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  1. hugo

    Progressive Paradise?

    All most people need is a catostrophic health insurance policy with a $10,000 annual deductible. This would encourage them to shop around for basic healthcare and prevent them from going bankrupt in the event of a stroke, cancer, heart attack, accident, etc.. This is the route I will take when I...
  2. hugo

    The Obama alternative

    I am in the majority when it comes to thinking Palin ain't Presidential material. That ain't real radical. If the Republicans wish to beat Obama they need to pick someone else. I prefer someone with Jeffersonian principles without a history of being a socialist and a quitter.
  3. hugo

    So why support liberals?

    I got an illegal latina who dies that for me.
  4. hugo

    The Obama alternative

    It ain't just the radicals opposing Palin. 71 percent of the American people and 52% of Republicans do not think she is Presidential material and less than half of the self described conservatives. Not because she increased socialism in a state that was already the most socialist state in the...
  5. hugo

    Obama still does not get it

    I will bet the stuff is in Chinese homes and no one is complaining. We are a nation of whiners.
  6. hugo

    Happy Birthday Wez

    Have a great one, wez. Keep your intelligent and witty posts coming our way.
  7. hugo

    Obama still does not get it We are kicking Chinas' ass. They get jobs because they are poorer than crap. They give us goods for pieces of paper.
  8. hugo

    liberal games

    Lookinfg for someone who is a devoted capitalist myself.
  9. hugo

    liberal games

    One thing for sure no one will ever call Hillary masturbatory material.
  10. hugo

    Vaginal Products

    That's two.
  11. hugo

    New study released, FOX news makes you stupid

    The left believes Palin is much more influential than she really is.
  12. hugo

    So why support liberals?

    Sometimes you do something because you feel it is the responsible thing to do even if it is not enjoyable.
  13. hugo

    So why support liberals?

    Entitlements make up 2/3rds of the federal budget. If not wanting to pay taxes makes you selfish count me as selfish. What liberals believe is people have to be coerced into being charitable.
  14. hugo

    Screw the homeless

    My city government at work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes government ain't satisfied with just crowding out private charity. How the hell did we get to the point where we have...
  15. hugo

    So why support liberals?

    Too be fair to Oprah she funds a lot of charities. I think Oprah may realize that she could do much more good with that money than the IRS.
  16. hugo

    Why business is scared of Obama

    The ruling is insane. Now even a permit no longer gives you the ability to go ahead and invest in a project without concern that permit will be revoked. Businesses invest based on a perceived risk-to-reward ratio. This greatly increases the risks to busineses throughout the US of making certain...
  17. hugo

    Oil taxes, gas pipeline keys to Parnell legislative agenda

    Good news for Alaska. The governor seems to be rejecting communism, unlike his predecessor.
  18. hugo

    Palin gets people killed

    Do not count on it. Palin finishes last as usual. Obama is following the Clinton model and is moving toward the center after a disastrous midterm election. He will be a formidable opponent in...
  19. hugo

    Palin gets people killed

    Two can play that game
  20. hugo

    Vaginal Products

    Reeled in one of 'em.