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  1. M

    Tiger Racist?

    Tiger Woods should be able to date/marry anyone, of any race, and still not be pigeon holed in that way. Why? Because he is a mix of ALL the races. And if anyone really wants to get all bent over it, why isn't it the Asians doing the complaining? (he IS 1/2 Asian, BTW...) I don't...
  2. M

    Guess what I got?

    be thankful it wasn't your shower he plugged up!
  3. M

    Tiger Racist?

    He's only 1/4 Black... does that mean that if there's any African American in his lineage that he should ONLY date Black women? What's the big freaking deal? He's also 1/4 Dutch, so maybe his upbringing and exposure to that culture helped frame his preferences. I don't know... and I...
  4. M

    Funny Picture Thread

    LMAO! I hope she used the Big Bertha!
  5. M

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm hoping for good food, but I'll have to let you know what boiled prime rib is like...
  6. M

    Caption this 11/13/09

    "I wish momma hadn't dropped me on my head. This damn helmet ruins the outfit!"
  7. M

    Caption this! 11/18/09

    Who's idea was THIS threesome?
  8. M

    Verbal masturbation.. wez style..

    Congrats!! :D
  9. M

    One Year Ago Today...

    Direct deposit: noted! ;)
  10. M

    One Year Ago Today...

    Thanks for the opening... I didn't quite know how to bring it up: My check for this month's friendship is late. 3 more days and I'm going to have to add interest and penalties.
  11. M

    Fight! Fight! Fight!

    LOL ... that would break me and I'd run away with my tail between my legs.
  12. M

    Fourth Grader To Obama: Why Do People Hate You?

    I wouldn't doubt the kid was planted, either.
  13. M

    Pigs may have tested positive for H1N1

    nah... FL is freakville, USA.
  14. M

    Fourth Grader To Obama: Why Do People Hate You?

    I interpreted the answer to be: A lot of people are losing their homes to foreclosure and a lot of people are losing thier jobs. People are frustrated and scared. When you're the president and things are good, you get to take credit. And when things are bad, you catch the blame. Right now...
  15. M

    24 hours

    I'm sure everything will be fine.... I'm just trying to hold on until I can allow myself the break down I've earned (Wednesday is party day! LOL) My head is spinning with kid BS that I feel totally overwhelmed with and out of my element handling on my own. There's a reason a kid should...
  16. M

    Why we have deficits.

    I might have been, but you didn't invite me to the party ;)
  17. M

    24 hours

    The way things are going lately, I should probably spend that 24 hours keeping my distance from everyone, hole up at home and tell y'all I was sick & couldn't make it. A day at the spa sounds nice, though... 24 hour mud mask under multiple layers of some crud that will crack and ruin the entire...
  18. M

    Why we have deficits.

    Just me being a sarcastic dumbass... I'm a total ass lately. I'm always impressed with what hugo pulls out of his ass.... and Walter Williams' ass, too!
  19. M

    Why we have deficits.

    He didn't attribute it to Walter Williams, so I'm guessing he pulled it out of his own ass... I mean, head. He pulled it out of his own head! yeah... that's what I meant. ;)
  20. M

    Jon Gosselin is a Douchebag

    I get that same feeling.