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  1. Chi

    It's your basketball sized balls that repel him.

    It's your basketball sized balls that repel him.
  2. Chi

    So long Superbowl

    10 bucks? What a cheapskate!lol;D
  3. Chi

    Pole Dancing for kids...

    I and most people associate pole dancing to stripping/strippers/something for adults/something sexual, sexy, so no, I wouldn't go for it or be too encoyuraging to sign my kids up for that. I on the other hand would like to take a class for myself!;) Surely not the kiddie version of course.
  4. Chi

    yeah, it reminded me of all those first hand experiences you told me about, Snaf;D

    yeah, it reminded me of all those first hand experiences you told me about, Snaf;D
  5. Chi

    You did get your drink. You just don't remember because the bartender put something in it. Are...

    You did get your drink. You just don't remember because the bartender put something in it. Are you feeling sore in strange places?
  6. Chi

    Kudos to These Banks

    My ass! When you are caught and witnessed to murdering all of those people, you're guilty! Why waste time and money on cases like this? Even if it was murky and a mystery who the responsible shooter was, he should still be suspended without pay like RaE mentioned, just for the fact that he was...
  7. Chi

    Kudos to These Banks

    WHAT??! What I find more appalling is that he is still getting paid!!! For what, not working and being a murderer??
  8. Chi

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Belated Birthday to the both of ya! Sorry I'm late.
  9. Chi

    AP - Store manager tells robber Jesus wouldn't approve

    I'm glad it worked. Another robber could have gotten annoyed by that and shot her.
  10. Chi

    AP - Inmate sues man he's convicted of burglarizing

    The effin nerve of some people!!
  11. Chi

    Just had some leftover peanut curry broth, rice and fish for lunch, I want more!

    Just had some leftover peanut curry broth, rice and fish for lunch, I want more!
  12. Chi

    Strange Reunions

    Had to be. That would explain why them offering such a bizarre deal to you would sound sane and like a good idea to them. They are obviously desperate for drug money.
  13. Chi

    Strange Reunions

    I would try to get the hell outta there asap too! VERY bizarre.
  14. Chi

    Strange Reunions

    Tell me about it. She probably is on drugs now. My ex-best friend changed dramatically overnight and sure enough, it was because of drugs.. That's why she's my ex-best friend now. Good idea about staying away from her and her weirdo associations.
  15. Chi

    I LOVE foot massages! All over body massages really.

    I LOVE foot massages! All over body massages really.
  16. Chi

    AP - France declares war against al-Qaida

    Wow, if wimpy, on the fence France is actually declaring war on someone that is really something.
  17. Chi

    AP - Jury finds Texas man guilty of starving 3 children

    This is so heartbreaking.... How can someone be so cruel... No, shooting them between the eyes is too humane. They should suffer the same fate they put upon those poor children and worse!!
  18. Chi

    AP - Daughter urges Okla. voters to not vote for father

    Wow, that's cold. I'll be very surprised if he still manages to win.
  19. Chi

    AP - Police: Pa. mom cleaned bath with son's toothbrush

    Okay... These two obviously shouldn't be living together... One he is too damn old to still be living at home with mommy and two she obviously hates him..