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  1. phreakwars

    Chinese gadgets

    Here's another one: Car Key Style Lighter Perfect for would be terrorists to sneak into local/federal courtrooms to light their explosives with. Ya take your keys out of your pocket, toss em in the basket, go through the metal detector, get...
  2. phreakwars

    Chinese gadgets The Flashlight Ear Cleaner Earwax Remover Earpick Curette Hmm... I'm supposed to stick this in my ear canal? Uh, OK, that sounds pretty safe, right? :blink: ****, it's only $1.34 . .
  3. phreakwars

    TYT: Tea party indoctrinating children
  4. phreakwars

    Marxism is Not a Religion, Capitalism is
  5. phreakwars

    Things Republicans hate
  6. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants
  7. phreakwars


    Happy Birthday. These were on sale, so I got you a cake too. . .
  8. phreakwars

    The GOP Pledge to America written by corporate lobbyists

    http://www.huffingto...t_n_735911.html SURRREE THEY WERE... Yep, the good ole' GOP, sure looking out for them small business owners. Just four hours after unveiling the pledge, which included a promise to give small business tax deductions, Republicans went back to the House and voted...
  9. phreakwars

    so where are the jobs?

    TJ's idea of a NET GAIN: Wow, a WHOPPING 1.1% . .
  10. phreakwars

    Socialism for Dummies
  11. phreakwars

    so where are the jobs? THE place for all your right wing opinions.
  12. phreakwars

    The GOP Pledge to America

    I Pledge Allegiance to the Rich   And the United States of Wall Street   And to the Plutocracy for which it stands   One Nation, under Greed   Extremely Divisible   With Wealth Reserved for the Few         http://www.commondre...ther/2010/09/24  ...
  13. phreakwars

    so where are the jobs?

  14. phreakwars

    so where are the jobs?

    Republicans can't create jobs for ****, the evidence is there
  15. phreakwars

    so where are the jobs?

  16. phreakwars

    The Great Republican Small Business Scam - Special Report

    Part 1: Part 2:
  17. phreakwars

    so where are the jobs?

    Just to clarify, TJ's version of unemployment falling and jobs being created. Oh sure... looks like a HUGE dip in unemployment to me. :rolleyes: . .
  18. phreakwars

    so where are the jobs?

    Wow, just LOOK how the chart goes DOWN DOWN under Clinton & shoots up just before Obama's inauguration.
  19. phreakwars

    so where are the jobs?

    Look at the chart again dumbass. The JOB KILLING started way before the guy was even elected. He just happened to get into office after the decline reached it's peak. And if you wanna feed me that complete BULLSHIT how he killed the jobs. What law did he pass to do that? Sorry dude, it's...
  20. phreakwars

    so where are the jobs?

    Dumb topic. Obama has saved/created over 3,000,000 jobs. More in 1 year then Bush in 8. Of course, he wouldn't have had to do that if all those tax cuts to the rich actually created jobs in the first place.. so yeah... WHERE ARE THE JOBS promised by Republicans? Being slowly restored by...
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