you'll get a post card 10000%!!! oh bout it you'll have the same adress right? not that i send it and then someone else gets it
you'll get a shell when I get home again ^.^ hopefully there will be some bc I remember the last times we were there, there were no shells O.o
lil Update:
In color again! yay! LOL
Sunday bloody Sunday... song from U2... and random info :-P LOL
Today was cool ^.^ I hade loads of fun My mum was home for some hours and tomorrow she'll come home and won't have to go back to the hospital
I'm very happy the whole day ^.^ uber happy more exactly ^.^
On tuesday we'll have a school trip and we're goin to Dachau to a concentration camp from the 2nd WW. I think it'll be pretty intressting to see something like that...
And I started my lil countdown to the holidays... we'll leave on thursday and come back somewhere around the 27 august... I have no idea... maybe I'll be able to get on on saturday if we're stay with my nan because then I could go to my uncle and he won't say no if I ask him if I could use the internet ^.^ hehe
That's it for today... =)