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  1. phreakwars

    TYT: Tea party indoctrinating children

  2. phreakwars

    Marxism is Not a Religion, Capitalism is

  3. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    So which tax would that be that's went up? Never did see an answer. . .
  4. phreakwars

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    Nope, I stand by my last statement. The more people educate themselves about religion, the more they know how full of **** it is. Just ask former Catholic priest Ray Fontaine: . .
  5. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    So which tax would that be that's went up? Never did see an answer. . .
  6. phreakwars

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    A large number of Deists (which I am), are composed of Ex Catholic's (which I also am). We understand the bible so much, that it can make you sick. Peg one against a Christian on the game show Jeopardy and my money's on the Deist/Ex Catholic. I'd say this statement is 100% accurate: . .
  7. phreakwars

    Things Republicans hate
  8. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    So which tax would that be that's went up? . .
  9. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    Your thinking of George Bush senior. Obama never promised no new taxes.. . .
  10. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    Boy you have an excuse for everything, don't ya TJ. . .
  11. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    Then you tuned out of listening. There are several way. Medicare buy in, increase in the (measley 1.3%) medicare tax, but let's not get into that. Your slow, we understand why you don't get it. . .
  12. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    That wasn't the point he was making. The point he was making, was the REASON people were against it. For instance I MYSELF was against it. Go back and look at my old posts and you'll see this holds true. Had it been improved on, I would have liked to see it pass. The one that was passed into...
  13. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    Yet another fine example of how TJ is too stupid to know he's stupid. Let's get this right. Obama is ALLEGEDLY a progressive. He proves he is progressive by using the normal politics that a progressive uses. He's so progressive in fact, that he went "MAVERICK" and "ROGUE" on progressives and...
  14. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

  15. phreakwars

    No, not John Stewart too....

  16. phreakwars


    Happy Birthday. These were on sale, so I got you a cake too. . .
  17. phreakwars

    No, not John Stewart too....

  18. phreakwars

    No, not John Stewart too....

    Generic answer that you always dodge, yet accuse me of the same ****. HOW would they do it? They sure haven't done it in the last 8 years, why should ANYBODY expect change with Right wingers in control? What services are Republicans gonna cut? What big sacrifices and boot strap pulling are...
  19. phreakwars

    No, not John Stewart too....

    So where is it TJ? Where is that great Republican alternative solution that would have fixed us starting on Jan 20 2009? What was the timeline on that promise? That's a pathetic excuse. The economy hasn't recovered in 18 months after 8 years of Republican abuse, so it's a total failure? What...