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  1. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    so i'm going to refrain from turning this into a pwnage thread more than i have and issue this statement. the only people that aren't treating me nice are the ones that have no say anyways. you, i don't care what you say, you're just another person, another fifteen year old kid that tries to be...
  2. Hyper

    i really need help

    It's cuz we're so 1337. Tragically 1337 FTW.
  3. Hyper

    i really need help

    They'll probably get in trouble. But there's nothing you can do about it. You can't take the blame or feel bad when your buddies get caught for doing irresponsible things.
  4. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    Dude, that's twice in one thread. I should calm my logic stick. *goes to photoshop a logic stick*
  5. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    Calm down bud. *lights another cig* *gets new Mountain Dew* The disturbance in the force has been balanced.
  6. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    Okay, I'm making an executive decision. Woody, please PM anybody you feel the need to address. It'll save a lot of people a lot of confusion. Thank you and enjoy your evening.
  7. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    shh. the vash monster's listening. :D she just got you confused with me with matt. no biggie. so how about them dodgers? mighty fine football team if i do say so myself.
  8. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    Dude I didn't know I got demoted from news broadcaster. I say no, renomination is a bad idea. People will argue over who should be nominated in what. Need an example? Read this thread. :thumbsup: I'm bouncin off the walls again. Woah-oh. And I'm lookin like a fool again. Woah-oh. I...
  9. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    I'm ADD. hey woody, i do believe that's keeping this thing going. *uh-oh!* and sorry, I'm HYPER H-Y-P-E-R not misery. gosh. disregard life. please.
  10. Hyper

    i really need help

    So what exactly could you be paranoid about? Being caught "lying"? If that's it, don't worry about it, kids protect their friends, there's no law against that really.
  11. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    woah; that red caught my attention. i should have used that tactic. damnnn.
  12. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    *Takes a note from woody's book* *disregards posts* I like cheese!
  13. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    Like me =/ and damn Taylor.. you just pwnd me.
  14. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    Damn. Maybe my posts are just too long for you to read. How's this. Having an opinion[something you believe] is fine. The way you convey[voice] it is what makes you a whiny bitch[n. See woodyloveslinkin and Hahninator]. I've bitched on about you for about a page, yes, but I'm not whining...
  15. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    Hah. I don't know why I try, arguing with an arrogant fool does nothing. But I have to call your bluff. Mark would have said something. Want to know why? He's a little whiny bitch that didn't get what he wanted. There's nothing wrong with that, unless you're him, or his mommy. Even so...
  16. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    *cough* Isn't that what lost you your elite? You and SV and his cronies tryin to "over throw LPF" I remember that, you were all "Down with mod's up with Virus!!" WOOOOO Look, there's a new bandwagon comin thru town. It's called "GET A ****ING GRIP" No one's going to take you seriously...
  17. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    Yeah;; cuz I straight up dissed yo graphics thugg. I hope you know I'm kidding when I'm talking to you. But if you're serious. Internet fighting, you're a keyboard pro huh? Type out a rhyme, that aint freestylin, you got time son. You don't have to straight up say somethin. I can handle it...
  18. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D <filter.
  19. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    How depressing :D The spreadage will come :D
  20. Hyper

    Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

    So this is pretty much what it boils down to. Anybody who didn't get what they want has become very childish. And by everybody, I mean everybody who's actively voiced their opinion. Woody is 'backing up Mark' because he had the 'balls to step up'. When in reality, Woody is backing up Mark...