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  1. Greyfoxx

    System from queen of the damned

    Hey all...i wa just wondering what you all thought of Chaz's work on the song System that he did for the mo0vie Queen of the Damned, i think its awsome, and if u never heard it i will try to get it on here.
  2. Greyfoxx

    Unknown title....

    I knwo i havent been on for a while, but i have been working on this. Enjoy! CHAPTER ONE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The plane shook with turblance and the cargo rattled in the chains. The cargo jets' only passangers sat in harnesses. The man to the right was tall and had...
  3. Greyfoxx

    Which Song Are You?

    I got this....Numb
  4. Greyfoxx

    The FOC-Fans Of Chester

    i love the hair in this pic! GO CHAZ!!!!!!! :thumbsup:
  5. Greyfoxx

    The FOC-Fans Of Chester

    I would so LOVE to have a tat to them, but my mom would KILL me! I think "Moonie" would be a good name for the chimp/monkey dude! Lol. So yea! Here is a pic i guess.
  6. Greyfoxx

    The FOC-Fans Of Chester

    Hey all! Here are a few of my very many chaz pics.
  7. Greyfoxx

    Just a Warning<<<<Poem!

    This is my newest poem....enjoy! Just a Warning My Evil Knows no bounds I allow It to roam freely. It watches people suffer Listens to Thier agony. My Evil is apart of me So i can snap at any point in time Be warned, I can to many things Most, You do not want to hear Do not cross me...
  8. Greyfoxx

    In Me <<<<Poem

    Hey all. This is a poem i wrote. Enjoy. In Me Darkness flows through my veins Evil is pumped out of my heart Nobody can excape it No, not even you. When the sun goes down, My evil comes out I like my evil better than the normal So it stays with me Wherever I may go, you can see Red...
  9. Greyfoxx

    Chester Pics

    I think I figured out how to post pics! tell me if it works!
  10. Greyfoxx

    Black Soul....

    CHAPTER 1.... All I could remember is running. Running. Running through the jungle. I could see the Nile, the Blue Nile. The Nile that killed my mother. My mother was the most feared among the four legs. She was the black wolf Akrya. I am her daughter...Black Soul. I was her partner in...
  11. Greyfoxx

    Help me out plz

    Hello. Im a writer....I have this story that i would like to post, but it has nothing to do with Linkin Park or anyone in it, HELP! should i post it or not? :confused:
  12. Greyfoxx

    Greyfoxx's Journal

    April 25, 2005 Today was different for me because I now have a boyfriend that im trying to Break to my parents. He is a senior and im a freshman.... ;) He's so nice to me a stuff like that. My folks are all..."No dateing till After high school" so i think ive almost got them to like the idea...
  13. Greyfoxx

    New here.....

    Hello Everyone. Im Greyfoxx. I love Chester :thumbsup: I am new here. HELLLO!!!
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