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  1. M

    Polygamy laws

    RaE... if you have HBO try to catch a couple episodes of Big Love... maybe you could pick up some pointers for achieving that dream ;) I caught an episode of it last weekend and ended up on demanding about a dozen more. I think I'm addicted.... and almost caught up on this season. Kind of...
  2. M

    Public vent time

    It's also the children that pay the price of dealing with a marriage that maybe never should have happened inthe first place. Your first statement here was that people these days are too quick to walk away... quite often they don't run away fast enough. Things are never as black and white as...
  3. M

    Public vent time

    Funny how I fit into your "hard scientific study", yet my parents "stayed together for the kids" and "tried to work it out". My father was everything but "attentive, caring and loving", but he was there every night... OH wait... he was attentive! We had his full attention as he was hurling...
  4. M

    Public vent time

    Look at all the people who might not be here if those relationships had continued... It's kind of like that arguement about aborting Hitler or Beethoven. Pretty much pointless. It is what it is. They all survived the trauma. I don't think any one of them entered into their marriages...
  5. M

    Public vent time

    Divorce is never easy... and quite often NOT the "easier" choice. "The devil you know is better than the devil you don't." Sometimes the "easier" choice is just sticking with the status-quo to make everyone else happy, keep them from judging you and keep trudging along. Yes, there are people...
  6. M

    Public vent time

    Also, Atlantic: just because what YOU see is "a nice guy" doesn't mean he's a nice guy at home. My father was a wonderful friend, but he sucked @ss as a husband and father. His friends had nothing but praise for him. I lived with holes being punched through walls, lamps being thrown at my...
  7. M

    Public vent time

    My Grandfather used to tell me about his "booty calls"... there have always been willing women. He was also divorced in 1945.... and had a child out of wedlock. That child is my God Father and my mother's younger brother. He married a woman that had been previously married and divorced. The...
  8. M

    Public vent time

    TJ- can I ask when this magical time period was when everyone stayed in marriage forever and ever? What was the approximate point in time in which it all changed and ended up in the sh!tter? I'd like a point of reference before I argue a case based on my own family history which will...
  9. M

    Public vent time

    There's a lot of that going around... There's not really much you can say, wez. Just be there for them. And listen if they want to vent.
  10. M

    Happy Birthday Wez

    Happy Birthday, Bucko! :)
  11. M

    Schoolyard Taunting

    :p (blah, blah, blah for comment length)
  12. M

    Schoolyard Taunting

    meye EYE QUE iz fiddy too!
  13. M

    Schoolyard Taunting

    My kid paid taxes on the Nintendo game he bought last week. Let's give hm a vote! That wouldn't work, not because it's politically incorrect, but because it's just plain stupid.
  14. M

    Schoolyard Taunting

    Thank God for that! I'd just be wasting my time up there, if not for you ;)
  15. M

    Schoolyard Taunting

    no worries there... he'd spend it all on Shiner, strippers and Waffle House. ;)
  16. M

    'Nuther 'nuther birthday

    Happy Birthday, Tori :)
  17. M

    'Nuther birthday?

    Happy Birthday, IWS! Hope you had a great day :)
  18. M

    Schoolyard Taunting

    I think your son might be the only one to buy her book... I saw it advertised on TV the other night for $4.95 :p I'm guessing it hasn't made any best sellers lists if they're just about giving it away already.
  19. M

    Woo, hoo! Made the List

    The city I moved from in Michigan made some list twice, in the last few years.... I don't know how. Saline is all "wanna be Ann Arbor, but we're not and never will be, because we don't have a university or anything else to offer."
  20. M

    Worst highway system in nation

    I"m surprised the honor didn't go to Detroit... I always joke that they don't need the "Welcome to Wayne County" signs, the pot holes let you know you've arrived. The other counties aren't a whole lot better, but there is a noticeable difference. I got spoiled by Florida's roads, but Georgia's...