I hardly believed it...he he... :thumbsup:
Wua, this week got around so quickly...great...and tomorrow is already Friday...party time! Can't wait!!
And how are you all doin?
Well, I better go now...Just came to say hello since no-one stopped by...
Take care and be good...*hugs*
31.03.2006; 6.40 pm...
My day was sooo sleepy...Yeah...after school I just had to go to sleep...so, I slept for 2 hours...now I feel almost like new! :thumbsup:
Soooo, right now I'm just hangin round on internet...at 8 pm I'll go out...we'll play cards (tarok) and just hangin in one pub...then around midnight I'll go in KUD Undergraund, great place, there meet with my bf...and get wild_just dancin and throwin around... Just usual friday-night things...nothin special...
However, don't have will to write something more so...
Take care and be good..*hugs*