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Everything posted by Jeezy

  1. I think Fountain should be interesting...i might get that.... Silent Hill was pretty good but creepy at some parts..and Constantine is genius
  2. you should try twitter... it's easy, fast..and you don't really have to do much...you just write small updates throughout the day... and I agree...the new FaceBook layout is horrible
  3. basically you can follow someone elses life and they can follow yours...
  4. thank you:D that's like the 2nd time you said that now I start to believe it.
  5. If I'd get a Dollar/€ everytime someone told me that I look like him...I'd be rich lol thanks...yours is nice , too !
  6. yeah..that's the best way
  7. damn good...
  8. those pics are nice!
  9. http://www.pic-upload.de/13.09.08/hjwi8q.png look at me but don't get addicted
  10. that's a good one ! Lil Wayne - Got Money
  11. Lil Wayne - Jay-Z - Mr. Carter
  12. feeling great yesterday was good, too!
  13. pfff...twitter is like facebook or myspace... so how is that advertising if you have a topic like that? get your act together
  14. Is anyone on twitter? if so..you can follow me... http://twitter.com/SeanTheROBOT
  15. feeling awesome
  16. I just tried it and it's super slow on my system...i modified my firefox...which makes it a lot faster... no other browser can mess with that.
  17. I'll wait for the final release i guess... I'm happy with FireFox
  18. hey what's up jos? wow...I didn't know that I made so much posts in here
  19. wow..what happened to that little cute and shy jos? those are totally hottt and sexy nice
  20. Have a wonderful birthday Andreia ! Your present should arrive pretty soon... maybe you have it already...
  21. start a blog that will keep you busy if you choose to write about something that you really care about.
  22. I feel great and I need some breakfast now !
  23. I still have to watch the last 6 parts of the previous season lol
  24. nah...I'd prefer more vocals...his voice is still ok
  25. hot... especially with the glasses you should wear them more often
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