Search results

  1. Z

    new things about mike's album

    y dun u klose it? [juzt a suggestion, lol :)] .
  2. Z

    This or that!

    damn hard... 2nd choice will do. :-\ Hybrid Theory Band or Xero Band?
  3. Z

    stereotype quiz

    lol, the LP thing! :)
  4. Z


    in nickelodeon awards and stuff they always edit out the "damn"!!! :(
  5. Z

    stereotype quiz

    :( lol, Goth. Goth=81% Prep/Jock/Cheerleader=75% Loner=56% Ghetto gangsta=50% Drama Nerd=38% Geek=31% Punk/Rebel=13% Stoner=6% well..... lol :) .
  6. Z

    New CD info (LP CD, no solo stuff)

    k00l, in HT there were 12, Meteora 13, and now 14! wierd.... :)
  7. Z

    Linkin Park Font

    thanx very much!!! :)
  8. Z

    Hyper + Misery Sig Requests

    i juzt got in this thread so i dun wanna look at all the pages [lol, imma lazy a** :)], but i'd luv 2 do a sig 4 sum1. :thumbsup:
  9. Z

    Linkin Park Font

    Any1 know where i kan get it? Thanx in advanz3. -z. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  10. Z

    Fort Minor

    thanx, i was confused, lol. :)
  11. Z

    Fort Minor

    i dun get it. iz it [fort minor] or [the rising tied]? [sorry if it's a stupid q.]
  12. Z

    This or that!

    marc. Being a Mod or an Admin?
  13. Z

    Shinizzle n Chazy Chaz-gurls I advice u 2 stay calm

    [exkuze the 2 posts] in the post, click on [go advanced], then at the bottom of the post, there's sumthing that sayz [attatchments]. clik on [choose file], then a window will pop up where u choose the one u wanna attatch. after that's done, clik on [upload] in the window where u chose the file...
  14. Z

    Shinizzle n Chazy Chaz-gurls I advice u 2 stay calm

    try and get it goin' or i won't change my vote. and u know wut it iz.
  15. Z

    This or that!

    cherry. strappleberry or grapermelon juicy fruit flavors?
  16. Z

    This or that!

    TOILET!!! LOL! :-D Being a Mod or a N00B?
  17. Z

    This or that!

    walmart. k-mart or biglotz?
  18. Z

    This or that!

    neither??? :-s Chevy or Ford?
  19. Z

    This or that!

    damn, kan i pass? headaches or stomach aches?
  20. Z

    This or that!

    basket ball, lol. coco. tennis or baseball?