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  1. fullauto

    Can't get that ***** smell off your ****

    Does anyone else here hate that... it's been 2 days now, and even lava soap hasn't done the trick! Not that it's a bad scent, but I have a clean thing... i have to be clean.... help me Obewon! You're my only hope!
  2. fullauto

    Breakthrough in Stem Cell research

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Harvard scientists announced they've discovered a way to fuse adult skin cells with embryonic stem cells, a promising breakthrough that could lead to the creation of useful stem cells without first having to create and destroy human embryos. Link to article...
  3. fullauto

    The Best of Builder!

    Hehe... If I had your head, I'd cut it off to spite my neck! I'm sure you can all see what's wrong with that.. I'll let it rest First, there was truth... THEN there was BUILDERS VERSION ! ! ! ! that IS pretty lame... it ranks just under tossa, and ******* He is a virgo, and likes long...
  4. fullauto

    Pullout complete - Now what?

    NETZARIM, Gaza (CNN) -- Jewish settlers sang, danced and prayed with Israeli soldiers Monday before residents emptied Netzarim, the last settlement in Gaza to be evacuated. CNN's Paula Hancocks, Shira Medding and John Vause contributed to this report...
  5. fullauto

    WPYO Forum cleaned out...**** IT... it needed a refresh anyways...

    just leave it... I'll try to populate it with some decent threads...
  6. fullauto

    Builder is the following

    just taking a poll as usuall...
  7. fullauto

    Who's more dangerous

    Nazis, or Communists?
  8. fullauto

    Thank *** they died!

    well... we had too bad they died.. now let's get the other end I'll kick it off with.... John Wayne Gayce
  9. fullauto

    Who is the biggest ******* here

    Just wondering if I made the top 3 or not....
  10. fullauto

    Who is behind 911

    just taking a poll
  11. fullauto

    Battle Of The Gods

    I am creating this thread as a sort of 'battle dome' for the various gods to have thier dogma be heard concerning different issues... --------------- EG--------------- A person smacks you on one cheeks.... you should: ALLAH: <muslim fills in a SHORT response here> ***: <Christians...
  12. fullauto

    Fullauto's TV show

    Starting a PA show with some friends, and have started an FTP server so people can access the show clips in WMV format that aren't in the local area.... please login and download some if the clips and make sure the ftp site is working and tell me what you think of the show clips... thanks...
  13. fullauto

    Racial Profiling....

    With all that is happening in the world today concerning terrorism, would it be considered wrong to racially profile when looking for suspects in a terrorist case? the racial makeup of terrorists is overwhelmingly male, arabs muslims.... Is it not smart to pay a little more attention first to...
  14. fullauto

    Latest bombings....

    Does anyone here think that these latest bombings will spark some retrobution on the muslims guests in England by the populatin?
  15. fullauto

    the 'White Voice'.. huh??

    do any of the white people here know anyone that speaks like that, or speak like that themsleves? How well do you think a comedy rutine would be accepted if I just went on stage and walked like a monkey and said, "abba dooba deeba abba dabba fabba abba!" I would probably get shot on the way to...
  16. fullauto

    WWII generation soldiers VS Now... Different?

    I have found that this country has gone and got pussyfied in a real hurry.... any thoughts?
  17. fullauto

    Race War, the real Cold War

    "The Race War of Black Against White By Paul Sheehan Sydney Morning Herald, May 20, 1995 The longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty War, and it is not over. It has lasted 30 years so far and claimed more than 25 million victims. It has cost almost as many lives as the Vietnam War...
  18. fullauto

    Is *********ing better than ***?

    They both have thier advantages...with jerking off, I get off once... very quickly and then I'm done and don't have to warry about anyone else... With someone else, I can go 3-4 times without a hitch, but it's so awkward... Women have trouble telling you what the REALLY want... :confused...
  19. fullauto

    Mark of Cain - White People?

    Gen. 4:15, And Yahweh said unto Him, therefore, whosoever slayeth Cain vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And Yahweh placed a mark upon Cain lest any finding him should kill him. The mark that Yahweh has put on Cain, has been one of the most controversial subjects in the Holy Scripture...
  20. fullauto

    Storage space for media exchange

    It would be really kewl... I don't know what your server space or traffic limitations are though... members only though... with many rep points... large size limit but short expiration date... maybe 3 days tops! that would be hotter than a ben-gay handjob!
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