'Nuther 'nuther birthday

Happy B day Tori..

Almost a lawyer yet? Hows school goin'?

I got 1 semester left.. :)
Thanks guys. I need a pick-me-up with this B-day. I thought about skipping it altogether. If I sleep through it, it didn't happen, right?

Yep. One semester left Wez. Thank God....Now for the Bar. Ugh.

This crap is killing me. Between running kids to activities, looking for work, and school, I don't have time to breath. Got a job lined up though. Wasn't sure about it at first, but it is set in stone now.
ToriAllen said:
Thanks guys. I need a pick-me-up with this B-day. I thought about skipping it altogether. If I sleep through it, it didn't happen, right?

Yep. One semester left Wez. Thank God....Now for the Bar. Ugh.

This crap is killing me. Between running kids to activities, looking for work, and school, I don't have time to breath. Got a job lined up though. Wasn't sure about it at first, but it is set in stone now.

Happy Birthday, Tori! Sounds like a LOT on your plate, you definitely DO need a pick me up. I hope it was/is a good one! And congrats on the job and everything you are accomplishing.