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  1. stupidsoul1

    school work?

    is there such a thing as too much school work?? meh....lately i think there is my school they are trying to cram our brains with pointless **** from a school certificate test...they know its not in the test but they just make us do it. so...does anyone have lots of school work?!
  2. stupidsoul1

    my 8000th post......T___T

    LMAO i feel like a ******...anyway i really wanted 2 make a thread for my 1000th post but i missed it... i would like to thank everyone for putting up with me and entertaining me alot. i would also like to apologise for spamming i know it really annoyed alot of people...and if i offended...
  3. stupidsoul1

    new found glory

    anyone here like them? ...i think some of their songs r oki...but their vocalist bugs me but they make me laugh....i just heard their cover of my heart will go on for those who dont know what song that is if u have seen titanic its like a really emo song from that. anyway this cover sucks in...
  4. stupidsoul1

    help please!!!!!!!! you this is really "spam" but yeah its important to me..... for my school jersey thing i need a name 2 put on my back and nobody is helping me think of a good one that is worth bothering to put there for a whole year... so can someone please help ...
  5. stupidsoul1

    me time

    hehe i dont know if this link will work but hey.......i tried its funny..
  6. stupidsoul1

    i love this thing.... its so hilarious my fave answer is that im a im a growth slutty salad buffet that loves to eat lanterns haha
  7. stupidsoul1


    hey aumtumn was having a baby in jan... has she had it yet?? does anyone know how she is???
  8. stupidsoul1


    hey *Cries* i gtg for like a month due to me spendin too much time on the net n (was kinda 250%) over my dl limit n my parents dont want to pay so much so im coming back around 25th jan... im going to miss you people so much ..really *gives pancakes n glowsticks n bananas to everyone* *hugs*
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